North Canterbury News: September 17, 2020

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Thursday,<strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>,<strong>2020</strong> | Issue914 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />


Property<br />

market<br />

surges<br />


Waimakariri’s bustling<br />

housing market since the<br />

Covid­19 level 4lockdown<br />

produced arecord median<br />

house price of $515,000 in<br />

August.<br />

Bayleys Rangiora manager<br />

Ross Ditmer says the record<br />

median price in the district<br />

reflects the shortage of<br />

listings, the increase in the<br />

number of properties sold for<br />

more than $1 million, and the<br />

high number of people keen to<br />

buy turning up at open homes.<br />

‘‘It is areally buoyant<br />

market, but the shortage of<br />

listings is the key point. People<br />

are fighting over properties.’’<br />

The record price was<br />

included in sales figures<br />

released by the Real Estate<br />

Institute of New Zealand<br />

(Reinz) last week, which show<br />

a13per cent increase in<br />

median house prices in<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> (from $440,000 last<br />

year to $497,000 this year) and<br />

a16.4 per cent increase in<br />

median house prices<br />

nationwide last month.<br />

The median house price is<br />

the sale price in the middle of<br />

alist of property sales ranked<br />

from the highest price to the<br />

lowest price during aset<br />

period.<br />

The housing market’s<br />

recovery during the last few<br />

months after lockdown has<br />

surpassed many predictions.<br />

Big numbers are being<br />

reported at open homes, and<br />

some buyers are receiving<br />

multiple offers, at times well<br />

above asking price.<br />

Reinz chief executive Bindi<br />

Norwell said in recent weeks<br />

the organisation had heard<br />

reports around the country<br />

of vendors achieving good<br />

prices for the sale of their<br />

homes.<br />

‘‘But we would never have<br />

guessed that eight regions and<br />

<strong>17</strong> districts/cities across the<br />

country would see record<br />

median prices just four<br />

months after the entire<br />

country was in lockdown.<br />

‘‘The combination of low<br />

interest rates, the removal of<br />

loan­to­value ratios, the lack of<br />

listings, people’s aspiration to<br />

have more space/a bigger<br />

backyard, acatch­up post<br />

lockdown, and first­time<br />

buyers’ desire to get into the<br />

market, have all contributed to<br />

the uplift in prices we have<br />

seen during the last few<br />

months.<br />

‘‘Unless we see more listings<br />

come to the market before<br />

Christmas, we may start to see<br />

additional pressure on house<br />

prices and affordability,’’ she<br />

says.<br />

New branding to launch<br />

Made <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> ... Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> food and<br />

beverage business development manager Alissa Miller is keen to hear<br />

from local producers who want to join the new brand.<br />



Hopes are high thatnew <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> branding willhelp<br />

local producers raise their<br />

profile.<br />

Enterprise <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>(ENC) is about to<br />

launchthe ‘‘Made <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’’ brand.<br />

It wants foodand beverage<br />

producersinthe Hurunui,<br />

Kaikoura and Waimakariri<br />

districts to sign up.<br />

‘‘<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> is a<br />

growing region and you often<br />

hear that <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>is<br />

ahidden gem. But we don’t<br />

want to be hidden any more,’’<br />

ENC food and beverage<br />

business development<br />

managerAlissa Miller says.<br />

Theconcept has been<br />

developedover the last year.<br />

Theideacame fromlocal<br />

producers.<br />

‘‘We’vespoken to arange of<br />

food and beverage businesses<br />

over the past year to findout<br />

what would add the most value<br />

to theirbusinesses,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘Weidentified the needfor<br />

aunifying platform to call out<br />

andpromote the hugely<br />

diverse productsgrown, made,<br />

reared and caught in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.’’<br />

The Rangiora and Kaiapoi<br />

New Worldsupermarkets<br />

havegot behind the project<br />

and are already identifying<br />

local produceontheir shelves<br />

withthe new logo.<br />

Awebsite is being<br />

developedtoprovide an<br />

online platform to make it<br />

easier for people to learn<br />

about local foodand beverage<br />

producers, includingthe story<br />

behind the products.<br />

The website will also<br />

provide aportal for local<br />

producers to collaborate.<br />

Continued Page 2<br />



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NEWS<br />

2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Grow<br />

customers,<br />

sales and<br />

profits<br />

with <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />

best read<br />

newspaper<br />

Readership: 47,000 weekly<br />

Circulation: 30,150 copies delivered<br />

to EVERY farm, RD, lifestyle block<br />

and homes in Waimakariri, Hurunui<br />

& Kaikoura every Thursday<br />

Covid curtails eventscalendar<br />


<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> events<br />

continuetobeextinguishedor<br />

curtailed amid the uncertainty<br />

of Covid­19.<br />

The Waiau Fireworks<br />

display in November is the<br />

latest casualty.<br />

The much­anticipated<br />

community eventhas been<br />

snuffed out because of the<br />

financial riskthat could leave<br />

the organising committee in a<br />

perilousstate if it had to be<br />

cancelledatthe last minute<br />

due to Covid­19.<br />

The decision follows several<br />

meetings and long discussions<br />

for the committee that works<br />

through the yeartoraise funds<br />

and organise the fireworks<br />

extravaganza.<br />

Meanwhile, the bounce has<br />

beentaken out of theKaikoura<br />

Hop afterthe Government’s<br />

announcement on Monday that<br />

level 2willremain until at least<br />

Monday in areas outside<br />

Auckland.<br />

But the Hopisstill going<br />

ahead as plannedin‘‘level 2<br />

style’’ over the next few days,<br />

until Sunday, <strong>September</strong> 20.<br />

The organisers saythey are<br />

disappointed but not<br />

surprised. They intend to cater<br />

for all those on their way, in<br />

town already and ready to<br />

party.Therewill still be an<br />

opportunity for all registered<br />

vehicles to join the level­2­style<br />

event.<br />

‘‘There will be no car show<br />

on Saturday at the Racecourse,<br />

no Rock and Roll dance on<br />

Saturday night, and no<br />

burnouts on Sunday. No mass<br />

gatherings,’’ say the organisers.<br />

But there willbeapop­up<br />

shop for all Hop merchandise<br />

at the memorialhall on<br />

Saturday, sponsors’ stallsand a<br />

few cool markets.<br />

As seen by the weekend<br />

cancellationofthe Whale Run,<br />

people stillwant to visit<br />

Kaikoura, so manyvisitors are<br />

still expectedtovisit the town,<br />

alongwith some fabulous<br />

vehicles.<br />

Meanwhile, Rock‘n’Wheels<br />

organisers in Amberleyare<br />

forging on withplansfor its<br />

event, whichwas postponed<br />

from Father’s Day.Itisnow<br />

scheduledfor <strong>September</strong> 27 in<br />

the Amberley Domain.<br />

Rangiora to contest rugby semi-final<br />

Readytorumble... The Rangiora squad meetsthe challenge of the Lincoln haka.<br />


The Rangiora High School 1st<br />

XV rugby team has made it into<br />

the top four of the UC<br />

Championship, and will play<br />

Christchurch Boys’ High School<br />

(CBHS) in the semi­final on<br />

Saturday.<br />

Awin over the Lincoln<br />

Combined 1st XV last Saturday<br />

by 70­7 propelled Rangiora into<br />

fourth, while CBHS topped the<br />

standings.<br />

Rangiora will be keen to have<br />

achance to reverse the result<br />

from its match against CBHS a<br />

fortnight ago. Adraw, or victory,<br />

slipped from Rangiora’s grasp in<br />

the dying seconds.<br />

Coach Craig Mullan says the<br />

side displays good values and a<br />

level of determination which<br />

makes the team easy to coach.<br />

The semi­final will be played<br />

at CBHS without spectators.<br />

news<br />

Robyn Bristow<br />

Managing Editor<br />

027 312 1581<br />

robyn.bristow<br />

@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

Neil Clarkson, David Hill,<br />

Shelley Topp.<br />

advertising<br />

DaynaBurton<br />

Sales Co-ordinator<br />

027 312 0089<br />

dayna.burton<br />

@ncnews.co.nz<br />

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amanda.keys<br />

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getintouch<br />

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Distribution/Deliveries<br />

03 314 8335<br />

Amberley: 03 314 8335<br />

119 Carters Road, Amberley<br />

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77-83 High Street, Rangiora<br />

