A Primer, Bodyweight Basics

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Legs can be trained effectively just using bodyweight.

We’ll go over these exercises first, however

external loading of the movements (such as a barbell

deadlift or squat) will be much more effective at

gaining muscle mass on your legs.


A pistol squat is unilateral movement, meaning just

one side is being utilized. This requires a good deal

of coordination and balance, as well as the strength

for a single leg squat.

Keeping the grounded foot flat on the floor, we

maintain a stable base for the movement. If you are

lacking ankle flexibility to keep the WHOLE foot on

the floor throughout the range of motion, you can

elevate the heel to take some of the range of motion

out of the equation.

Try pushing through the ‘middle’ of your foot to

generate power in a balanced manner. Pushing from

your toes will lean you forward, likewise from the

heel will take you backwards.

If you are having trouble keeping the floating foot

elevated, you can stand on an elevated surface so

the foot can dangle.

You can also use an object to guide yourself up and

down if you do not have the strength or balance.

Having the arms at the front allows

us to form a counterbalance, keeping

the weight centred throughout

the motion as we lower ourselves.


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