2020 Summer Five Star Journal - Special Edition

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<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | Volume 19 | Issue No. 3<br />



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<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | Volume 19 | Issue No. 3<br />


5 Superintendent Video Message<br />

1500 E. 128th Ave.<br />

Thornton, CO 80241<br />

(720) 972-4156<br />

www.adams12.org<br />

7 Celebrating the Class of <strong>2020</strong><br />

22 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Snapshots<br />

25 Remote Learning Triumphs<br />

28 <strong>Summer</strong> Meal Program<br />

29 Rallying to the Cause<br />

32 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Awards<br />

34 Bond Update<br />

37 District Calendar<br />

38 Weekly Community Update<br />

Board of Education<br />

Kathy Plomer<br />

Laura Mitchell<br />

Brian Batz<br />

Lori Goldstein<br />

Jamey Lockley<br />

Superintendent<br />

Chris Gdowski<br />

Tracy Dorland, Deputy<br />

Communications Services<br />

Joe Ferdani<br />

Christina Dahmen<br />

Mark Poshak<br />

Kevin Denke<br />

Alicia Stice<br />

Eric Smith<br />

Raquel Williams<br />

Bailey Doehler<br />

Julie Foster<br />

Official Sponsor of<br />

the <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> <strong>Journal</strong><br />

<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong>: <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | 3<br />

Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools is a caring,<br />

inclusive and engaging district which<br />

exists so the students it serves can attain<br />

the knowledge and skills necessary to<br />

pursue the future of their choosing and<br />

are equipped to navigate and thrive in<br />

our rapidly changing world.

<strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools.<br />

<strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Choices.<br />

In Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools, we engage and inspire all students to innovate, achieve and succeed<br />

in a safe environment by ensuring high-quality instruction in every classroom, every day.<br />

Our community-created strategic plan, ELEVATE, completed in 2019, focuses on elevating student<br />

success through continued increases in student achievement; building student, family and staff pride<br />

in a positive climate and culture; and supporting the social-emotional well being of all students.<br />

In Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools, we:<br />

Care • Collaborate • Empower • Engage • Focus on Students<br />

I became part of the <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> community<br />

over 10 years ago as both a teacher and a<br />

parent. Education is constantly changing<br />

for students, teachers and parents, and I am<br />

lucky to be part of a district that strives to<br />

move forward and provide what is needed in<br />

meeting the needs of all students.<br />

Christina Espino<br />

Parent and Teacher<br />

Join our family of high performing schools.<br />

Enroll today! www.adams12.org/enroll


Click to watch video<br />

We did it! Congratulations on making it to the end of a good but challenging school year.<br />

While this is not the way we hoped this year would end, I am thankful for our entire <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong><br />

community, staff, students, families and partners, for their hard work, resilience and patience<br />

as we finish this unprecedented school year. Watch as other staff members join me in this<br />

video to say thank you and wish you well as we head into summer. Have a great break!<br />

Chris Gdowski, Superintendent<br />

<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong>: <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | 5


OF <strong>2020</strong>!<br />

You have elevated<br />

your education to<br />

incredible heights -<br />

but it doesn’t stop here.<br />

Best of luck as you<br />

continue to elevate<br />

your success wherever<br />

your path leads.<br />

Many wishes from your Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools<br />

Board of Education and staff.

Celebrating the Class of <strong>2020</strong><br />

An unforgettable ending for an impressive graduating class<br />

This spring has been like no other and the<br />

Class of <strong>2020</strong> has endured an unprecedented<br />

end to their K-12 education career. Although<br />

different than most, one thing remains the<br />

same in that high school graduation opens<br />

the door for the next phase of each student’s<br />

life. Whether that is college, an apprenticeship,<br />

military enlistment or a career, each student is<br />

headed for a bright future.<br />

Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools is proud to<br />

celebrate the accomplishments of more<br />

than 2,500 students graduating from our<br />

five traditional high schools, two alternative<br />

schools and four charter schools. Getting<br />

to this day is a true testament of not only a<br />

student’s hard work, but that of their families,<br />

teachers and community members who<br />

helped them gain the knowledge and skills<br />

necessary to pursue a future of their choice.<br />

This educational teamwork proved a success<br />

for an impressive graduating class – among<br />

the <strong>2020</strong> <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools’ graduates were<br />

two Boettcher Scholars, two Daniels Scholars<br />

and four military academy appointments. By<br />

graduation, 87.6 percent of the graduating<br />

class had decided on their post-secondary<br />

plans. Our students were offered more than<br />

$28.7 million in scholarships and more than 65<br />

of our student athletes were signed by college<br />

teams across the country.<br />

Even though we were unable to come<br />

together in-person to recognize the graduating<br />

class in the traditional way during May, that will<br />

not stop us from honoring and celebrating the<br />

many accomplishments of the Class of <strong>2020</strong><br />

through spring and summer. Flip through the<br />

next couple of pages to see just a few of the<br />

student honors from the Class of <strong>2020</strong> and<br />

how each school celebrated their graduating<br />

class through a variety of activities.<br />

Congratulations to each and every<br />

graduate for their accomplishments<br />

during their time in the <strong>Five</strong><br />

<strong>Star</strong> District.<br />

<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong>: <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | 7

