A Primer, Bodyweight Basics

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From the planche lean

position, lower yourself

(while keeping your shoulders



From the bottom of the

motion, continue to focus

on leaning forward while

pressing up from AS FAR

down your body as possible.


This is a difficult exercise

and should be approached

in an intelligent manner.

Keep the reps low and allow

plenty of time recover

between sessions. Do not

train this every day!


To progress, slide your

feet further forward, lean

further forward, and press

from as low as you can!

It looks like a press up but the shoulders are much further forward. The aim is to end

up with your hands as close to the centre of your body (hips) as possible. Make progress

in small increments as your strength increases.

Keeping your shoulders in front of your hands, lower yourself to the floor. Then push

yourself back up! Keep your back straight and lock your elbows at the top of the movement.

This is a good way of building straight arm strength for more advanced moves in

the future.


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