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The Western Wall

Tisha B’Av is a day of mourning and

despair, but within the sadness of the

day there is also a message of hope.

That message being that despite much

suffering, the Jews will survive and be

redeemed as promised by the prophets

of old. That message of Tisha B’Av is

conveyed in the history of the Western


The Byzantine emperor Constantine

adopted Christianity in the early part

of the fourth century. Upon the defeat

of the emperor of the east, Licinius, at

Chrysopolis on September 18, 324 C.E.,

Constantine became ruler of the Holy


Constantine built churches throughout

the land and strongly encouraged

the proselytism of Jews. It is theorized

that Constantine enacted anti-Jewish

laws.(See The Jews Under Roman and

Byzantine Rule: A Political History of

Palestine from the Bar Kochba Revolt

to the Arab Conquest , page 165.) He

also reinstated legislation of the Roman

emperor Hadrian 117-138 C.E.

The Byzantine emperor Constantine

adopted Christianity in the early part

of the fourth century. Upon the defeat

of the emperor of the east, Licinius, at

Chrysopolis on September 18, 324 C.E.,

Constantine became ruler of the Holy


Constantine built churches throughout

the land and strongly encouraged

the proselytism of Jews. It is theorized

that Constantine enacted anti-Jewish

laws.(See The Jews Under Roman and

Byzantine Rule: A Political History of

Palestine from the Bar Kochba Revolt

to the Arab Conquest , page 165.) He

also reinstated legislation of the Roman

emperor Hadrian 117-138 C.E.

Following his suppression of the Bar

Kochba Revolt (132-135 C.E.), Hadrian

enacted laws that prohibited the entry

of Jews into Jerusalem or the surrounding

region of Judea. Over time

those laws remained on the books but

were not enforced by all emperors;

many allowed Jewish pilgrimages on

the holidays. Constantine reinstated

those laws, but with some changes.

Jews were again permitted to reside in

Judea. In addition, he also allowed the

Jews to enter Jerusalem and pray at

the Western Wall on one day annually

— Tisha B’Av.

Being the last standing wall surrounding

the Temple, the Western Wall already

possessed a special significance

to the Jews. Perhaps the emperor permitted

the Jews access to the Western

Wall on Tisha B’Av so they could revel

in their sufferings and misery; maybe

he had the notion that such thoughts

would lead them to apostasy. But the

sight of the remnant of the Temple

gave the Jews hope and a sense of

resolve rather than weakening them.

They saw it as a sign of strength and

took solace upon their annual opportunity

to visit the site of their beloved


The Talmudic sages of that era spoke

of the special and eternal nature of

the Wall. Rabbi Acha stated that the

Shekhinah, special Divine Presence

of God, will never depart from the

Temple’s Western Wall. The Midrash

cites a quote from Solomon’s Song of

Songs, “Behold, He stands behind our

wall” (Midrash Tanhuma Exodus, 10;

Song of Songs; Exodus Raba 2:2).

The Temple was destroyed,

but a part remained. The

Western Wall served as a

reminder that the Temple

could never be totally destroyed.

The hope for its rebuilding remained

strong in that era and over the centuries.

The seemingly minor changes in

the laws by Constantine allowed the

Jews some solace and inspiration on

their day of mourning.

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