A Primer, Bodyweight Basics

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#1 #2 #3 #4

We can also do them on rings. These are

much more dependant on grip strength

than with a bar, as you need to maintain the

false grip position.

At the same time however, the transition

is much easier to practice on the rings as

they are adjustable in height. You can start

at the top of the rings and do the reverse

movement of the transition without having

to be above the bar to start.

We can see in the picture of the false grip the

position of the wrist in relation to the forearm.

If the wrist is below the bar, it is basically

impossible to get any pushing strength for the

top of the movement. If we have our wrist

above the bar we have a solid base to push

from mechanically.

So if our hands are already planted above the

bar in a false grip, it’s much easier to push at

the top.

Ring dips are a GREAT accessory exercise

for cleaning up the top part of the muscle

up. Try and keep the rings as close to

your armpits as you can and pivot your

shoulders back and forth to hone in on the

motion you’ll need, you can do this with

your feet on the floor. Frame 3 and 4 show

what an isolated ring dip looks like as it’s

part of the same move!

Ring dips work the triceps, chest, and the

core and scapula for stabilization.

#1 #2

Keeping the legs close together, under tension,

will help keep yourself from swinging

around so you can achieve a smooth motion.


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