Horizon<br />

High<br />


HHS<br />

Social Media Shout- outs<br />

Best wishes<br />

class of <strong>2020</strong><br />

Student Honors<br />

Daniels Scholar:<br />

Brianna Talmadge<br />

<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong>: <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | 9

Legacy<br />

High<br />

School<br />

Student Honors<br />

Boettcher Scholar:<br />

Cameron Shelley<br />

Daniels Scholar:<br />

Nicholas Dawson<br />

Jimmy Griffin<br />

Memorial Scholarship:<br />

Andrew Kue

LHS<br />

Social Media Shout- outs<br />

Best wishes<br />

class of <strong>2020</strong><br />

Chris Reagan<br />

Memorial Scholarship:<br />

Makayla Merlo and<br />

Gary “Jake” Maurek<br />

National Merit<br />

Scholarship:<br />

Colin England, Sophia Hendrix,<br />

Faiza Shaik and Brynn Siles<br />

DiCiero<br />

Scholarship:<br />

Keala Gero

Mountain<br />

Range<br />

High<br />


MRHS<br />

Social Media Shout- outs<br />

Best wishes<br />

class of <strong>2020</strong><br />

Student Honors<br />

Merchant Marine<br />

Military Academy<br />

Appointment:<br />

Anna Oliver<br />

United States Army<br />

ROTC Scholarship:*<br />

Edward Walton<br />

*Full scholarship to ROTC program of choice<br />

Early Admission to Brown University<br />

on a Full Scholarship:<br />

Saviannah Gonzales Wagner

Northglenn<br />

High<br />

School<br />

Best wishes<br />

class of <strong>2020</strong><br />

Student Honors<br />

United States Military<br />

Academy Appointment:<br />

Robert Collier<br />

FCCLA Scholarship:<br />

Juan Gonzalez<br />

Horatio Alger<br />

Scholarship:<br />

Hannah McBride

Social Media Shout- outs<br />

First graduating class from the<br />

Early College at Northglenn<br />

STEM program<br />

These 17 students represent the first graduating<br />

class from the Early College Program at Northglenn<br />

High School STEM. Students graduate with both a<br />

high school diploma and an industry-recognized<br />

associate degree in Computer Information Systems.<br />

Fifteen of the 17 students are headed to Front Range<br />

Community College to do a free fifth year and complete<br />

their associate degree.<br />

Julisa Acevedo* (United States Navy)<br />

Jacob Argueta Jimenez<br />

Ruben Damian Romero<br />

Delanie Davey<br />

Sergio De La Torre Garcia<br />

David Fransua<br />

Xiomara Garcia Villa<br />

Itzel Huerta Bonilla<br />

Geoffrey Maya<br />

Colin Morton<br />

Zachariah Morton<br />

Andrew Nguyen<br />

Jaime Olivares Galeana<br />

Nayeli Rodriguez<br />

Jordan Snetzinger*(Arizona)<br />

Tristin Souther<br />

Corinne Tesoriero<br />

NHS<br />

*The two others - one is attending another university<br />

and one is enlisting in the United States Navy.<br />

Culinary Arts Institute<br />

Scholarship to Colorado<br />

Mountain College:<br />

Matthew Kopala<br />

First Seal of Biliteracy:<br />

Nayeli Rodriguez<br />

Gates Scholarship:<br />

William Solorio Hernandez

thornton<br />

High<br />


THS<br />

Social Media Shout- outs<br />

Best wishes<br />

class of <strong>2020</strong><br />

Student Honors<br />

Cooke Foundation Scholarship* and<br />

a Full Scholarship to Harvard:<br />

Ananda Birungi<br />

Teaching Program Internship:<br />

Prosperity Rosales and<br />

Noelia Salazar Acosta<br />

*Cooke Foundation Scholarship is only awarded to 50 seniors nationwide

Pathways Future<br />

Center School<br />

Student Honors<br />

Mario Enriquez Sanchez<br />

This is a student who came to Pathways and found a perfect home! He is<br />

very well liked amongst the student body and teachers. Working at his own<br />

academic pace allowed Mario to be successful and we know that he will bring<br />

that same drive for success to the United States Army when he joins in January.<br />

Yazmine Salgado<br />

Yazmine Salgado will enlist in the United States Navy immediately upon<br />

completing high school. Yazmine joined Pathways Future Center School in<br />

fall of 2019. She has been very motivated to complete all of her requirements<br />

while holding a full-time job in customer service. Her diligence and hard<br />

work paid off as she has always wanted to join the military.<br />

Best wishes<br />

class of <strong>2020</strong><br />


Vantage Point<br />

High School<br />

Student Honors<br />

Enlisting in the United States Army:<br />

Tristan Larsen<br />

vphs<br />

Adams County Mayors and<br />

Commissioners Youth Award:<br />

Bailee Smith<br />

Best wishes class of <strong>2020</strong>

Prospect Ridge Academy<br />

Student Honors<br />

United States<br />

Military Academy<br />

Appointment:<br />

Gabe Rueda<br />

<strong>Star</strong>gate School<br />

Student Honors<br />

Boettcher Scholar<br />

and National<br />

Merit Scholarship:<br />

Jacob Tow<br />

United States<br />

Naval Academy<br />

Appointment:<br />

Rachel Castro

Congratulations Graduates<br />

Best Wishes<br />

class of <strong>2020</strong><br />

Student Honors<br />

Business<br />

Associate<br />

of Arts:<br />

Rachel Day<br />

Associate<br />

of Arts:<br />

John Stubblefield<br />

Business<br />

Associate<br />

of Arts:<br />

Grace Wygant

A collection of photos from events<br />

happening around the district.<br />

1 2<br />

4 5<br />

3<br />

6<br />

Tag us in your images on social media using #<strong>Five</strong><strong>Star</strong>Proud.

