Life February 2020

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In 100 years, those who live and work

around us will be in eternity. Enjoying life

with us around the Throne, or suffering the

eternal death we all deserve. You and I have

been entrusted with the power to make the


For I am not ashamed of the gospel,

because it is the power of God that

brings salvation to everyone who

believes: first to the Jew, then to the


Romans 1:16

We want to make the most of 2020 to spur

each other on to live ‘Unashamed!’

This won’t be a year of events, but a year

to change our culture. To orient our life

together more fully towards making

disciples by sharing our lives and this

powerful gospel word.

Everyone can be involved. Four simple steps

for each of us will mean one giant leap for

the kingdom. The maths is simple 1+1=1000.

With around 500 followers of Jesus in the

Lansdowne family, then him using each of

us to lead someone to follow him will mean

1000 in his kingdom. Just think!

4 small steps, one giant leap - Look,

Engage, Add, Pray – LEAP!


– see what God’s doing and build on it

Let’s share stories of all that God is doing

through our relationships and in our groups

as we encourage everyone to build on this

foundation. We will establish a natural

rhythm that builds through each term. At

the start we’ll encourage everyone to build

our relationships for Christ. Every group will

then endeavour to reach out together in the

middle. Then there will be a small number

of key central events to invite people to.

Starting with the Holiday Club in February

and the Mark Drama at Easter, we’ll then

make most of the summer including a beach

baptism, before hosting Ravi Zacharias

(a well known Christian apologist) in



- all who are seeking with our lives and the


There’ll be many opportunities to do this

starting with Engage courses like CE and

Alpha at the start of each term. Who might

you engage this year?


- something we’ve not yet done

Is there something new you could try? Our

‘Go Tell Team’ will be investigating ways

to share Christ on the streets. Perhaps

you could join them? Do you have a skill

that might draw people together? Come

and discuss how this might be used to

introduce people to the gospel. ‘Come See

Courses’ like these could be run anywhere,

at anytime and may see many hearing the

gospel among us.


- asking God to open doors and make


In addition to our prayer emphasis weeks

we aim to provide as many opportunities

as possible to get everyone praying. So if

you’re already reaching out, tell us, and

we’ll share it for prayer.

We all feel timid and inadequate. But

encouraging each other to take four small

steps will open the door for God to take us

on one great leap!

Mike Smailes | Associate Minister



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