Christchurch: 03 364 7460<br />

www.starnews.co.nz<br />

New branding for producers<br />

From Page 1<br />

ENC chief executive Heather<br />

Warwick said the group<br />

wouldlike to get more local<br />

producers goingtofood<br />

events, and to attend the Food<br />

Show in Auckland.<br />

‘‘Those food shows can be<br />

cost­prohibitive for small and<br />

medium­sized businesses,but<br />

if theywork together we can<br />

get them there.’’<br />

The new brand could lead<br />

to atourist trail or even<br />

Looking<br />

to buy or<br />

sell?<br />

Aaron Clark<br />

Residential &Lifestyle Sales Consultant<br />

become abrand for anything<br />

producedin<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, Heather says.<br />

‘‘We’ve had enquiries from<br />

large, local manufacturers<br />

who wanttojoin the brand,<br />

but firstand foremost we want<br />

to get foodand beverage<br />

producers on board and then<br />

we can extendittocafes and<br />

restaurants.’’<br />

WhileCovid­19 has created<br />

challenges for local<br />

producers, it has also allowed<br />

for innovative businesses,<br />

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P 03 313 8022<br />

E aaronc@pb.co.nz<br />

suchasvegetable grower,<br />

Grown, of Sefton, to thrive by<br />

doing thingsdifferently,<br />

Alissa says.<br />

The Made <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

initiative is sponsoredby<br />

Sidekick Rangiora and<br />

Meridian. It has been made<br />

possible thanks to support<br />

fromthe Provincial Growth<br />

Fund.<br />

To get involved, contact<br />

Alissa Miller on (021) 618 287<br />

or email alissa@enterprisenc.<br />

co.nz.<br />

Travel agency opts for mobile model<br />

Travel agency helloworld Travel Rangiora<br />

has moved out of 99 High Street and will<br />

provide amobile service for the time being.<br />

‘‘With the demise of international travel due<br />

to the global Covid­19 pandemic we had to<br />

look at different ways to do business,’’ owner<br />

Liz Ditmer said. Its mobile consultants had<br />

already helped customers plan New Zealand<br />

adventures. They look forward to helping<br />

more people enjoy the upcoming warmer<br />

months around New Zealand. Its phone<br />

number is (03) 310 6288.<br />

Call Aaron today for<br />

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Chance<br />

to party<br />

Organisers of Waimakariri’s<br />

popular youth ‘‘All Night<br />

Party’’ are hoping for alastminute<br />

rush on tickets.<br />

Ticketsales have been<br />

sluggishfor the annualevent,<br />

planned for overnight on<br />

Friday and Saturday,<br />

<strong>September</strong>25to26, because of<br />

Covid­19, Waimakariri District<br />

Council youth development<br />

facilitatorSam Redman says.<br />

But with signalsthe country<br />

will soon returntolevel 1,<br />

WaiYouth is hopingfor alate<br />

surge in salesahead of<br />

Sunday’s deadline.<br />

For details on how to get<br />

tickets,visit the WaiYouth<br />

Facebook page.<br />

The next eventfor WaiYouth<br />

will be the annual CentreStage<br />

teen talent competitionin<br />

October.<br />


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Trees for generations<br />


Planting trees is abig part of<br />

Grant MacLeod’s roleasthe<br />

Waimakariri DistrictCouncil’s<br />

Greenspace team manager.<br />

He believestreesplaya<br />

pivotalrole in communities for<br />

manyreasons. Theyprovide<br />

colour, formand focalpoints.<br />

Theyalso enhance<br />

streetscapeswherebuildings<br />

dominate, addvalue to<br />

properties, help cleanthe air,<br />

provide shelter from bad<br />

weather,stabilise soil,<br />

increasebiodiversity,provide<br />

habitat for birds,animals and<br />

insects, and addbeauty to the<br />

environment.<br />

‘‘Weare neverkeentosee<br />

trees come downifwe can<br />

avoid it.<br />

‘‘They are so important,add<br />

so much value and should be<br />

here alot longerthanweare,’’<br />

he says.<br />

‘‘Planting trees is one of the<br />

most selfless thingspeoplecan<br />

do,’’hesays.Thisisbecause<br />

most peoplewillnot get to see<br />

thefullgloryofthe trees they<br />

plantbecause theytake so long<br />

to grow.<br />

In Waimakariri, the<br />

council’s Notable Trees<br />

initiative protects asignificant<br />

list of trees,providing<br />

safeguardsagainstremoval or<br />

destruction.<br />

Some are on council­owned<br />

land andothersare in private<br />

ownership.<br />

Thecouncil hasalist of all<br />

thedesignatedNotable Trees<br />

andamap of their locations.<br />

TheKaiapoi Domain in<br />

Ranfurly Streetishometo<br />

several,including14pine­tree<br />

variants whichGrant<br />

especially likes.<br />

Oneisthe biggest in the park<br />

Afavouriteplace ... The Waimakariri DistrictCouncil's Greenspace<br />

team manager GrantMacLeod alongside one of Waimakariri’s protected<br />

treesinthe Kaiapoi Domain, in Ranfurly Street.<br />


andisbelieved to be more than<br />

100yearsold.<br />

It is most likely one of the<br />

oldest trees in Waimakariri<br />

andthe oldestinthe Kaiapoi<br />

Domain —aunique placeinits<br />

own right.<br />

‘‘Itislike alittle woodland<br />

forest,whichisquiterare<br />

these days,’’Grantsays.<br />

Inglis<br />

helps<br />

cause<br />

Mountaineer and<br />

sportsman Mark Inglis<br />

has becomean<br />

ambassador for the<br />

WestpacRescue<br />

Helicopter.<br />

Mark, wholives in<br />

HanmerSprings, knows<br />

what it is like waiting to<br />

be rescued, after being<br />

trapped in asnow cave<br />

on Mt Cook in 1982 for<br />

13 days with climbing<br />

partner Philip Doole.<br />

Both men’s legs<br />

became badly frostbitten<br />

while awaiting<br />

rescue. Both Inglis’ legs<br />

were amputated 14cm<br />

below the knee.<br />

Mark says it is a<br />

feeling of relief when he<br />

hears the chopper<br />

coming in, which means<br />

someonehas got the<br />

help they need. It is also<br />

an important service for<br />

HanmerSprings where<br />

the holiday population<br />

can swell to 5000.<br />

During July, Westpac<br />

helicopter missions in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

increased from nine<br />

last year to 16. To date<br />

there has been 141<br />

missions, compared to<br />

101 in the same period<br />

last year. Donations can<br />

be made via airrescue.<br />

co.nz/together.<br />

Additional information<br />

is available from Prince<br />

(021) 900 519; Mark (021)<br />

639 899, or Scotty<br />

Bamford, patient<br />

ambassador, on (027)<br />

364 7910.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

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Pair win field trip to Fiordland'sDusky Sound<br />


Two young <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

conservation heroes have won a<br />

national video competition for school<br />

students to take part in aFiordland<br />

field trip.<br />

Kaiapoi High School student Aaliyah<br />

Raja, aged 13, of Pegasus, and Rangiora<br />

High School student Yeshaya<br />

Bullmore, 15, of Leithfield Beach, won<br />

the competition with videos they made<br />

at the beach, outlining their<br />

conservation interests and how they are<br />

helping to look after the ecosystem in<br />

their neighbourhood.<br />

The Join Expedition Fiordland Field<br />

Trip is acollaboration between Pure<br />

Salt, aFiordland­based adventure<br />

charter boat business, LEARNZ, a<br />

company producing virtual field trips<br />

for the education sector to ‘‘help<br />

students access the inaccessible’’, and<br />

the Department of Conservation.<br />

The aim of the field trip is to<br />

showcase the Tamatea Dusky Sound<br />

Restoration Project for New Zealand<br />

classrooms by creating avirtual field<br />

trip in the area.<br />

The competition was used to give two<br />

young conservationists and their<br />

guardians the chance to join the<br />

expedition into Tamatea Dusky Sound<br />

aboard the charter boat Flightless.<br />

The field trip began last Monday and<br />

ends this Saturday.<br />

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Helping grow the country

NEWS<br />

4 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Expansion under way ... Rangiora’s McAlpines Mitre 10 Mega is expanding its store.<br />


Expansion has eye to future<br />

Rangiora’s McAlpines Mitre 10<br />

Mega is expanding its premises<br />

to future­proof the business for<br />

anticipated population growth<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

