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JUNE 4, 2020

Not just kissing vampires: Now’s the time

to watch the best of Kristen Stewart

By Chris Hewitt

Minneapolis Star Tribune

Kristen Stewart’s mom in

her first big movie was Jodie

Foster, and she has followed

Foster’s example ever since.

Playing a mother and

daughter terrorized by home

invaders in David Fincher’s

“Panic Room,” they reportedly

grew close (their characters

even share the same limp,

blunt-cut hair). It’s not hard to

imagine Foster giving Stewart

advice on how to navigate the

perilous journey from child

star to adult performer, which

Foster managed better than any

other actor in movie history.

Stewart has finessed it, too,

taking pages from the Foster

playbook: avoiding children’s

movies, seeking out offbeat

projects rather than blockbusters,

working with foreign

filmmakers (both have demonstrated

French fluency on film)

and exploring other aspects of

movie production. It’s only a

matter of time before Stewart,

like Foster before her, directs a


What made it possible for

Stewart, of course, was a smash

franchise: “Twilight.” The four

vampire/werewolf romances

were all in theaters by the time

she was 22 and earned her so

much money that she could

have retired then. Instead, she

made movies she wanted to

make rather than those she

“had” to make to build a career,

appearing in a succession of titles

more likely to pop up at the

Cannes Film Festival than at a

drive-in. Stewart hasn’t been in

a big hit since the “Twilight”

series and she probably doesn’t


Along the way, she learned

a lot about movie acting. In

“Panic Room” and a couple

other childhood projects, she

was a natural, but when she

needed to start crafting performances,

it took a while for her

to look comfortable on camera.

She appears to wish she were

elsewhere in the first two

“Twilight” movies (although,

with those scripts, who could

blame her?). In the last two,

though, she seems to accept the

material for what it is, allowing

her humor and intelligence to

shine through the dopey Team

Edward/Team Jacob stuff.

In those years, she also began

seeking out not directors who

made hits but innovators who

could challenge her to work in

new ways: Olivier Assayas (who

made two of her best movies),

Kelly Reichardt and Ang Lee

among them. It hasn’t always

worked _ “Cafe Society,” by

Woody Allen, is both terrible

and ethically problematic _ but

few major actors are more adventurous

than Stewart.

One result of her boldness is

that fans probably missed many

of Stewart’s small, offbeat projects.

It’s like she envisions the

movies she makes as sparkling

gems to collect and share with

small groups of people who

will appreciate them. So think

of these seven gems as your

Museum of Modern Streaming


‘Certain Women’ (2016)

My favorite Stewart leading

performance also happens to be

the shortest, since Reichardt’s

“Certain Women” links adaptations

of three Maile Meloy short

stories. Stewart’s a lawyer/

teacher who develops an intense

bond with one of her students.

It’s a subtle movie, in a

way that may not be ideal for

stop-and-start home viewing

(you need to force yourself to

fall into its deliberate rhythm),

but Stewart’s work is quietly

devastating. Bonus: Laura Dern

and Michelle Williams, both

great, anchor the other stories.

‘Personal Shopper’ (2016)

I’ve heard it described as a

“ghost story” and a “psychological

thriller,” but neither term

captures the queasy suspense of

the more recent of two movies

in which Assayas cast Stewart

as a star’s lackey. For most of

“Personal Shopper” (maybe all

of it), it’s not clear what’s happening

as Stewart’s title character

deals with a gruesome

corpse and text messages from

her twin, who is supposed to be


‘Charlie’s Angels’ (2019)

Stewart’s one attempt at a

post-”Twilight” blockbuster

didn’t do well and, honestly,

it’s so-so. But she is astonishing

in it, giving the kind of movie-star

performance I would

never have guessed she’d want

to, or be able to. Most Stewart

characters are introverted and

mumbly, but her Sabina Wilson

is charismatic, wisecracking,

loud and sexy. Weirdly, Stewart

is so wildly enjoyable that she

may hurt the movie; her pizazz

makes the other two angels

even more blah.

‘Panic Room’ (2002)

Stewart is a good match for

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Kristen Stewart

Foster, but in an early sign of

her versatility, it’s also possible

to imagine Stewart with the

originally cast Nicole Kidman,

whose injury forced her withdrawal

a couple of weeks into

production. The kid is sometimes

a brat, but she’s also the

one who saves the day.

‘Clouds of Sils Maria’ (2014)

Stewart has not been nominated

for an Oscar, but she

won the French equivalent and

a bunch of other awards for

her work in Assayas’ cheeky

comedy/drama, with Juliette

Binoche as a movie star and

Stewart as her assistant. Assayas

lays out weird mysteries he

never intends to solve, while

the leads sometimes play their

characters and sometimes seem

to be versions of themselves,

talking about how to play their


‘Seberg’ (2019)

Stewart portrays various aspects

of actress Jean Seberg in

this fictionalized drama, which

depicts the FBI hounding her

to suicide because of her political

activism at the height

of a career that included the

Minneapolis-shot “Airport”

and Jean-Luc Godard’s masterpiece

“Breathless.” Stewart’s

Seberg is a different person on

movie sets, where she must be

compliant, than she is with her

family, where she seems unsure,

or with members of the Black

Panthers, who show her a kind

of freedom she didn’t know existed.

That’s because Seberg became

a star as a teenager, which

must feel familiar to Stewart,

who does her best work when

she re-creates the fresh-faced

Iowan’s audition for her debut

in “Saint Joan.”

‘The Runaways’ (2010)

At the time, introspective

Stewart seemed like an odd

casting choice for brash Joan

Jett, guitarist for the pioneering

all-female band. Instead, she

uses her own tentative quality to

suggest that Jett leaned on a bold

onstage persona to overcome her

own shyness. The Bill Pohladproduced

musical drama may not

be the definitive portrait of the

band (that’d be the documentary

“Edgeplay”), but Stewart rocks.



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