HAZID checklists-drilling...

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and hydrate control

20.03 Alcool si droguri / Alcohol WP LS - Practica gresita / Wrong practice

and drugs

20.04 Aditivi pentru ciment/ - C D Aditivi pentru pasta de ciment/ Additive for

Cement additives

cement paste

20.05 Vopsea / Paint - C D Vopsea / Paint

pag. 19 din 29 / page 19 of 29


pericol /



Descriere pericol /

Hazard description

S H E Surse / Sources

20.06 Uleiuri uzate de motor / - C D Uleiuri uzate de motor / Waste engine oil

Waste engine oil

20.07 Noroi emulsie inversa / Oil

base mud

- C D Foraj sonde de titei si gaze / Oil and gas

well drilling

20.08 Saramuri / Brine - C D Fluid de inlocuire, omorare sonda, fluide

pentru pakere / Replacement fluid, killing

well fluid, packer fluid

20.09 Degresanti / Degreasers - C D Mentenanta / Maintenance

20.10 Aditivi lichizi pentru noroi /

Liquid mud


20.11 Apa reziduala “grey” si /

sau “black” / Grey and/or

- C D Aditiv fluid de foraj / Drilling fluid additive

- C D Sisteme septice, campamente, detergenti /

Septic systems, camps,


black water

21 Solide toxice / Toxic solide

21.01 Ciment / Cement - C D Cimentare sonde de titei si gaze / Oil well

and gas well


21.02 Chimicale / Chemicals - C D Aditivi pentru ciment si noroi de foraj /

Additives for cement and drilling mud

21.03 Praf si pulberi / Dust and


21.04 Operatiuni de sablare /

Blasting operations

21.05 Fibre minerale / Mineral


21.06 Deseuri periculoase/

Dangerous wastes

21.07 Hipoclorit de sodiu /

Sodium hypochlorite

21.08 Compusi cu cadmiu si alte

metale grele / Cadmium

compounds and other

heavy materials

21.09 Aditivi puternici de noroi /

Power mud additives

21.10 Reziduuri de ciment /

Cement slurries

- C D Vant, operatiuni de curatare / Wind cleaning


- C D Operatiuni de curatare / Cleaning


- C D Izolatie termica si material de constructii /

Thermal and building material

- C D Colectare deseuri / Waste collection

- C D Aditiv fluid de foraj / Drilling fluid additive

- C D Fum de sudura, manevrare suruburi /

Welding fumes, handling bolts

- C D Aditiv fluid de foraj / Drilling fluid additive

- C D Foraj sonde de petrol si gaze, lucrari de

suprafata, inclusiv drumuri de acces si

echipare sonde/ Oil and gas well drilling,

surface works, including the access roads

and wells equipping

22 Substante corozive / Corrosive substances

22.01 Soda caustica / Caustic


WP C D Aditiv fluid de foraj / Drilling fluid additive

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