The locally owned and run<br />

home improvement, hardware,<br />

and garden centre store in<br />

Southbrook Road has been<br />

trading in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> for<br />

45 years.<br />

The business is apopular<br />

retailer and abig supporter of<br />

the community, sponsoring<br />

many causes. It is also one of<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s biggest<br />

employers.<br />

Plans for the extension began<br />

in 20<strong>17</strong>, chief executive Peter<br />

Crighton says.<br />

‘‘It was apparent that there<br />

would be asignificant<br />

population increase in the<br />

district over the next 20 years<br />

and it was considered that the<br />

current store size, with<br />

subsequent limitations on the<br />

range that could be offered, had<br />

little capacity to accommodate<br />

for this future growth.<br />

‘‘The new space will give us<br />

the opportunity to better<br />

showcase our products, provide<br />

awider range of goods for our<br />

customers, and an improved<br />

shopping experience for them.<br />

‘‘We are really excited about<br />

the project.’’<br />

The initial builders’ supply<br />

store at Southbrook was built in<br />

1970, with membership of Mitre<br />

10 (NZ) Ltd undertaken in 1974.<br />

The store has traded as aMitre<br />

10 franchise since then.<br />

An outdoor garden centre was<br />

established in 1988, and adrivethrough<br />

facility was added in<br />

1993. During 2007­08, the<br />

Southbrook Mitre 10 Mega was<br />

developed to replace the Mitre<br />

10 Home and Trade store (as it<br />

was then known) and the new<br />

facility opened in <strong>September</strong><br />

2008, with abig investment<br />

made last year to roof part of<br />

the garden centre.<br />

The new extension will<br />

provide 35 per cent more retail<br />

space and 35 per cent more<br />

space for the drive­through<br />

trade outlet. Covid­19<br />

restrictions have delayed<br />

progress on the extension,<br />

originally scheduled for<br />

completion next month.<br />

The trade section will open in<br />

late October but the added<br />

retail section is now scheduled<br />

to open in February.<br />

Clean-up help sought<br />

Okuku’sFoothillsHoney<br />

owners, brother and sister<br />

Jamesand Laura Malcolm,<br />

are askingmembers of the<br />

community to join their<br />

annual Ashley River Clean<br />

Up.<br />

‘‘TheAshley River has a<br />

reputation for beautifulpicnic<br />

and swimming spots, as well<br />

as walking trails,’’ Laura says.<br />

‘‘But, unfortunately,for others<br />

it is better known as a<br />

dumping ground.<br />

‘‘It is heartbreaking to see<br />

our beautiful rivers that we all<br />

love to enjoy being used this<br />

way.’’<br />

Last year, 800kg of rubbish,<br />

including 33 tyres, was<br />

collected duringthe clean­up.<br />

The Foothills Honey team<br />

spends hours tendinghives<br />

alongthe riverbeds and<br />

constantly see dumped<br />

rubbish.<br />

‘‘Forus, thisisour<br />

backyard,’’James says.‘‘We<br />

want to keep thesecherished<br />

spotsasnatural and as<br />

respectedaspossible.’’<br />

This year’s clean­up is<br />

planned for Sunday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 27, from1.30pm to<br />

3pm, withmeeting points at:<br />

Bullock Creek<strong>North</strong> and<br />

South,Okuku BridgeSouth,<br />

Swamp Rd, ToombridgeRd,<br />

Dunlops Rd,Rossiters Road,<br />

AshleyBridge (north), Ashley<br />

Village (High Street, both<br />

sides)River Rd (south), or<br />

volunteers can visitthe<br />

Natural New ZealandHoney<br />

Bee Shedat100 Foothills<br />

Road, Okuku at 1pm for<br />

directions to ameeting point.<br />

After the clean up, therewill<br />

be asausage sizzle and drinks<br />

for the volunteers at Fools of<br />

DesireCafe in Rangiora, and<br />

the chance to win spotprizes<br />

worth more than $1500.<br />

Anyonewho would liketo<br />

clean up an area of the river<br />

not included in the designated<br />

meeting points shouldcontact<br />

Laura on (03) 313 1391.<br />

Foothills Honey will<br />

provide gloves and rubbish<br />

bags for volunteers.<br />

For more information, visit<br />

the FoothillsHoney Facebook<br />

page.<br />

Celebrations postponed again<br />

The region’s budget advisory<br />

service has postponedits 40th<br />

anniversary celebrations for<br />

the second time.<br />

BudgetingServices<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, established in<br />

Rangiora in 1980, had planned<br />

to mark the milestone in May,<br />

but the event was postponed<br />

until<strong>September</strong> 29 because of<br />

the Covid­19 lockdown.<br />

ServicemanagerShirley<br />

Grant saidthe committee<br />

decided to postpone again.<br />

‘‘We’rehoping thattherewill<br />

be some levelofnormalityin<br />

November/ December when, as<br />

ateam, we can get together,<br />

withoutsocial distancing, to<br />

celebrate our 40th.’’<br />

There’s neverbeeneen<br />

abetter time to<br />

support local.<br />

Help our local economy recover in these difficult times<br />

and supportour local advertisers by shopping local.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> features local businesses<br />

and news everyweek.<br />

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find out how we can help you<br />

-send us an email on info@ncnews.co.nznz<br />


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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

5<br />

Pop-up expo planned<br />

Scott succumbs to cancer<br />


Rangiora book lover Scott<br />

Grainger, known to many in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, has died, aged43, after<br />

ayear­long illness.<br />

Scott, the manager of Conway’s<br />

Paper Plus book store in Rangiora<br />

for 20 years,was diagnosed with<br />

colon cancer on July 5last year. He<br />

diedonAugust18.<br />

His funeral was heldonAugust<br />

24 at <strong>North</strong>brookChapelin<br />

Rangiora underCovid­19<br />

restrictions, with family and close<br />

friends in one room and other<br />

guests in an adjoiningroom, where<br />

theycould watchonascreen.<br />

Scott’s father, Alistair, of<br />

Rangiora, said his son’s love of<br />

booksand reading gave him the<br />

knowledge to provide Conway’s<br />

PaperPlus customers with sound<br />

advice.<br />

‘‘He developed avast knowledge<br />

of authors, their stylesand subject<br />

material, advising customers on<br />

the style, type,and author best<br />

suited to theirreading preference.<br />

‘‘He had an uncanny instant<br />

recall on anything he had read, his<br />

mindresponding likea<br />

computerised filing cabinet of<br />

facts.’’<br />

Scott grewupinRangiora, and<br />

began working at Conwaysin1994,<br />

before takingsix months to travel<br />

overseas, visiting Greece, Turkey<br />

Finalchapter<br />

... Scott<br />

Grainger,of<br />

Rangiora, who<br />

was manager of<br />

Conway’s Paper<br />

Plus bookstore in<br />

Rangiora for 20<br />

years, has died<br />

afterayear­long<br />

battle with<br />

cancer.<br />


and the Middle East.<br />

When Scott returned,he<br />

resumed working at Conways and<br />

in 2008 married Erin,aco­worker.<br />

AfterConwaysclosed in 2016 Scott<br />

beganworking as warehouse<br />

manager at Mediterranean Foods<br />

in Rangiora up until he became<br />

unwell.<br />

He leavesbehind Erin andtheir<br />

two young daughters, Niaand<br />

Elise.<br />

Scottwas described as amuchlovedhusband,father,<br />

son,brother<br />

and good friendtomany.Hewas<br />

also ablack­belt member of the<br />

Rangiora AikidoDojo and akeen<br />

guitar player, withacheerful<br />

disposition and contagioussmile.<br />

Rangiora Promotionsisgiving<br />

businesses the chancetoraise<br />

theirprofile in uncertain<br />

times.<br />

The Rangiora Pop Up<br />

Business Expo, sponsoredby<br />

Lime Real Estate, is set to go<br />

aheadasplanned next<br />

Wednesday from 5pm to<br />

7.30pm at theRangiora RSA<br />

Club on Victoria Street,<br />

assuming the expected move<br />

to alert level 1next week.<br />

The event was first held as a<br />

smaller version in 20<strong>17</strong> and is<br />

away to offer small<br />

businesses achance to<br />

promote their services and<br />

productstoacaptive local<br />

audience,Rangiora<br />

Promotions co­ordinator<br />

Belinda Toppsays.<br />

‘‘We have30businesses<br />

registered to exhibit at this<br />

evening.’’<br />

For the last two years,<br />

Rangiora Promotionshas<br />

been working on alarger<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>­wide expo,<br />