7<br />

9<br />

10<br />

8 11<br />

Left page: (1) Cherry Drive’s student artwork thanking doctors and nurses. (2) Coronado Hills’ student shows<br />

the fun side of wearing a mask. (3) Arapahoe Ridge’s parade. (4) Leroy student showing her PE activity.<br />

(5) Rocky Mountain staff ready for curbside pick-up of student belongings. (6) North Mor celebrating their<br />

fifth grade class.<br />

Right page: (7) Century saying goodbye to their eighth grade class. (8) Hunters Glen students participating in<br />

virtual spirit days. (9) Rocky Mountain Elementary celebrating their kindergartners. (10) Skyview student<br />

gives a shout-out to her teacher at the parade. (11) Federal Heights staff neighborhood parade.<br />

Photo credit: school social media pages.

The <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Education Foundation works closely with Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong><br />

Schools by forging partnerships and raising money to invest in student success.<br />

We have halted all regular fundraising to address the immediate needs of<br />

ive <strong>Star</strong> Education<br />

our students<br />

Foundation<br />

and<br />

works<br />

our<br />

closely<br />

community<br />

with the<br />

as<br />

Adams<br />

we face<br />

12 <strong>Five</strong><br />

COVID-19<br />

<strong>Star</strong> Schools<br />

together.<br />

by forging<br />

hips and raising money to invest in student success. We have halted all overhead fundraising<br />

ess the immediate needs of our students and our community as we face COVID-19 together.<br />

Today, we are supporting:<br />

Today, we are supporting:<br />

The <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Education Foundation works closely with the Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools by forging<br />

The <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Education Foundation works closely with the Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools by forging<br />

partnerships and raising money to invest in student success. We have halted all overhead fundraising<br />

partnerships and raising money to invest in student success. We have halted all overhead fundraising<br />

to address the immediate needs of our students and our community as we face COVID-19 together.<br />

to address the immediate needs of our students and our community as we face COVID-19 together.<br />

Today,<br />

Today,<br />

we are<br />

we are<br />

supporting:<br />

supporting:<br />

Nutrition Services<br />

Technology Resources<br />

Nutrition Services<br />

Technology Resources<br />

ition Nutrition Services Services Technology Technology Resources Resources<br />

Currently serving more than 12,000 Chromebooks straight from<br />

Currently serving over 1,500 people<br />

11,000 Chromebooks straight from<br />

erving Currently over serving 1,500 1,500 people over people 1,500 per day. people per day. 11,000 Chromebooks schools 11,000 schools Chromebooks to low-income straight to low-income from straight students.<br />

students. from<br />

per day. per day.<br />

schools to low-income schools to low-income students. students.<br />

Providing 12 meals per<br />

Offset the loss of Chromebooks<br />

Provides 12 meals per week for<br />

Offset the loss of Chromebooks and<br />

12 Provides meals per<br />

week 12 week meals for<br />

for people per people week in need. for in need.<br />

Offset the loss Offset and<br />

of<br />

damage the Chromebooks loss damage of for Chromebooks for and<br />

next<br />

next<br />

year.<br />

year. and<br />

eople in need. people in need.<br />

damage for damage next year. for next year.<br />

Resource hub hub for families for families who are<br />

Assist Assist with with cost of of internet internet services for<br />

who are<br />

ub Resource for families hub for who families are struggling. struggling.<br />

services for our<br />

who are Assist with Assist cost of with internet cost of services students<br />

internet for in in<br />

services need. need.<br />

for<br />

struggling. struggling.<br />

our students our in students need. in need.<br />

Community Outreach<br />

Community Outreach<br />

Community Community Outreach Outreach<br />

Coffee Chat webinars for online<br />

Coffee Chat webinars for online<br />

learning Coffee Chat and Coffee webinars career<br />

learning Chat and for webinars training. online career for training. online<br />

learning and learning career and training. career training.<br />

Career focused resources<br />

Career focused resources for<br />

Career<br />

for<br />

focused Career students.<br />

resources focused students. resources for for<br />

students. students.<br />

Hosting Hosting teacher teacher driven driven programs on<br />

programs on our<br />

Hosting teacher Hosting driven teacher programs our website.<br />

driven website. programs on on<br />

our website. our website.<br />

Please consider donating to our Crisis Relief Fund.<br />

www.5starfoundation.org<br />

24 | The <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>

STEM Launch Zoom meeting.<br />

Remote Learning<br />

Elevating student success every day, now outside of the traditional classroom<br />

Faced with the daunting task of shifting to remote learning almost overnight, the <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong><br />

community came together to meet the challenge. Educators shifted lesson plans and devised<br />

creative ways to engage with students. Parents and families partnered with teachers to help their<br />

children succeed. Students adapted to this new normal and worked hard to continue learning.<br />

