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The central focus of the Christian faith is

based upon the belief of salvation made

possible through the crucifixion and

Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the son

of God. “Christ” corresponds to the Jewish

sovereign of “Messiah” or in Hebrew, “The

Anointed One”.

The central focus of the Christian faith is

based upon the belief of salvation made

possible through the crucifixion and

Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the son

of God. “Christ” corresponds to the Jewish

sovereign of “Messiah” or in Hebrew, “The

Anointed One”.

The central focus of the Christian faith is

based upon the belief of salvation made

possible through the crucifixion and

Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the son

of God. “Christ” corresponds to the Jewish

sovereign of “Messiah” or in Hebrew, “The

Anointed One”.

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