with more than 70 businesses<br />

included.<br />

Because of the challenging<br />

year for businesses,itdecided<br />

to scale down the event to<br />

provide amore affordable and<br />

achievable option for them.<br />

‘‘The Pop Up Business<br />

Expo, beingheld in the<br />

evening after work,isamore<br />

relaxed environment where<br />

peoplecan enjoysome drinks<br />

and nibblesatthe same time,’’<br />

she says.<br />

To find out about exhibitors,<br />

visit rangiorapromotions.co.<br />

nz or visit the event pageon<br />

Facebook.<br />

To RSVP or exhibit, email<br />

rangiorapromotions@<br />

gmail.com.<br />

Open day for quarry proposal<br />

The company proposing to<br />

quarry part of the Rangiora<br />

racecourse is planning an<br />

information open day.<br />

Taggart is holding the<br />

meeting on­course from<br />

3.30pm to 7pm on<br />

Wednesday, <strong>September</strong> 23,<br />

to discuss its proposed<br />

racecourse quarry and<br />

backfilling project.<br />

The company has applied<br />

to the Waimakariri District<br />

Council to establish a<br />

quarry inside the track and<br />

on racecourse land to the<br />

northeast. It anticipates it<br />

will extract up to 700,000<br />

cubic metres of material<br />

over 15 years.<br />

Its proposal has riled<br />

residents in north­west<br />

Rangiora and prompted<br />

two petitions, one of which<br />

garnered more than 4000<br />

signatures.<br />

People wishing to attend<br />

the open day can access the<br />

racecourse from 312<br />

Lehmans Road.<br />







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6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

The keys to building a<br />

more resilient region<br />

In 2015, the 10 mayors of <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

Mackenzie, Waitaki, Waimate, Timaru,<br />

Ashburton, Selwyn, Christchurch city,<br />

Waimakariri, Hurunui and Kaikoura,<br />

together with the chair of Environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan), initiated round­table<br />

talks to promote aphilosophyfocused on<br />

working togetherbetter.<br />

In 2019,the Mayoral Forum agreed to<br />

broaden its scope from economic<br />

developmenttosustainabledevelopment<br />

across the four interdependent aspects of<br />

wellbeing (environmental, economic,<br />

socialand cultural).<br />

The Mayoral Forumidentifiedfive<br />

priority issues:<br />

The sustainable environmental<br />

managementofhabitats —land,air,<br />

waterand ecosystems;<br />

Ashared economicprosperity —<br />

addingvalue to primary production,<br />

tourism, and retaining our skilled<br />

workforce;<br />

Betterfreight transportoptions—<br />

improved road safety, and reductionof<br />

wearand tearon our region’s roads;<br />

Climate­changemitigation and<br />

adaptation —buildingcommunity<br />

resilience andreducing ourcarbon<br />

footprint.<br />

Threewaters services —sustainable<br />

managementofdrinking water,<br />

wastewater,and stormwaterin<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Earlier,in2009, the MayoralForum<br />

launchedthe <strong>Canterbury</strong> Water<br />

ManagementStrategy (CWMS), which<br />

was afoundation principle of the<br />

Hurunui Waiau zonecommittee, and one<br />

that we will work throughasour current<br />

zone committee reviewsits function and<br />

purpose as ajoint committee of ECan and<br />

Hurunui District council.<br />

Many hours have beenspent over the<br />

past 10 years by community members,but<br />


The following property has been<br />

reported as lost to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

police:<br />

Ablack wallet,Maui Jim wraparound<br />

sunglasses, ablack sleeveless<br />

vest with a Tuhoe badge on it, ablack<br />

Suzuki car remote and flip­out key/<br />

❛The Mayoral Forum for some<br />

time now has consistently<br />

advocated for amulti­modal<br />

freight network.❜<br />

now it is timelyto take stockand consider<br />

the future.<br />

To strengthenour considerable<br />

advantages, the mayorsand chair wantto<br />

build on our collectivestrengthsand<br />

createabetter and more sustainable<br />

futurebydiversifying and addingvalue to<br />

our agricultural productionbyimproving<br />

market resilience, along withreducing<br />

environmental impacts.<br />

TheMayoral Forumfor sometimenow<br />

has consistently advocated for amultimodal<br />

freightnetworkthat increases the<br />

region’s resilience to natural disasters<br />

and efficientmovement of freight.<br />

Currently, more than 90% of freight<br />

tonnage is moved by truck.<br />

Mitigationand adaptation to focuson<br />

the changes in weather patterns<br />

underpins the priority to measure the<br />

impactsofmorefrequentdroughts,<br />

flooding,coastalerosion and increased<br />

fire risk.<br />

In termsofthreewatersreform, central<br />

governmentisworking with local<br />

governmenttoreview service delivery<br />

and funding arrangementsfor the<br />

economicregulationofthree­waters<br />

services.<br />

Ourcouncil has accepted the first<br />

tranche of funding thatprovides the<br />

stimulustodeliver waterservices to our<br />

communities. We willkeepyou well<br />

informed as we progress this hugepiece<br />

of work.<br />

Forfurther information,visit<br />

canterburymayors.org.nz<br />

pinkish purple house key/silver house<br />

key/small silver four­wheel­drive metal<br />

key chain; aMitsubishi car key with two<br />

house keys, apadlock key; and asmall<br />

red St Laurent Paris fold­over wallet.<br />

The following property is waiting to<br />

be claimed:Ayellow wallet (Kaiapoi).<br />

Our streets need to be<br />

safe for older people<br />

By JOANNE GUMBRELL, chairwomanof the<br />

WaimakaririAge­friendly Advisory Group<br />

We allwalk along the streetsinour<br />

towns. At our August Waimakariri Agefriendly<br />

AdvisoryGroupmeeting, Mike<br />

fromthe Policyand StrategyUnitatthe<br />

Waimakariri DistrictCounciltalked to<br />

us about street signage andbylaws.<br />

He described thecare taken to get<br />

thisright. Thereisinformation on the<br />

council website.<br />

We made comment aboutcourtesy<br />

crossings, theones we see in various<br />

places aroundour towns, witharaised<br />

areaand sometimes aprotected<br />

stopping place in themiddle of the<br />

road.<br />

The RoadCode says the only<br />

crossings where driversmuststop for<br />

pedestriansare zebra crossings. On<br />

courtesy crossings, drivers haverightof<br />

way.<br />

We have written to the council<br />

suggesting thatsignage be putonthe<br />

footpath stating thatdrivers have right<br />

of way.<br />

We also appreciate that some drivers<br />

do stop outofkindness, but it is not the<br />

law.<br />

The one at theroundaboutnear the<br />

cornerofAshley andBlackett streetsin<br />

Rangiora is one to look outfor.<br />

Ihear comments about signsoutside<br />

shops in ourtowns,too, as well as<br />

stands of goods.<br />

These add colour and cheerfulnessto<br />

the streets, but arenot goodfor<br />

pedestrians, particularlyfor people<br />

who finditdifficulttoget around.<br />

Twenty percent of peoplein<br />

Waimakaririare agedover 65 and this<br />

is predicted to increase.<br />

Thatwill bringagreaterneed for<br />

hazard­freepavements, with more<br />

mobility scooters, walking frames and<br />

sticks. Ourstreetsneed to be safefor<br />

them.<br />

The council is resisting the<br />

introductionofe­scooters,for which I<br />

breatheasighofrelief.<br />

Did youknow thataswell as the<br />

Covid­19 tracing app on cellphones, the<br />

council hasa“Snap,Send, Solve”one<br />

which is useful if you comeacross<br />

anythingyou would likethe council to<br />

knowabout?<br />

How to do thisisonthe council website.<br />

Ilive in thecountryand canuse this<br />

to let themknow aboutpotholes on the<br />

road.<br />

Haere oraHaere pai (Go with<br />

wellness,gowithcare).<br />

Littering is out of control<br />

Dear Editor,<br />

As an early­morning cyclist around<br />

the Rangiora district, Ican’t help but<br />

notice the ever­increasing deposits of<br />

litter lining our streets, with cans,<br />

bottles and fast­food wrappings and<br />

containers.<br />

Ithink we know alot of this is<br />

thrown out from low slung, noisy<br />

vehicles driven by anti­social braindead<br />

hoods, but also some others.<br />

My biggest concern is the lack of<br />

pride by alarge proportion of<br />

Rangiora residents, who simply don’t<br />

notice, don’t want to notice, are shortsighted,<br />

or just too plain lazy to pick<br />

up litter deposited near or outside<br />

their home.<br />

Yesterday, Inoticed achap on High<br />

Street line trimming his grass berm,<br />

and finding atin can in the grass. He<br />

slung it into the gutter to join the glass<br />

bottle already there.<br />

Ipick up alot of litter as Icycle, but<br />

to assist home owners with failing<br />


eyesight, Ioften deposit bottles and<br />

cans near their letterbox. Don’t thank<br />

me, I’m happy to do this.<br />

The other disappointment is the<br />

difficulty of some owners knowing<br />

what is rubbish, and what is<br />

recyclable.<br />

From May to July, the Waimakariri<br />

District Council had to send 200<br />

truckloads of recycling to the dump,<br />

costing ratepayers $122,700, because<br />

homeowners were too darned lazy to<br />

sort their waste correctly.<br />

Best to be beware. The council may<br />

be checking your bins to ensure you<br />

are recycling correctly, or you may be<br />

left with afull bin.<br />

Please start taking pride in<br />

Rangiora, and in particular, your area,<br />

Yours,<br />

John Carter<br />

Rangiora<br />


This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Good<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Sep <strong>17</strong> Sep 18 Sep 19 Sep 20 Sep 21 Sep 22 Sep 23<br />