Here is a look at just some of the moments of triumph, compassion and community we’ve<br />

seen over the past few months.<br />

Working together to support students<br />

Teachers have a lot on their plates right now,<br />

which is why collaboration and teamwork are<br />

more important than ever. Watch this video<br />

for a behind-the-scenes look at how Riverdale<br />

Elementary Instructional Coach Jennifer<br />

Krautler helps educators plan enriching and<br />

educational activities for their students.<br />

“The amazing learning opportunities that<br />

teachers have created are like no other,” she<br />

said. “I am so proud to be a part of the team<br />

and part of Adams 12.”<br />

Click to watch video<br />

<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong>: <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | 25

400,000<br />


through grab-n-go meal distribution<br />

12,000+<br />


distributed to students<br />

and<br />

3,000<br />


requests resolved<br />

700<br />

NEARLY<br />


fulfilled by our Student & Family Outreach Program

Click to watch video<br />

percent more e-books than they did last<br />

school year? Or that our Instructional<br />

Technology and Library Services (ITLS) team<br />

has made more than 600 additional e-books<br />

available to students during this time?<br />

Remote learning success: Third-grade<br />

student makes great strides during<br />

remote learning<br />

Educators and students across the district<br />

have spent this time finding creative ways<br />

to continue deep learning and developing<br />

skills, even outside of a traditional classroom.<br />

Arapahoe Ridge Elementary English<br />

Language Development teacher Siobhan<br />

Holland recently shared how she and one of<br />

her third-grade students spent two weeks<br />

practicing the language of analyzing and<br />

drawing conclusions. With support from<br />

Mrs. Holland and her mom, Najla, who is an<br />

English language learner, recorded videos of<br />

herself practicing her language skills. In these<br />

videos, she explained the difference between<br />

pennies and nickels, why people use maps<br />

and much more.<br />

“The success of all students, like Najla, during<br />

remote learning improves significantly when<br />

parents and teachers work collectively,”<br />

Holland said.<br />

Instructional Technology and Library<br />

Services provides students, families<br />

with resources to succeed<br />

Did you know that during remote learning,<br />

<strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> students have checked out 1,000<br />

Watch this video to learn how the ITLS team<br />

helped students get high-quality learning<br />

with maximum flexibility over the past few<br />

months.<br />

Coming together to sing and smile<br />

Music teachers from across the district<br />

worked together to create a rendition of the<br />

classic ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ — with their<br />

own playful spin on it, of course. Their creative<br />

new lyrics gave students the chance to feel<br />

connected to their teachers and have a laugh.<br />

Click to watch video<br />

Click to watch video<br />

<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong>: <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | 27


FOR YOUTH AGES 1-18<br />

Breakfast and lunch will be available for pick-up through<br />

walk up or drive-thru meal service for children ages 1 to 18.<br />

Drive-up/curbside pick-up only locations:<br />

MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY | 10:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.<br />

Horizon High School<br />

5321 E 136th Avenue<br />

Thornton , CO<br />

Legacy High School<br />

2701 W 136th Avenue<br />

Broomfield, CO<br />

Mountain Range<br />

High School<br />

12500 Huron Street<br />

Westminster, CO<br />

Northglenn High School<br />

601 W 100th Place<br />

Northglenn, CO<br />

Thornton High School<br />

9351 N Washington St<br />

Thornton, CO<br />

Walk-up only locations:<br />


Coronado Hills Elementary<br />

8300 Downing Dr, Denver<br />

10:15 - 10:45 A.M.<br />

Federal Heights Elementary<br />

2500 W 96th Ave, Federal Heights<br />

11:15 - 11:45 A.M.<br />

Creekside Apartments<br />

9189 Gale Blvd, Thornton<br />

Woodland Hills<br />

1500 W Thornton Pkwy, Thornton<br />

Arapahoe Ridge Elementary*<br />

13095 Pecos St, Westminster<br />

Stukey Elementary*<br />

11080 Grant Dr, Northglenn<br />

Centennial Elementary*<br />

13200 Westlake Dr, Broomfield<br />

Westview Elementary*<br />

1300 Roseanna Dr, Northglenn<br />

Shadow Ridge Middle School*<br />

12551 Holly St, Thornton<br />

Margaret Carpenter Recreation Center*<br />

11151 Colorado Blvd, Thornton<br />

*Begins Wednesday, May 27<br />

There will be no service on Monday, May 25 for Memorial Day and July 3 for Independence Day.<br />

Families will be provided with four days worth of meals on the service day prior to holiday.<br />

All families will receive two lunches and two breakfasts per child, regardless of what school they attend.<br />

No paperwork or ID is required. Meals will be provided to families even if children are not present.<br />

If you are sick, please send another family member to pick up meals.<br />

This program will only be for the pick up of meals, and meals will not be consumed on site.<br />

For menu information ><br />

https://adams12.nutrislice.com/menu<br />

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

In Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools, we take pride in our calling to elevate student success through<br />

serving the whole child. From school meals and transportation to counseling and after-school<br />

care, public education is far more than math and science.<br />

When the district shifted to remote learning due to COVID-19 health precautions, our teams<br />

rallied to the cause. Learn more about how we adapted to our new learning environment to<br />

ensure that all students succeed in every classroom (or home), every day.<br />

Distributing Meals<br />

Rallying to the Cause<br />

Shifting to remote learning by adapting operations<br />

One major component of serving every<br />

child is providing meals while at school. Since<br />

mid-March, Nutrition Services quickly and<br />

efficiently provided grab-n-go meals at each<br />

of our five comprehensive high schools for<br />

families across the district. To date, they have<br />

served nearly 400,000 meals and will continue<br />

meal service every Monday, Wednesday and<br />

Friday throughout the summer.<br />

Click to watch video<br />

<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong>: <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | 29

