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Judaism is a lively and diverse monotheistic world religion that shares

characteristics with both Christianity and Islam. Its creative contribution to

cultural history is immense. Jewish Holy Scripture, the Torah, is fundamental

for the organization of Jewish life across the whole world. Various Jewish

communities can today be found in all parts of the world. The Jewish

religion is closely linked with the history of all Israelites.


- Judaism is the oldest

monotheistic religion in the old.

- A common Jewish faith

first emerged in the Babylonian


- The Torah is the

primary holy book of Judaism,

making up the first five chapters

of both the Hebrew Bible and

Christianity`s Old Testament.

The Origin and Beginning of “God`s Chosen People”

According to ancient tradition, Judaism emerged between the Euphrates and

Tigris rivers. The nation of Israel in the Bible originates with Abraham of Ur,

who worshipped a unique God that permeates everything. Six generations

later, descendants of Abraham lived in Egypt as slaves. Moses rose up as a

leader among them, taking his people across the Red Sea and back toward the

“promised land”. During the Exodus, Moses received the Ten Commandments,

a set of laws central to the Jewish religion. These laws are considered by the

Jews as a gift of God and as the holy path.

Settled in the Promised Land, the 12 tribes of Israelites finally unite as a single

nation under Saul, who ruled from 884 to 882 B.C. After him, David, then

Solomon served as powerful leaders, building the temple of Jerusalem, considered

the most important altar of the God Jehovah and the spiritual center

of the Jewish religion. After the death of Solomon, the Israelite nation split

in two. Israel, the northern kingdom, was captured by the Assyrians while the

southern kingdom was taken over by the Babylonian king Nebuchadrezzar in

597 B.C. Ten years later, he destroyed the temple of Jerusalem and deported

large portions of the upper and middle classes to Mesopotamia. This period of

time, called the Exile, unified Jews in their belief in Jehovah and their return to

the Promised Land.

The Promised Land

After the Persians (538 B.C.) captured Babylon, many Jews returned to Israel

and reconstructed the temple in Jerusalem. The country was the tributary

province of the Persian kingdom and remained so even after the victory of

Alexander The Great over the Persians in 333 B.C. With this, the Hellenistic

culture reached Judaism. When the Seleucid king Antiochus IV banned the

temple culture in 168 B.C., a Jewish resistance movement arose. Four years

later, they, under the leadership of the Maccabees, drove out the occupying

forces and newly consecrated the temple. The Romans, called to settle a

dispute between the Maccabee brothers, captured Jerusalem in 63 B.C. Later,

Herod was made Judah`s vassal king, during whose rule Jesus of Nazareth was


Holy Scriptures

The Jewish Bible or

“Tanakh” is the product

of more than 1,000

years of history.

During the rabbinic

period (ca 70 A.D. –sixth

century), the tripartite

canon (traditionally

counted as 24 books)

was created.

Those holy Hebrew

Scriptures are

considered inspired and

consistent, and include

the five books of Moses

(Torah), prophetic

writings (Nevi`im) and

hagiographies or writings,

(Ketuvim), which

include the Psalms.

The organization of the

books into chapters can

be traced back to the

Middle Ages; the numbering

of the verses to

the 16th century.

Above: Jewish scripts

often contain magnificent

artistic images.

- Devotion to God and a

lineage reaching back to Abraham

unite Jews all over the world.

- God`s covenant with

Israel made them His chosen people.

The promise was conveyed by

the agreement with Noah after the

flood, the promise of children to

Abraham, and the transmission of

the Torah to Moses.

- During the time of

the judges, many prophets like

Jeremiah arose to interpret God`s


- The diversity of

modern Judaism can be traced to

the different interpretations of

the Torah. Orthodox Jews adhere

strictly to the commandments;

meanwhile in the liberal Judaism

there are even female rabbis.

- There were pogroms

against the Jews during the


- The National Socialists

(Nazis) murdered over six

million Jews.

- Today, Anti-Semitism

is growing in the Arab world.

- The “Judensau” was

ridiculing propaganda against

the Jewish religion in the Middle


- Since antiquity, Jews

have been living in Palestine.

- The ancient city of

Jerusalem is the holy city for

three world religions. In 1980,

it was made the lawful national

territory of Israel.

- Over 5 million Jews

live in Israel. It is the only country

in the world in which Jews

hold the majority.

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