A Primer, Bodyweight Basics

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An overhead bar will be invaluable for building pulling

strength, as well as being an anchor point for gymnastic

rings or a suspension trainer.

A doorframe fitting bar can be picked up for cheap. It willl

be more than adequate, but if you have access to one

with overhead room you will be able to train muscle ups

much easier. A nearby park with monkey bars works just




Parallel bars (or paralettes) are an extremely versatile tool,

allowing core work (such as the L-sit) rows, planche, dips,

elevated push ups, handstands and anything else you can

think of.

They take strain off the wrist, allowing you to wrap your

hand around the bar as opposed to having your hand

planted flat on the floor.

They are very cheap, or easy to build yourself.

Rings can take the place of most pieces of gym equipment.

If you can do it on cables, chances are you can do it

on rings, but with the added fun of trying to keep yourself


The benefits to mobility, strength and coordination offered

by ring work is unparalled, while also being a very good

way to work on shoulder/scapula mobility that carries over

to basically everything else.

They can also be slung over a tree branch or anything

above you, meaning you can get a good workout anywhere.

One of the main mistakes people

make when starting calisthenics is

trying to advance too quickly, tied

into this is not properly warming

up before starting a session. Here

we’ll go over some basic anatomy

and WHY we’re preparing each



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