A Primer, Bodyweight Basics

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Once we elevate the legs enough in the pike push up position, we are taking the majority of

our weight in the pushing motion as we raise more of our body over our shoulders. To advance

on this get yourself more vertical!

The handstand push up can be broken down into a few parts. First, we have to have coordination

to keep our body straight in the full handstand position, then as we lower ourselves

down, moving the shoulders forward, the rest of the body takes an angle to maintain balance

(keeping the body straight).

We can practice this motion most effectively in the chest to wall positon (#2), but if you are

still struggling to maintain that hold, you may wish to use the back to wall instead as you can

kick up, rather than walk up the wall which is harder.

Keep the elbows from flaring

out during the press!



When using the back to wall variant to practice the push

up, do not put both feet on the wall as this forms an arch

in your back, not a straight line! You can use 1 foot to

create distance to straighten up however, as shown above


We need coordination to keep the straight line as well as

pushing strength. If you are lacking coordination, practice

against the wall. If you’re lacking strength, do more elevated

pike push ups!

This is the position your body

will be in during the pressing



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