Rise 6:27am<br />

Set 6:20pm<br />

Best 12:07pm<br />

Times<br />

Rise 6:37am<br />

Set 5:49pm<br />

Strong Nturning<br />

W<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 6:25am<br />

Set 6:21pm<br />

Best 12:34am<br />

Times 1:01pm<br />

Rise 7:06am<br />

Set 7:07pm<br />

Moderate Sturning<br />

NW<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 6:23am<br />

Set 6:22pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

1:27am<br />

1:54pm<br />

Rise 7:34am<br />

Set 8:25pm<br />

Light NWturning<br />

NE<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 6:21am<br />

Set 6:23pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

Rise 8:03am<br />

Set 9:44pm<br />

Light Nbecoming<br />

moderate NE<br />

Rise 6:20am<br />

Set 6:24pm<br />

Rise 8:34am<br />

Set 11:01pm<br />

Light Wturning<br />

NW<br />

Rise 6:18am<br />

Set 6:25pm<br />

Light Wbecoming<br />

moderate NW<br />

Rise 6:16am<br />

Set 6:26pm<br />

Strong NW<br />

easing<br />

NE 0.8 mturning S1.1 mdecreasing<br />

S0.7 mturning<br />

W1.4 m<br />

to 0.6 m<br />

SE 0.8 m<br />

NE NE 0.8 m E0.5 m E0.7 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

2:20am<br />

2:47pm<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

3:14am<br />

3:42pm<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

4:09am<br />

4:38pm<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

5:06am<br />

5:35pm<br />

Rise 9:09am Set 12:<strong>17</strong>am<br />

Rise 9:49am<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 3:48am 2.4 10:03am 0.4 4:41am 2.5 10:58am 0.3 5:36am 2.6 11:52am 0.2 6:32am 2.6 12:18am 0.2 7:29am 2.6 1:12am 0.3 8:27am 2.6 2:08am 0.3 9:25am 2.5 3:04am 0.3<br />

Mouth<br />

4:15pm 2.6 10:32pm 0.3 5:07pm 2.6 11:25pm 0.3 6:01pm 2.6<br />

6:57pm 2.6 12:46pm 0.2 7:54pm 2.5 1:42pm 0.3 8:53pm 2.5 2:39pm 0.3 9:52pm 2.4 3:39pm 0.4<br />

Amberley 3:48am 2.4 10:03am 0.4 4:41am 2.5 10:58am 0.3 5:36am 2.6 11:52am 0.2 6:32am 2.6 12:18am 0.2 7:29am 2.6 1:12am 0.3 8:27am 2.6 2:08am 0.3 9:25am 2.5 3:04am 0.3<br />

Beach<br />

4:15pm 2.6 10:32pm 0.3 5:07pm 2.6 11:25pm 0.3 6:01pm 2.6<br />

6:57pm 2.6 12:46pm 0.2 7:54pm 2.5 1:42pm 0.3 8:53pm 2.5 2:39pm 0.3 9:52pm 2.4 3:39pm 0.4<br />

3:57am 2.4 10:12am 0.4 4:50am 2.5 11:07am 0.3 5:45am 2.6<br />

6:41am 2.6 12:27am 0.2 7:38am 2.6 1:21am 0.3 8:36am 2.6 2:<strong>17</strong>am 0.3 9:34am 2.5 3:13am 0.3<br />

Motunau 4:24pm 2.6 10:41pm 0.3 5:16pm 2.6 11:34pm 0.3 6:10pm 2.6 12:01pm 0.2 7:06pm 2.6 12:55pm 0.2 8:03pm 2.5 1:51pm 0.3 9:02pm 2.5 2:48pm 0.3 10:01pm 2.4 3:48pm 0.4<br />

3:59am 2.4 10:14am 0.4 4:52am 2.5 11:09am 0.3 5:47am 2.6<br />

6:43am 2.6 12:29am 0.2 7:40am 2.6 1:23am 0.3 8:38am 2.6 2:19am 0.3 9:36am 2.5 3:15am 0.3<br />

Gore Bay 4:26pm 2.6 10:43pm 0.3 5:18pm 2.6 11:36pm 0.3 6:12pm 2.6 12:03pm 0.2 7:08pm 2.6 12:57pm 0.2 8:05pm 2.5 1:53pm 0.3 9:04pm 2.5 2:50pm 0.3 10:03pm 2.4 3:50pm 0.4<br />

3:52am 1.8 10:03am 0.3 4:45am 1.9 10:58am 0.2 5:40am 1.9 11:53am 0.2 6:36am 2.0 12:22am 0.2 7:33am 2.0 1:18am 0.2 8:31am 2.0 2:15am 0.3 9:30am 2.0 3:13am 0.3<br />

Kaikoura 4:20pm 2.0 10:35pm 0.3 5:13pm 2.0 11:28pm 0.3 6:08pm 2.0<br />

7:04pm 2.0 12:50pm 0.2 8:02pm 1.9 1:48pm 0.2 9:01pm 1.9 2:48pm 0.2 10:00pm 1.8 3:49pm 0.3<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />



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MN<br />

Ts &Csapply. Most classes are45minutes long. BabySteps classes include aFREEdrinkfor caregiver.<br />

Caregiver is required to participatewith childinall BabySteps andPreschool classes.<br />

To find out moreortobook your placeinany of these classesvisit...<br />

www.sportstrust.org.nz<br />

T<br />

S<br />

AS S<br />

P N<br />

Active Fun in Term 4 for Preschoolers,<br />

Home-Schooled & Adults<br />

Buildtheir confidence, coordination, balance, body<br />

awarenessand control, and set themupforanactivelife.<br />

In these classes children exploremovementand<br />

develop keymotor &social skillsrelevanttotheirage.<br />

Gymnastics @RangioraFitness Centre<br />

Baby Steps forunder 2year olds<br />

Tue10:45am • Tue 1pm<br />

First Steps for5-8year olds<br />

Mon3:45pm •Wed 3:45pm<br />

Gymnastics &Trampoline @MEGA Stadium Edward St<br />

Preschool 2-3 1 /2year olds<br />

Mon9:15am • Thur9:15am • Fri 1pm<br />

HomeSchool 8-13 year olds<br />

Thur 11:00am<br />

Tramp-Nastics forAdults<br />

Wednesdayand/orFriday11:45am<br />

(do1or2classeseach week)<br />

Preschool 3 1 /2 -5year olds<br />

Mon10:15am • Thur10:15am<br />

Thur 1:15pm •Fri 2pm<br />

$<br />

80<br />

ALL<br />


JUST per term<br />

Baby Steps PLUS for2-3year olds<br />

Tuesday11:45am<br />

First Steps PLUS for5-8year olds<br />

Mon4:45pm •Wed4:45pm<br />

Home School5-8yearolds<br />

Thur 12:00pm<br />

HomeSchool Ninja Kids<br />

Wed10:30am<br />

AFreeRunning/Parkour classfor 5-10 year olds<br />


SPORT<br />

28th Sept -2nd Oct<strong>2020</strong><br />

Time: 9am - 3pm<br />

$40/child /dayfor1st &2ndchildren.<br />

Monday-Archery Tag,Basketball,Cricket<br />

Age:7-13yearolds<br />

Tuesday-Dodgeball,Multi Sports,Trampoline/Gymnastics<br />

Wednesday-ArcheryTag,Football,Handball, Team Building<br />

Thursday - Basketball, Rounders, Trampoline/Gymnastics<br />

Friday - Stone-Age Touch, Survivor,Dodgeball,Fat MatSplat<br />

$35 /child /day if booking 3-4 children<br />

from thesamefamily.<br />

Runbythe<strong>North</strong><br />

Cante terbury Primary School Sport Coaches<br />

www.sportstrust.org.nz/holiday-programme<br />

Ph: 03 975 5560<br />


Join the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Sport&Recreation Trust’s<br />

