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15 Things You Need To Know Before

You Travel To Israel :

Source: http://www.traveltomtom.net/destinations/middle-east/israel/17-things-you-need-to-know-before-you-travel-to-israel


Country of hummus

You might not expect a dip to be healthy but hummus is actually pretty healthy and originates from Israel. With

every meal you will get a plate of hummus either as a starter or as a main dish. It is pretty normal for Israeli’s

to have a Hummus lunch, just some bread and a bowl of hummus. There is even a popular Instagram account

called Hot Dudes And Hummus, check it out if you are into it before your trip to Israel so you know what to


Sharing food

A trip to Israel is not complete if you didn’t try 281 dishes in 1 week! I am a big fan of 9 small plates on the

table and dipping your bread or vegetable in all of them. A good thing to know before you travel to Israel because

ordering a main dish for yourself is weird! :) Israelis love to share food and expect them to order a lot of

different things and just try everything. Ordering a main dish just for your self will frown eyebrows.


Food has rules in Israel as far as that counts for religious people. You will often find restaurants stating that they

offer ‘kosher’ food, which basically means they stick to the rules of the religion, It is something like Halal food

for Muslims. Main rule is: don’t mix dairy with meat. In reality most young Israeli’s don’t care at all, but it is good

to know when you are planning a trip to Israel.

Fight for your right

Living in Israel is unlike in any other country and some expats explained me that they really had to get used to

some Israeli habits when they moved here. From your 18th almost everyone in Israel has to join the army for

at least 2 years, boys and girls. I saw kids walking around with a big gun in their hand who looked half my age,

but on the contrary also cute girls flirting with me in their uniform. The military service is compulsory but it will

definitely form you as a person. Israeli’s have a getting things done mentality and can be super direct! Get used

to it, this hands-on mentality is how they have been raised.

Safety issues

Israel will always be a country with issues and yes there are always people that will have their opinions about

the conflicts going on here. But I did not go to Israel to discuss this or to find out more about it. I was there to

see the beauty, the crazy and the holy! But of course I can understand that safety issues are important visiting

Israel tips. But just because Israel is a place of conflict that does not mean it isn’t safe. I have walked around on

the streets at night and during the day and went to remote areas in the South and visit the Dead Sea, but didn’t

stumble upon anything that made me feel unsafe. Security is so tight that it actually annoyed me like crazy

sometimes. Expect long lines at the airport security. I waited 40 minutes to go through security, got questioned

20 minutes before entering Israel and 10 minutes when I left. Why? I assume it contributes to make Israel a safe

place, which it definitely is nowadays. Safety issues? No worries…

This is may be one of the most important things to know before you travel to Israel. Wow Israel you really surprised me with your price levels! I

did not expect anything like this at all. I just came from Sydney and was used to pay $7 for a beer, but a beer in Tel Aviv can easily cost $10. Damn

it! Groceries are not cheap either. Apparently the salaries are not outrageous like in Australia so respect for those who are living here and have to

deal with it. Streetfood $6 - $11, mid range hotel room $130, car rental $70 per day, meal at the beach $35. Damn I wish you were cheaper Israel!

Tel Aviv looks better at night

When I walked around my first time in Tel Aviv I was not really impressed by its beauty. From my friends balcony I could overlook the city and that

didn’t really help either. Don’t expect stunning historical cities with beautiful squares like in Europe, during the day just go to the beach. The best

Israel travel tip is to see the this city at night. Tel Aviv’s beauty comes out at night and wow the stories are true! Damn what an epic nightlife has

this city! Unlimited bars and clubs and restaurants and the cool thing is that it is bustling everywhere. Inside the bars and outside on the patio.

There are so many people hanging around in the streets. Don’t get disappointed walking around Tel Aviv by day, wait till the sun goes down! ;)

Smoking in bars

It felt like I was stepping back in time when I entered a bar for the first time. Even in Thailand there are places where there is a strict law against

smoking in bars, but everywhere I went in Israel people were smoking cigarettes. For the die-hard smokers this will be paradise, but for me it was

hell. My clothes smelled so awful and my hair even worse. Every time I went out I had to take a shower when I came home in the middle of the

night! I felt like those nights back when I was 20. Well, there was no escaping I had to get used to it…

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