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Rabies titer blood test

A rabies titer blood test must be done not less than 30 days

after the rabies vaccination. The titer test does not need to be

done if the pet is coming from a rabies free country. This

serological test for the animal, carried out on a sample taken

by an approved veterinarian and tested in an OIE-approved

laboratory, must state that the rabies neutralizing antibody

titer was equal to or greater than 0.5 IU/ml. Allow 4 to 6

weeks to get the results back. The titer test needs to be sent to

the U.S. government lab in Kansas (check with your vet).



The U.S. Official Health Certificate/Health Form

The official U.S. veterinary health certificate (which you obtain

from your vet) should be issued and signed not more than 10

calendar days prior to arrival. You can find the USDAapproved

health certificate online (APHIS 7001). Schedule a

visit with your veterinarian (with animal for examination) and

he/she will complete the form and sign it. The form will

provide information on your pet’s vaccinations. However,

please note that in a letter (read letter) from USDA-APHIS, the

7001 form is not always required unless stipulated by the

airline. Check with the airline and work with your vet to verify

exactly which type of health certificate is required for

transport of your pet.


The Israeli-Required Health Certificate

The Israeli “Veterinary Certificate for Domestic Dogs, Cats

and Ferrets Entering Israel” is in the Import Packet for Israel

for Dogs / Cats / Ferrets (page 2 and 3). This must be filled out

by your vet. It is required for entrance into Israel. This form

should be issued and signed not more than 10 calendar days

prior to arrival. Send the Israeli-required health certificate to

the USDA-APHIS government veterinarian for signature and


Form Endorsement: This health certificate must be submitted

to and signed by a government veterinarian of the country of


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