Product Catalogue 2018-2020

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General conditions of sale, delivery and payment

General conditions of sale, delivery and payment

The following conditions apply exclusively to all business transactions with us. Deviating

purchasing conditions as well as other agreements do not become a part of the contract

unless confirmed by us in writing.

General information

With this price list, all previous price lists and price agreements lose their validity.

This price list is subject to technical changes and errors. All pictures similar.

Dimensions and weights are approximate.

Conditions of delivery and payment


Our prices are always understood in Euro (€), which also means ex works and without

packaging, unless otherwise agreed. The list prices do not include the respectively and

additionally accruing statutory taxes.

Offers, brochure information, advertisements, and list prices are always without

engagement and not binding for us.

If the date of payment is exceeded, default interest to the amount of 8 % above the base

lending rate of § 247 BGB (German Civil Code) will be charged.

Delivered goods remain our property until payment has been made in full. In case of a sale

to third parties prior to full payment of the goods, the seller acquires, without further ado,

the right to claim the purchase price demand specified for the third-party purchaser.

Furthermore, the purchaser is obliged, upon the request of the seller, to assign these

claims of seller expressly to the third-party purchaser. If the purchaser collects these

claims on his own, he does so on a trust basis on account of the seller who is entitled to

the collected proceeds and to whom the collected proceeds must be delivered.


Delivery time:


Place of fulfilment:


The shipping procedure is carried out from here always at the risk of the purchaser,

even if carriage-paid delivery has been agreed.

Adherence to the delivery time is provided to a large extent. If the delivery time is exceeded

on our part, you are not entitled to any damage claims or to a cancellation of the order.

According to the circumstances in each case, events of force majeure release us either

in whole or in part from the incurred obligations.

Objections must be raised within 8 days following receipt of the delivery. Goods may be

returned only on the basis of prior mutual agreement and with carriage paid for us.

Bergisch Gladbach is the place of fulfilment and jurisdiction for both parties. German law

applies to all legal relationships arising from business relations with us.

In other respects, the general delivery conditions of the German association of the electrical

industry (Allgemeine Lieferbedingungen für Erzeugnisse und Leistungen der Elektroindustrie

Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektroindustrie e. V., ZVEI) apply to the

extent that they do not contradict the afore-mentioned conditions of sale and delivery.

Invoicing is provided in Euro (€) according to the list prices, deductions, conditions, and

surcharges for special versions applicable on the day of delivery.


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