A Primer, Bodyweight Basics

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Keep the back straight throughout.

At the top of the movement

we protract our shoulders

(shoulders in front of us, pushing

down hard)


To make the exercise easier, we can also

raise our hands. You can use a box, a chair,

a table, anything you like as long as it’s



Assume the push up position by placing the hands about

shoulder width apart (or just slightly wider) and straighten

the body. At the top of the movement, make sure you are

PROTRACTING your shoulders, pushing down, not letting

the shoulders sag.

Hand placement should be around ‘nipple’ height for correct

activation of the chest (not the front delts). Begin to

lower yourself by bending the elbows, taking care to not

to flare your elbows outwards.

If the hand placement is too

high, we put more work on the

front delts. They are meant to be

assisting not taking charge! You

may need to work on your wrist

flexibility if this position is too

uncomfortable, or you could use

paralettes to take the strain off

your wrists.

Keep the back straight throughout! When you are the bottom

of the movement, keep tension by not fully laying on

the floor, only letting the chest touch. Then push yourself

back up while keeping shoulders protracted and your back


Better form means better progress. If we cheat movements

we're not actually engaging the muscles that need to be

engaged, you're short changing yourself. Be patient and

stick with the basics until you're ready.

3 sets of 10 would be advised before introducing more

advanced variations like close grip or wide push ups.

Standard push up hand placement


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