How is Nutrition Services consistently<br />

meeting the needs of our community through<br />

weekly grab and go meal distribution? Watch<br />

as Molly Brandt, Director of Nutrition and<br />

BASE, shows how it all works.<br />

Distributing Remote Learning Devices<br />

Students cannot learn at home if they do<br />

not have appropriate devices and technology.<br />

The Information Technology (IT) department<br />

organized and distributed nearly 12,000<br />

devices to families across the district so<br />

students had equal opportunities to success.<br />

How have they done it? Watch as Joel from<br />

IT takes you through the steps to provide a<br />

device for a family.<br />

Ensuring Proper Internet Connectivity<br />

Devices only work properly when paired<br />

with adequate internet connectivity. When<br />

the shift to remote learning happened,<br />

our IT department partnered with internet<br />

companies to ensure that students had<br />

access to remote learning resources. IT helped<br />

connect qualifying families with Comcast<br />

Internet Essentials services across the district.<br />

This service provided two months of free<br />

internet connectivity to support remote<br />

learning. Additionally, the district is helping<br />

extend service an extra four months for<br />

families in need. For students in situations<br />

where wired connections to the home will not<br />

work, IT is working with T-Mobile to deliver<br />

mobile hotspots. Using the handheld hotspot,<br />

the student can connect their device to the<br />

internet through the cell phone network. The<br />

district continues to research additional ways<br />

to help students connect, ensuring equal<br />

opportunity to education resources no matter<br />

their home situation.<br />

Click to watch video<br />

30 | The <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>

Support from Our Community<br />

Supporting Our Most Impacted Families<br />

While we held mass distribution days for<br />

remote learning devices in March, not all<br />

families were able to attend. In order to help<br />

these families obtain the devices they need,<br />

Transportation Services worked closely with<br />

IT to deliver devices to families. Watch as Igor<br />

Petrovic, Director of Transportation, explains<br />

how they delivered devices to homes.<br />

In this time of need in our greater <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong><br />

community, Student Engagement Initiatives<br />

partnered with community partners such as<br />

A Precious Child, Food For Hope, Dentaquest,<br />

We Don’t Waste, Conscious Alliance, the<br />

Broomfield Salvation Army, North Metro Fire<br />

District, Sparkling Kindness and dozens of<br />

private donors. Together, with the help of staff<br />

from the PEAK program, they have distributed<br />

fresh food, hygiene, feminine hygiene kits,<br />

dental kits, cleaning supplies, books, and fun<br />

activities to hundreds of families at Northglenn<br />

and Thornton High School on Fridays during<br />

district meal distribution.<br />

Many organizations and companies in our<br />

community rallied to the cause. A <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong><br />

thank you to all!<br />

Thank you<br />

to our community partners for supporting<br />

our families by providing resources during<br />

our food distribution.<br />

Click to watch video<br />

In addition to delivering learning devices,<br />

transportation also began delivering grabn-go<br />

meals to the district’s walk-up meal<br />

distribution sites, intended for students and<br />

families that do not have the ability to get to<br />

one of the five regular distribution sites.<br />

<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong>: <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | 31

<strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Awards<br />

Celebrating our outstanding employees<br />

In Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools, we believe our staff is world class and we are committed to<br />

recognizing and honoring the work each employee does to elevate student success. Through<br />

various recognitions, we celebrate our fantastic staff members who exemplify our district<br />

strengths of care, collaborate, empower, engage and focus on students.<br />

From teachers to custodians, principals to counselors, the many different roles and<br />

responsibilities of <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> employees ELEVATE student success in every classroom, every day.<br />

Read about all the awards, nominees and winners: www.adams12.org/2019-20EOTY<br />

Classified Employee<br />

of the Year:<br />

Casey Sauer, Registration<br />

<strong>Special</strong>ist at Century Middle<br />

Read why Casey won and watch the video of<br />

her surprise video chat. Classified employees<br />

are operational staff such as office staff,<br />

custodians, nutritional services, etc.<br />

Certified Employee<br />

of the Year:<br />

Teresa Biller, School Counselor<br />

at Northglenn Middle<br />

Read why Teresa won and watch the video<br />

of her surprise video chat. Certified staff are<br />

those who are licensed in their field such as<br />

teachers and counselors, etc.<br />

Administrative Employee<br />

of the Year:<br />

Lisa Salazar-Hart, Nutrition &<br />

BASE Resource Manager<br />

Read why Lisa won and watch the video<br />

of her surprise video chat. Administrators<br />

are school and district leadership such as<br />

principals and district leaders, etc.<br />

Diversity and Equity<br />

Award:<br />

Susana Cabrera, Fifth Grade<br />

Teacher at McElwain Elementary<br />

Read why Susana won. This award goes to<br />

a staff member who provides exceptional<br />

leadership and outstanding commitment<br />

to the advancement of excellence through<br />

diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.<br />

32 | The <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>

Substitute of the Year:<br />

Nathanial Lygrisse, Thornton<br />

High School<br />

Read why Nathaniel won<br />

Read why Ana won<br />

Volunteer of the Year:<br />

Ana Karina Gúzman Reyes,<br />

STEM Launch parent<br />

Strengths in Action Award:<br />

These awards are given to employees, family or community members who exemplify one of<br />