School Holiday Programme<br />

at the RangioraHigh School Gymnasium.<br />

Book On-line NOW!*<br />

Registrations close 5pm on day before each session.<br />

* Inthe event your child is withdrawn arefund will only be given if the organisers<br />

are notified before Friday 25th <strong>September</strong>.<br />

2<br />

sessions of<br />

Tramp/Gym +<br />

Archery Tag<br />


Can’t vote in person?<br />

Youcan gethelp.<br />

If youhavepoorhealth or<br />

mobility andcan’tvote in<br />

person, call 0800367656<br />

to find out howyou canvote.<br />


ELECTION <strong>2020</strong><br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

9<br />

‘Iamanything but complacent’<br />

PrimeMinisterJacindaArdern talks to Mike Houlahan<br />

about her threeyears in office, and stressesthather<br />

party willbefighting for every single vote.<br />

On average, most governments<br />

canexpecttodeal with one major<br />

crisis aterm.<br />

WhenJacinda Ardern became<br />

primeminister three years ago,<br />

one of her first challenges was<br />

dealingwith the discoveryofthe<br />

cattle disease Mycoplasma bovis.<br />

Arollingmaul of disasters has<br />

followed,from the March 15<br />

terror attacktothe eruption of<br />

Whakaari/White Island, and now<br />

the ongoing battleagainstCovid­<br />

19.<br />

‘‘You can’t reallyprepare for<br />

thatrange of challenges, but in<br />

someways you can,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘One of the thingsthat we were<br />

challenged on, priortohaving<br />

these laterevents,was ourquite<br />

aggressive focus on adheringto<br />

the Budgetresponsibility rules<br />

and getting our debtdown, and I<br />

stand by that.<br />

‘‘That has meantthat we have<br />

beeninabetter position than<br />

mosteconomies we compare<br />

ourselves to goinginto the<br />

pandemic, and it has given us the<br />

abilitytomake sure we are<br />

investing in people, looking after<br />

their welfare and needs, and that<br />

has put us in astrong position to<br />

comeout the other sideafter the<br />

rebuild.’’<br />

As with everyelection,<br />

economic management willbea<br />

major point of debate,and in the<br />

space of afew months Ms<br />

Ardern’sGovernmenthas surged<br />


from sound debtmanagement<br />

principles to racking up<br />

enormousloans to cover the cost<br />

of the pandemic response.<br />

Labour, likeall parties, will<br />

likelyfind therepayment<br />

requirements on thatdebt a<br />

handbrakeonits spending<br />

ambitions should it be in<br />

government after the election.<br />

Ms Ardernsaid Labour<br />

believed in incrementalchange<br />

and carriedthat slow but steady<br />

philosophy overtodebt<br />

repayment, so the deficit should<br />

not be abarrier to second­term<br />

initiatives.<br />

‘‘There is adifference between<br />

us and the Opposition, whichis<br />

that we are willing to bring debt<br />

down overalongerperiod of<br />

time, but through investmentin<br />

training and education and job<br />

creation, as opposedtosetting<br />

debt targets that will mean<br />

austerity measures.<br />

‘‘Our debt repayment planwas<br />

set out in the Budgetand<br />

demonstrates thattakingitover a<br />

longerperiodoftime,with<br />

careful management,meansthat<br />

you wouldn’t have that level of<br />

cuts at all.’’<br />

Ms Ardern and Finance<br />

Minister Grant Robertson have<br />

been at the forefront of the<br />

Government’s response to the<br />

Covid­19 outbreak.<br />

With soaring poll ratings,Ms<br />

Ardern is able to run for reelection<br />

as the frontrunner, but<br />

she laughedwhen it was<br />

suggested this was her election to<br />

lose.<br />

‘‘Iamanythingbut complacent.<br />

‘‘Maybe Ihave been around<br />

politics too long;maybeitisjust<br />

in my nature, but Iamalways<br />

inclined to anticipate what could<br />

go wrong.<br />

‘‘No­one predicted 20<strong>17</strong> and I<br />

have been around politics along<br />

time: We should neverbe<br />

complacentand we shouldwin<br />

every single vote, not justright up<br />

to the pollingdate but beyond.’’<br />

From the moment apartyis<br />

elected, the process of having to<br />

maintain people’s support starts,<br />

she says. ‘‘I think there is nothing<br />

worse than politicians taking for<br />

grantedthe support thatthey<br />

have.’’<br />

Jacinda Ardern ... ‘‘I think there<br />

is nothing worse than politicians<br />

taking for granted the support that<br />

they have.’’<br />


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021 754 737<br />

Chris Jones<br />

027 220 5043<br />

Joel Meikle<br />

027 814 5208<br />

Sam Sidey<br />

027 346 3500<br />

Craig Blackburn<br />

027 489 7225<br />

John Bailey<br />

027 893 0234<br />

Sandy Butterick<br />

027 4<strong>17</strong> 2639<br />

Dean Pugh<br />

027 335 6303<br />

Jon McAuliffe<br />

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Simon Sharpin<br />

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Evan Marshall<br />

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Bayleys Ashburton 03 307 7377<br />

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Bayleys Timaru 03 687 1227<br />

bayleys.co.nz<br />


ELECTION <strong>2020</strong><br />

10 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

‘Ihave no problem making decisions’<br />

National leader Judith Collinstalks<br />

to Mike Houlahanabout takingthe<br />

reinsofthe party, and how she<br />

hopes to revive its flagging fortunes.<br />


Judith Collins may be new to the hot seat,<br />

but there is little to suggest she is not<br />

firmly in charge.<br />

‘‘I haveenjoyed it because Ihave no<br />

problem making decisions,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘Ultimately, what Iknow our team<br />

