Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church

Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church

Israelites, Pharisees & Sadducees In The 21st Century Church


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By many subtle and not-so-subtle means, those who are not totally convinced are put

down and pushed out, while only the mindlessly obedient are praised and lifted up -

becoming trusted members of staff and elders. It quickly dawns on everybody that the

way to be accepted, loved, respected and promoted is to offer blind trust and

submission to the leadership. Since most people fear exclusion, and seek love and

approval, they learn to obey. This is the "reward and punishment" system spoken of in

Tactic 2.

In watching many of Rodney Howard Browne's videos it offends me deeply that he

openly insults anyone who does not submit to his methods. Any person foolhardy

enough to sit still, read the Bible, and resist the waves of laughter is rounded upon and

publicly branded "a religious Pharisee" and when that person eventually walks out,

Browne mocks them and makes a joke at their expense.

How many of us are strong enough to withstand the critical stares and mockery of a

thousand people in a public meeting? How many of us would submit and follow the

crowd - do what we are told - rather than be branded a misfit? So, when the pressure is

applied, people submit and learn to go with the flow.

Common Cause

When John Doe experiences the revival manifestations, people "outside" no longer

seem to understand him. Only the truly "anointed" seem to have empathy for him

because they share his experiences. All the initiates commit themselves to work for the

exciting goals of restoration - they have a common cause that binds them, and nonmembers

simply "do not understand".

Therefore, to spare themselves criticism or challenge, they avoid contact with anyone

who has not shared a similar experience. Indeed, contact and conversation with those

outside quickly angers them, because their perceptions are challenged and the initiation

begins to break down. They must quickly rid themselves of opposing views, and act to

reinforce the teaching by attending yet more meetings or sharing with fellow "cultists".

All of this drives the members closely together and instills a distrust of those "outside".

I tell you, this is the word I hear the Spirit of the Lord releasing over this region. It is a

paradigm shift the Lord is bringing... I hear the Lord say that some have left

denominational, old wineskin places because you’ve been hungry for what God is doing

in this hour. ...And God says I am raising up these "Training Centers" to be places of

demonstration of what I will do...The religious systems of men will always try to bring the

true Davidic Company into bondage, with their way of doing things, but the Davidic spirit

will always reject it. [from Kingdom Restoration Centre by Robert Gay at Praise &

Worship Seminar - March 11th, 1999]

And so the circle of social interaction narrows down to the church and those within it

who are "initiated". Social events, outings, meals and other day to day happenings are

all confined to fellow church members, thus reinforcing the validity of the revival

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