our ELEVATE strengths in an extraordinary way: care, collaborate, empower, engage or focus<br />

on students. Read why each awardee won.<br />

Care:<br />

Julia Franklin, English Language<br />

Development (ELD) Teacher,<br />

McElwain Elementary<br />

Empower:<br />

Cathy Zensen, Third Grade<br />

Teacher, Stellar Elementary<br />

Collaborate:<br />

Shannon Oliver, Energy &<br />

Sustainability Manager,<br />

Educational Support Center<br />

Engage:<br />

Darren Oliver, Principal,<br />

Silver Creek Elementary<br />

Focus on students:<br />

Ian Simpson, English Teacher,<br />

Mountain Range High School<br />

<strong>Five</strong> star employees and community members are nominated by<br />

<strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> staff members only. Winners are chosen by committee.<br />

Congratulations to our retirees!<br />

From teachers to paras, bus drivers to<br />

cooks, the work you did helped elevate<br />

student success for every student,<br />

every day. Watch the retiree video.<br />

Click to watch video<br />

<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong>: <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | 33

Bond work continues as planned<br />

Construction, school and facility bond improvements move forward amid changes<br />

The presence of COVID-19 this spring across the state and metro area presented a number of<br />

challenges and changes including the end of in-person learning for students in <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools.<br />

While the district’s ongoing bond improvement program wasn’t free of the challenges presented<br />

by this new reality, construction and planning work was able to move forward.<br />

“It’s been a collaborative effort between our Construction and Facilities Design team and our<br />

architects and contractors to keep these important school improvements moving forward during<br />

these uncertain times,” said Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools Construction Manager Tim Dolezal. “I’m<br />

proud of our entire team for doing the necessary work to ensure the continued success of the<br />

district bond program.”<br />

Some of the new realities in construction projects include contractors wearing additional<br />

protective gear such as face coverings and maintaining adequate social distancing. The district has<br />

also closely monitored the potential for labor shortages and delays in the delivery of materials.<br />

FutureForward at Washington Square<br />

Construction on the new FutureForward at Washington Square career and technical education<br />

campus, which began in <strong>Summer</strong> 2019, continued at a steady pace in Spring <strong>2020</strong> with substantial<br />

completion of the nearly 50,000-square-foot building planned for early August.<br />

The new campus, located near 126th Avenue and Washington Street in Thornton, is scheduled to<br />

open in Fall <strong>2020</strong> and is expected to increase career and technical education (CTE) opportunities<br />

for district students by as much as 80 percent. More than 500 students were enrolled in programs<br />

at the new campus as of early May.<br />

The campus will offer existing district CTE programs such as construction trades, welding, an<br />

introductory diesel mechanic course and EMT training. Programming will expand to include<br />

criminal justice, forensic science and fire science programs as well as an advanced diesel mechanic<br />

program.<br />

34 | The <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>

FutureForward encompasses all CTE programming<br />

districtwide. FutureForward gives all<br />

students a competitive advantage as they<br />

enter college, career or the military. Students<br />

in FutureForward: Explore opportunities that<br />

prepare them for high-demand careers and<br />

give them an edge entering college; Engage<br />

in authentic, hands-on learning; and Equip<br />

themselves with relevant, rigorous and practical<br />

skills. There are two FutureForward campuses<br />

offering unique career-oriented programming:<br />

FutureForward at Bollman and FutureForward<br />

at Washington Square. Programs are also<br />

available at each of the district’s five<br />

comprehensive high schools.<br />

North Stadium Turf Field Replacement<br />

The replacement of the original artificial<br />

turf field at the district’s North Stadium got<br />

underway in February and was completed<br />

in early April. The replacement project also<br />

allowed for the safety upgrade of new netting<br />

to protective pole vaulters from errant soccer<br />

and lacrosse balls during spring practices. The<br />

stadium will receive additional structural and<br />

concrete replacement work during the summer.<br />

<strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Stadium is scheduled to receive its<br />

own substantial renovation in <strong>Summer</strong> 2021.<br />

The <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> District has embraced the<br />

installation of synthetic play and practice<br />

surfaces at other school and facility locations<br />

through the 2016 Bond Program because<br />

of their durability and lower maintenance.<br />

Artificial practice fields have already replaced<br />

sod at Northglenn, Legacy and Thornton high<br />

schools with similar projects on the way for<br />

Horizon and Mountain Range high schools this<br />

summer. Cherry Drive Elementary also received<br />

a new artificial outdoor play surface.<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> Projects<br />

While the absence of students and staff<br />

from buildings was an unfortunate reality of<br />

COVID-19, it did provide an opportunity for<br />

extensive plumbing improvement work at a<br />

handful of schools to get an earlier start.<br />

Ongoing Projects<br />

Phase 2 of the Bollman career and technical<br />

education center renovation project includes<br />

the renovation of the former welding area into<br />

an auto collision and repair lab.<br />

School/Facility Renovation Projects<br />

Renovation and repair projects were<br />

scheduled to start or are already underway at<br />

Legacy High School (auditorium renovations),<br />

Vantage Point Campus; Hulstrom K-8;<br />

International School at Thornton Middle;<br />

Century Middle; The Studio School; McElwain,<br />

Hunters Glen, Leroy, Tarver, Hillcrest and Rocky<br />

Mountain elementary schools.<br />

Roof Replacement Projects<br />

The International School at Thornton Middle<br />

as well as Mountain View and Woodglen<br />

elementary schools were scheduled to receive<br />

full or partial roof replacements in <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Learn more about the 2016 Bond<br />