needs to haveinthe National Party, is for<br />

all MPs and staff to know what the<br />

decision is, theyneed to knowthat it is<br />

the bestdecision that can be madeatthat<br />

time, and then theyneed to get on and<br />

implement thatdecision —and that<br />

makes it alot easier for people.<br />

‘‘One of the strengths that Ibring, apart<br />

fromsome years of experiencein<br />

opposition and government, but also in<br />

the private sector, is that Idotrust my<br />

own decision­making ability and Ican<br />

instil confidence in people because Ican<br />

makedecisions.’’<br />

At the beginning of <strong>2020</strong>,National was<br />

led by SimonBridges, who,despite<br />

polling low in terms of personal<br />

popularity, had kept the party vote at a<br />

level where it was arealistic contender<br />

in thisyear’selection.<br />

However, Covid­19 infected National’s<br />

polling numbers, and aslump was<br />

followed soon afterbyadumping of Mr<br />

Bridges in favour of Todd Muller.<br />

Ms Collins thentook over, with her<br />

earliest policy announcements around<br />

infrastructure —asubjectofintense<br />

interest inthe SouthIsland.<br />

She panned the government over its<br />

‘‘shovel­ready’’ projectiniatitive.<br />

‘‘They have failed to deliver on them.<br />

Some of it has beenannounced, but a<br />

whole lot of themhaven’tbeen.’’<br />

Ms Collinsisequally dismissive of the<br />

Government’s response to the<br />

threatened closureofthe Tiwai Point<br />

aluminium smelter.<br />

‘‘So far we have seen nothingexcept<br />

for something aboutaforced hydro<br />

scheme which sounds mind­bogglingly<br />

expensive and would putupthe price of<br />

power by quitealot.<br />

‘‘We are very much thinkingabout the<br />

people down there and the situation,but<br />

we are also very aware thatyou cannot<br />

The Widest Music Variety<br />

be held hostage by abig international<br />

firm.’’<br />

Policy announcements have been<br />

scarce so far fromMsCollins —noreal<br />

surprise given herunexpectedascent to<br />

the leadership and the earliness in the<br />

election campaign.<br />

However, she did say that the series of<br />

positionpapers whichNational released<br />

whileled by Mr Bridges were avaluable<br />

pieceofwork —they had beenremoved<br />

from the party website but have since<br />

been reinstated.<br />

‘‘Obviously policies need to change<br />

because of changing circumstances, but<br />

discussion documents are stillrelevant.<br />

We’restillairing the issues.’’<br />

One policyMsCollins is adamant about<br />

is her stance on Covid­19.<br />

Judith Collins<br />

... ‘‘Nobody<br />

ever wonders<br />

what Ithink, and<br />

for some people<br />

that is utterly<br />

refreshing at the<br />

moment.’’<br />


‘‘Itisvery important that we havea<br />

zerotolerance, and Ihave azero<br />

tolerance towards Covid­19,’’ she said.<br />

‘‘But it is also important thatwhere we<br />

can bring people in who should behere,<br />

thatwecan quarantinethem and have<br />

confidenceinthat quarantine process.’’<br />

Through her extensive careerasa<br />

senior MP and cabinet minister, Ms<br />

Collins has revelled in her no­nonsense<br />

approach —sometimes to her detriment.<br />

‘‘Nobodyever wonders what Ithink,<br />

and for somepeople that is utterly<br />

refreshing at the moment.<br />

‘‘They are sick of beingtold,<br />

patronised, and treated like they are<br />

children, and Iwon’t patronise themor<br />

treat them likechildren —Iwill tell<br />

themstraight up how things are.’’<br />

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ALLTECH Advertising feature ANIMAL HEALTH<br />

12 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Trace minerals need<br />

to be bioavailable<br />

If you haven’t done it already, now is the time to change to asuperior<br />

form of trace minerals, writes Matt Cassineri.<br />

Every year, Iaminvolved in discussions in which Iamasked: How can Iimprove<br />

my herd’s health, fertility and or production figures?<br />

Many farmers tend to stick with the same supplier, use the same solutions and<br />

hope for better results. Others are tired<br />

of swapping companies and achieving<br />

the same or worse results.<br />

So why is this?<br />

The purpose of this article is to answer<br />

this question.<br />

It is all to do with the form of the trace<br />

mineral.<br />

Changing from one inorganic trace<br />

mineral to another gains nothing.<br />

Research has shown that inorganic<br />

trace minerals, or sulphates, are<br />

relatively poorly absorbed.<br />

The diagram to the left shows the<br />

mineral antagonists —that is, what<br />

minerals interact with each other.<br />

Potentially, 50 to 82% of inorganic<br />

trace minerals can be excreted because<br />

of the antagonistic effects of the<br />

minerals.<br />

Many years ago, trace minerals were<br />

introduced into animal husbandry to<br />

help avoid deficiencies, as the animals were unable to meet all their mineral<br />

requirements from their diet.<br />

Feeding trace minerals to only avoid disease is what is known today as<br />

‘‘traditional’’ feeding.<br />

Every year, as we invest in better<br />

genetics, we see more efficient<br />

animals performing much better.<br />

This means their mineral<br />

requirements change, so their<br />

mineral programme also needs to<br />

change to keep up.<br />

Alltech’s Total Replacement<br />

Technology (TRT) approach is to<br />

feed minerals in the right form,<br />

and to feed those trace elements<br />

not only to minimise disease, but to<br />

feed for performance.<br />

Our unique, well proven,<br />

organically bound minerals are<br />

much more bio­available and have<br />

helped many clients throughout<br />

the country improve results with<br />

fertility and animal health in general.<br />

In particular, pay attention to selenium (Se),<br />

copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), as these have major roles<br />

to play when we look at overall animal health and<br />

fertility.<br />

So, if you want to make adifference this season and<br />

improve results, particularly as farmers head into peak<br />

milk and mating season, please get in touch.<br />

Matt Cassineri is your local Alltech area sales<br />

manager. Please contact him to discuss Alltech’s<br />

cutting­edge mineral management programme.<br />

Matt can be contacted on (027) 208 4606 or email<br />

matt.cassineri@alltech.com.<br />

Matt Cassineri<br />

—Alltech (NZ) Limited<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />


• Uses Bioplex® and Sel-Plex® trace minerals which are better absorbed, stored and utilised by the animal<br />

• Istailoredfor New Zealand dairy herds<br />

• S <br />

• <br />

For more information call your local Alltech representativeorcall 0800 <br />

Email:newzealand@alltech.com<br />

alltech.com/newzealand<br />

Shortfall ... Ashortage of veterinarians is creating concern in the industry.<br />

Border ruleslead<br />

to squeezeonvets<br />

By SALLY RAE<br />

Border restrictions are affectingthe<br />

availability of veterinarians.<br />

Already on the long­term skills<br />

shortage list, there is apotential<br />

shortfall of about 200 to 220.<br />

The figureisthe resultofaquick<br />

survey of New ZealandVeterinary<br />

Association members that showed<br />

companion­animal vets werethe<br />

greatest need, followed by mixedpractice,<br />

large animal and then equine,<br />

the NewZealand Veterinary<br />

Association’s chief veterinary officer,<br />

HelenBeattie, says.<br />

The association is working with the<br />

Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)to<br />

try to find asolutionand is waiting to<br />

hear back from either MPI or the<br />

Ministry of Business, Innovationand<br />

Employment with the next steps, Dr<br />

Beattie says.<br />

Concerns are being heard‘‘right<br />

across the profession’’.<br />

Priorto‘‘highly specialist’’<br />

veterinarians being added to<br />

Immigration New Zealand’s website, on<br />

the basis they might meetthe criteria for<br />

short­termcritical workers, Massey<br />

University is concerned that the longterm<br />

effectwill be significant if<br />

specialist veterinarians are not<br />

available to provide training.<br />

In the professionitself, it is difficultto<br />

prioritise the gaps and the veterinary<br />

associationsuggeststhat howevermany<br />

couldbenegotiated to comeinto New<br />

Zealand, distributionneedstobebased<br />

on the ratio of the shortages.<br />

Dr Beattie saysthe effect of not having<br />

thosevets is significant for those left in<br />

the profession.<br />

Stress and the human welfare impact<br />

of the shortage wasaprimary concern<br />

forassociation, and that was highlighted<br />

in the survey.<br />

Therewas also the animal welfare<br />

aspect.<br />

Vets are key consultantsinanimal<br />

health and welfare, providingasupport<br />

networktofarmers.<br />

It is not just animal health they<br />

discuss on­farm. They also provide<br />

emotional help, she says.<br />

The professionisalso apassive<br />

biosecurity surveillancenetwork, with<br />

food safetyacritical part of the country’s<br />

primary industries.<br />

Dr Beattie saysshe does not believe<br />

anyone is beingpurposely obstructive;<br />

the association understands the<br />

implications of the global pandemic.<br />

MPI had been helpful and the associationwouldcontinue<br />

to work withit.<br />

Dr Helen Beattie<br />


Agriculture Minister Damien<br />

O’Connorhas been toldthe shortage is a<br />

legitimate need,while the association<br />

alsounderstands the Government is<br />

faced with making decisions for other<br />

industries.<br />

Training programmes are available in<br />

other areasofthe agricultural industry,<br />

but that is not possible in the veterinary<br />

profession.<br />

‘‘It’s not easy to repurpose airline<br />

pilots into veterinarians in less than five<br />

years,’’ she says.<br />

Federated Farmers employment<br />

spokesman ChrisLewis says the<br />

veterinary shortfall contributesto<br />

growing issuesfor the agricultural<br />

industry, from ashortage of experienced<br />

dairy staff, agricultural contractors and<br />

shearers —all industries that rely<br />

heavily on labourfrom overseas.<br />

Federated Farmers believes those<br />

workers present no greaterrisk ‘‘than<br />

any other party crossing the border’’,<br />

providedcorrect procedures are<br />

followed.<br />

‘‘These workers are all highlyaware<br />

that any breach of visa requirements<br />

wouldend their employment and<br />

jeopardise any futurechance of<br />

employment in New Zealand,’’hesays.<br />

Immigration New Zealand has<br />

previously said it understands the effect<br />

border restrictionsare having on some<br />

sectors, and the bar for exemptionsisset<br />

hightohelp contain the disease and<br />

protect the healthofpeoplealready in<br />

New Zealand.

