A Primer, Bodyweight Basics

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To build a base of pulling strength we can start with bodyweight rows. Usually this

would be done on a fixed bar or rings, but a table with room underneath will suffice

(it will need to be a sturdy table!) You could also tie a knot on a bedsheet, thread it

through the top of a closed door and pull yourself towards the door.

Make sure you have a counterweight if

not using a fixed object, we don’t want to

injure ourselves.

The higher the bar and the further back you move your feet, the easier the pulling motion

will be as you will be taking more of your bodyweight out of the movement.

Hands shoulder width apart, aim to pull your chest towards the bar while keeping your

body as straight as you can. Keep your abs and glutes tight to keep yourself straight.

As this is a pulling motion, we RETRACT our shoulders.


Next we work on lifting our full body weight With the biceps giving more assistance,

a chin up is a fair bit easier than a pull up with an overhand grip.

Using an underhand grip puts more emphasis on

the biceps (making chin ups an excellent tool for

building big arms) while also working the back.

You may find it easier to maintain grip by keeping

your thumb next to your index finger, more like a

hook (pictured).


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