Program and individual school projects<br />

at www.adams12.org/bond.<br />

<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong>: <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | 35

Be the f irst to know.<br />

Receive priority alerts on your cell phone.<br />

Text “YES” to 67587<br />

With this free service, you will receive text messages notifying you of safety alerts<br />

or other important information impacting the Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools system.<br />

You can opt-out from alerts at any time. Reply with HELP if you need assistance.<br />

Message and/or data rates may apply. Your privacy is important. Your information<br />

will not be sold or provided to third parties. Your cell phone number must be<br />

up-to-date in your Infinite Campus profile.


<strong>2020</strong>-2021 School Year<br />

Printable versions of the <strong>2020</strong>-2021 Year-at-a-Glance are available in both English and Spanish.<br />

*Dates may not apply to district charter schools; please check each school’s calendar for school-specific information.<br />

Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools<br />

1500 East 128 th Avenue<br />

Thornton, CO 80241<br />

SCHOOL CALENDAR – <strong>2020</strong> – 2021*<br />

JULY <strong>2020</strong> F First Day of School for Students<br />

JANUARY 2021<br />

S M T W T F S FS-August 19, <strong>2020</strong> 6 th morning; 7 th -8 th afternoon; 9 th ONLY<br />

S M T W T F S<br />

FE-August 19, <strong>2020</strong> ALL Elementary K-5 and K-8 Report<br />

1 2 3 4 1 2<br />

FS-August 20, <strong>2020</strong> ALL Students K-12 Report<br />

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 B 5 6 7 8 9<br />

L Last Day of School for All Students<br />

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 A 16<br />

May 27, 2021<br />

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23<br />

A Elementary Assessment Days<br />

26 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30<br />

September 8, <strong>2020</strong>; January 15, 2021<br />

May 7, 2021<br />

31<br />

AUGUST <strong>2020</strong><br />

W Elementary School Work Days (No School for K-5 Students)<br />

FEBRUARY 2021<br />

S M T W T F S October 15, <strong>2020</strong><br />

S M T W T F S<br />

1 February 10, 2021; May 14, 2021* potential snow day make up<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 D Teacher Duty Days (No School for All Students)<br />

7 8 9 W B I 13<br />

9 10 11 D I D 15 August 12, 14, 18, <strong>2020</strong><br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20<br />

16 I D FS/FE FS 21 22 December 18, <strong>2020</strong><br />

21 22 23 24 25 26 27<br />

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 May 28, 2021<br />

28<br />

30 31<br />

C Teacher Comp Day – All Schools (No School for All Students)<br />

SEPTEMBER <strong>2020</strong><br />

November 23, <strong>2020</strong><br />

MARCH 2021<br />

S M T W T F S I District In-service Days – All Schools (No School for All Students) S M T W T F S<br />

August 13, and 17, <strong>2020</strong>; February 12, 2021<br />

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

6 7 A 9 10 11 12 B In-Common Release Days – K-8 (No School for K-8 Students)<br />

7 8 9 10 11 Q 13<br />

October 16, <strong>2020</strong><br />

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 17 18 19 20<br />

January 4, 2021; February 11, 2021; March 29, 2021<br />

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 22 23 24 25 26 27<br />

Q Quarters Days<br />

27 28 29 30 28 B 30 31<br />

Oct. 16, <strong>2020</strong> 42 days<br />

Dec. 17, <strong>2020</strong> 38 days<br />

Mar. 12, 2021 46 days<br />

OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> May 27, 2021 49 days<br />

APRIL 2021<br />

S M T W T F S Pupil Count Window ............................ September 24 – October 8, <strong>2020</strong> S M T W T F S<br />

1 2 3 Calendar Information<br />

1 2 3<br />

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10<br />

Registration of New Students .............. Please Contact Your Local School<br />

11 12 13 14 W B/Q 17 School Year <strong>Star</strong>ts, K-9 .................................................... August 19, <strong>2020</strong> 11 12 13 14 15 16 17<br />

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 School Year <strong>Star</strong>ts, All Students Report .......................... August 20, <strong>2020</strong> 18 19 20 21 22 23 24<br />

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Labor Day .................................................................. September 7, <strong>2020</strong> 25 26 27 28 29 30<br />

Veterans’ Day ........................................................... November 11, <strong>2020</strong><br />

NOVEMBER <strong>2020</strong><br />

Thanksgiving Break .............................................. November 23-27, <strong>2020</strong><br />

MAY 2021<br />

End of First Semester ............................................... December 17, <strong>2020</strong><br />

S M T W T F S S M T W T F S<br />

Teacher Duty Day-No School-All Students ................ December 18, <strong>2020</strong><br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Winter Break .................................. December 21, <strong>2020</strong>-January 1, 2021<br />

1<br />

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 High School In-Common Release Day ..............................January 4, 2021 2 3 4 5 6 A 8<br />

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 All Students Return..........................................................January 5, 2021 9 10 11 12 13 W* 15<br />

22 C 24 25 26 27 28 Martin Luther King Day..................................................January 18, 2021 16 17 18 19 20 21 22<br />

