A Primer, Bodyweight Basics

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Pushing and pressing movements like dips are great for building the triceps, which actually

make the arms a lot bigger than just training biceps!

We start our dip journey with box dips. All you need is the end of a bed, a chair, a step or a

box. Anything that will support your weight that's elevated works.

Once your legs are locked out straight (or bent if straight is too hard, this shifts more

weight on your legs than arms) begin to lower yourself. Keep your back close to the platform

you're using and bring yourself as low as you can to stretch the triceps. Lower will be

better but do what you can to start.

Place the hands on the

object with fingers facing

forwards, then extend your

legs as far as you can.

It you experience

wrist discomfort,

try finding a wider

surface to put your

hands on

Keep your back as close to

the object as you can


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