Presidents’ Day ............................................................February 15, 2021<br />

29 30 23 24 25 26 Q/L D 29<br />

Spring Break .............................................................. March 22-26, 2021<br />

Last Day for Students.......................................................... May 27, 2021<br />

30 31<br />

DECEMBER <strong>2020</strong> Teacher Duty Day ............................................................... May 28, 2021<br />

JUNE 2021<br />

S M T W T F S Memorial Day ..................................................................... May 31, 2021 S M T W T F S<br />

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5<br />

BASE CLOSED ........................................................ August 10-14, <strong>2020</strong><br />

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />

SUMMER BASE OPEN .................................... May 27 – August 7, <strong>2020</strong><br />

13 14 15 16 Q D 19 FALL BASE OPEN .............................. August 17-18, <strong>2020</strong> Full Day Care 13 14 15 16 17 18 19<br />

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

27 28 29 30 31 27 28 29 30<br />

**BASE Locations undergoing construction will open on the<br />

first day of school. See school website for more information.<br />

*Subject to Revision<br />

Approved November 15, 2019<br />

<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong>: <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | 37

Community Weekly Update<br />

Families encouraged to provide feedback on remote learning<br />

We want your feedback on how remote learning went for you and your family. Please consider<br />

taking this brief, two-minute remote learning survey to share your thoughts with us.<br />

Report cards now available online for elementary and K-8 schools<br />

Student report cards are now available online in Infinite Campus (IC) for students in<br />

elementary and K-8 schools. For those schools that normally offer paper report cards, paper<br />

copies will be available only when we return to in-building learning next school year.<br />

High schools will follow their normal process and timeline for end of semester student grades.<br />

Middle schools will send their families additional communication with information regarding end<br />

of the year grades and timeline.<br />

Viewing Report Cards for Students in Elementary and K-8 Schools<br />

To view your child’s report card, log into the Campus Portal, select a student (if you have more<br />

than one child enrolled in Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools), click the “Reports” tab on the left side<br />

of the screen and then click “Standards Based Report-Progress Card”. More information on how<br />

to navigate the Campus Portal is available here. Please contact your child’s school directly if<br />

you have questions or need support.<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Learning Resources<br />

As we head into summer break, we want to share some learning resources that your family<br />

might choose to use to keep your students engaged in learning over the summer. These<br />

resources can be sources of academic enrichment and reinforcement during the summer<br />

months. Though the resources are sorted by age ranges, students may find resources at various<br />

levels that align to their interests and abilities. Read more ><br />

<strong>2020</strong>-2021 Budget<br />

Over the past several weeks we’ve provided updates on the impact that the economic<br />

slowdown related to COVID-19 is having on the State of Colorado budget. The total shortfall<br />

for this year and the fiscal year that begins July 1 is about $3.3 billion (July 1, <strong>2020</strong> - June<br />

30, 2021). K-12 makes up a significant portion of the state’s general fund at 36% of expenditures,<br />

so the shortfall will have an impact on education funding. Check the district’s website<br />

for the latest on the <strong>2020</strong>-2021 state budget process and how it may affect funding in<br />

Adams 12 <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Schools.<br />

38 | The <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>

<strong>2020</strong>-2021 School Year Scenarios<br />

The landscape for the normally scheduled start to the <strong>2020</strong>-2021 school year in mid-August<br />

is still unpredictable given the evolving situation with COVID-19. We will continue to work with<br />

public health officials over the summer in determining the best plan to provide a safe environment<br />

for staff, students and families.<br />

Staff has begun researching and considering different scenarios for next school year ranging<br />

from in-person learning to a hybrid approach to remote learning. A planning committee that<br />

includes members of district leadership, our teachers’ association (District Twelve Educators’<br />

Association - DTEA) and our support staff association (Classified School Employees’ Association<br />

- CSEA) will move this work forward in the weeks ahead.<br />

Look for opportunities in June to provide input on potential operational plans for the <strong>2020</strong>-<br />

2021 school year. As of now, we are following our existing academic calendar for <strong>2020</strong>-2021.<br />

Bell Time Change for the <strong>2020</strong>-2021 School Year<br />

Before mid-March, when COVID-19 changed how we go about our business, we were nearing<br />

the end of a year-long planning and engagement process that contemplated changing<br />

bell times at our elementary, middle and high schools. One thing became clear through this<br />

process - there is no perfect solution and any decision comes with tradeoffs. The goal was to<br />

find the solution that creates the most benefit for the entire <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Star</strong> District, which is why<br />

Superintendent Chris Gdowski has accepted the recommendation of the Bell Schedule Steering<br />

Committee to push bell times 30 minutes later pending the resumption of normal operations<br />

for the start of the <strong>2020</strong>-2021 school year. Read more about the decision ><br />

Online Check-in process open from June 22 to August 16<br />

The online check-in process is the district’s check-in process for all families with returning<br />

K-12 students enrolled in any district school. The check-in process is open this summer<br />

from June 22 through Aug. 16. In order to receive class schedules and teacher assignments<br />

before school starts, all parents/guardians of returning students must complete the online<br />

process. Schedules will be available in the parent portal starting on Aug. 7 for those who<br />

have completed the process.<br />

<strong>Special</strong> <strong>Edition</strong>: <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | 39

1500 E. 128th Ave., Thornton, CO 80241 | (720) 972-4000<br />


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