Proudlysupporting the Nort hCanterbur yCommun ity<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

13<br />

Festival set to shine, despite Covid delay<br />


Light and colour will still shine in<br />

Rangiora,despite level 2being<br />

maintained for afurther week.<br />

The Rangiora Light and Sound<br />

Festival in VictoriaPark will now<br />

run from <strong>September</strong> 23 to 26, and<br />

it will be followed on Sunday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 27, by the Rangiora<br />

Colour Festival.<br />

Spokesman KarlHorwarth<br />

saysthe festival, originally<br />

planned for this week, will roll<br />

overtonext week, after the<br />

announcement by Prime<br />

Minister JacindaArdern that<br />

level 2will continue outsideof<br />

Auckland for at least another<br />

week.<br />

If level1fails to materialise by<br />

then, the eventwill be<br />

transferred to October.<br />

‘‘I do not wanttopostpone<br />

again unless we havetoand, if we<br />

do, we want to reschedule as<br />

quickly as possible,’’ Karl says.<br />

The eventisbasedonthe<br />

popularBotanic Delights<br />

Festival in Christchurch,and is<br />

aimed at liftingspirits for people<br />

wearied by the disruptionof<br />

Covid­19.<br />

Overfour nights, Victoria Park<br />

willbeafairyland of talking<br />

trees, discolights, music, dancing<br />

lights, interactive lighting<br />

displays, and smokeand bubble<br />

machines.<br />

It all culminates in aspecial<br />

Saturday­night grand finale, with<br />

afamily movieonabig screen,<br />

light displays, music from local<br />

bands, and aspecial appearance<br />

by the Rangiora Brass Band.<br />

There willbefood, drinks,<br />

attractions andalicensedbar.<br />

Spectrum willbeinstallingthe<br />

lights. The company has come on<br />

board as amajor sponsor, along<br />

with New World Rangiora,<br />

MainPower,Ray White Rangiora,<br />

Visit Waimakariri,Fools of<br />

Desire cafe, CompassFMand the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>.<br />

Music, foodtrucks, and some<br />

additional light installations<br />

have been confirmed, and the<br />

MainPower <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Lights photo competition has<br />

been launched.<br />

Finalists will have their work<br />

showcased in the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>.<br />

The newspaper will alsohost a<br />

ticket competition. It will be<br />

inserted in apaper available<br />

from NewWorldRangiora this<br />

Thursday, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>.<br />

The person who finds agold<br />

star in acopy picked up from the<br />

supermarketwill win a$200<br />

voucherfrom Fools of Desire<br />

cafe and afamily festival pass.<br />

Festival ticketsare $5 aperson<br />

or $10 afamily, with tickets able<br />

to be usedovermultiple nights.<br />

It willrun from 6pm on<br />

Wednesday, Thursday and<br />

Friday,with Saturday’sfinale<br />

starting at 5pm.<br />

‘‘The four daysoffestivities are<br />

about bringing peopletogether,’’<br />

Karl says.<br />

With all the infrastructurein<br />

place, the Rangiora Festival of<br />

Colour will fit in seamlessly on<br />

Sunday,from 10amto4pm.<br />

To learn more, go to<br />

rangioralightandsound.co.nz or<br />

facebook.com/pg/<br />

rangioralightandsound.<br />

Captivating display ... The<br />

Rangiora festival is inspired by the<br />

Botanic Delights Festival in<br />

Christchurch.<br />


Lighting up the night ...<br />

Organisers hope that Covid­19<br />

restrictions won’t scupper festival<br />

plans.<br />

Rangiora<br />

Light<br />

&SOUND<br />

Festival<br />

23 16 th RD -19 -26 TH th SEPTEMBER<br />

Victoria park<br />

Saturday, the grand finale!<br />

See all the lights turned on andenjoy<br />

afamilymovie onthe big screen, food,<br />

drink, attractions, and alicensed bar!<br />

Just $5 entry, $10 per family.<br />

Limited<br />

Numbers, Get<br />

Your Tickets<br />

Now<br />

Experience alight&sound<br />

wonderland! Victoria Park asyou<br />

havenever seen it before. Over 4<br />

nights, come and see afairyland<br />

of talking trees,discolights,<br />

music, dancing lights, interactive<br />

lightingdisplays,smokeand bubble<br />

machines! Then on Saturday<br />

the outdoor movie!<br />

rangioralightandsound.co.nz<br />

104.9 Wa im akar iri<br />

103.7 Hu runui

Motoring<br />

Guide<br />

Your local motoring professionals<br />

2255010<br />




WOF<br />

Tune-ups<br />

Lube-Oil changes<br />

Full Diesel Service<br />

Brakes &Clutches<br />

Motor Work<br />

Warranty Work<br />

Light Engineering<br />

Repairs<br />

Ride-on Mowers<br />

Pick up &Delivery<br />

Sell &Sharpen<br />

Horse Clippers &<br />

Sheep Shears<br />

Oils &Automotive Accessories, Postal<br />

Services, Hot Pies, Sandwiches, Rolls,<br />

Groceries and Sweet Treats<br />

For your convenience<br />

Sefton Garage<br />

571 Upper Sefton Road, Sefton<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>. Ph03312-9713<br />

We Do It All!<br />

Your One Stop Mechanical Shopp<br />

Courtesy Cars, Van, Automatics ti Available<br />

One Stop WOF Shop<br />

All Mechanical Repairsand Servicing, Tyres,<br />

Exhausts,Automatic Transmission Service<br />

Burbidge Automotive<br />

325 Flaxton Rd<br />

Ph 03 313 3344<br />

NEW<br />

CAR?<br />



Ample carparking!<br />

We have the latest Diagnostic Computer<br />

Systems that are compatible with most<br />

Vehicles.<br />

Wheel Alignment and Tyres available<br />

at very Competitive Prices.<br />

2160919<br />

No need to commute to<br />

town, we can do it.<br />

We use genuine parts, so your<br />

vehicle is still covered under<br />

warranty!<br />

Call us now to book your service.<br />

77 Ivory Street, Rangiora Ph 313-5802<br />

Mon -Fri 8.00 -5.30 Sat 8.30 -12.30<br />

2259663v1-S<br />

Garage trio ... Judy and Robbie Bruerton and their son Nick own Sefton Garage, which<br />

has been run by the family for nearly 50 years.<br />


Garage offers old-fashioned<br />

country service to clients<br />

SeftonGaragewas established by Robbie<br />

and Judy Bruerton in 1972.<br />

Today,48years on, theyhave been<br />

joinedinthe business by their son Nick,<br />

as they continue to offer good, oldfashionedcountryservice.<br />

Today,the garage is aone­stop­shop for<br />

all yourmechanical and repair needs.<br />

It has four permanent workshop<br />

mechanics and five front­of­house staff,<br />

plus two students who workweekends,<br />

looking after clients and customers.<br />

SeftonGarageofferseverything from<br />

warrants of fitness,tyre,brake and<br />

enginerepairs, to sharpening horse<br />

clippers, hedge clippers, weed­eaters<br />

and chainsaws.<br />

‘‘If you break it, we will lookatfixing<br />

it,’’ saysNick,who urgespeoplenot to<br />

throw awayanything that appears to have<br />

done its dash.<br />

‘‘There seems to be aparadigm shift<br />

when something appears worn out.<br />

Peoplebin it.<br />

‘‘A lot of things can be repairedata<br />

fraction of the costofreplacing it, and it<br />




Breakdown &<br />

After Hours<br />

Service<br />

Available<br />

Phone 03 313 6361<br />

0275 200 711<br />

307 Flaxton Road,<br />


brooktrucks@xtra.co.nz<br />

2162155<br />

is one less thing headed to the Kate<br />

Valley landfill,’’ he says.<br />

Thereisalso apostal service at the<br />

Sefton Garage, along with awell­stocked<br />

convenience store, cabinet food, hot and<br />

cold drinks, and snacks.<br />

High and low octanepetrol and diesel<br />

is availableon­site, supplied by Nelson<br />

PetroleumDistributors(NPD).<br />

Thereisprovisionfor those with NPD<br />

cardstoaccess fuel 24 hoursaday, and<br />

the garage accepts all supermarketfuel<br />

vouchersand gives a12c discount for<br />

Gold Card holders.<br />

Robbie and Judy continuetotake an<br />

active part in the day­to­day running of<br />

the busygarage,while Nick runs the<br />

workshop that catersfor everything from<br />

modern­daycars to farmimplements and<br />

equipment.<br />

The forecourt and shop are open from<br />

7am to 6pm on weekdays, 8am to 5pm on<br />

Saturday, and 9am to 5pm Sunday.<br />

The workshop is open 8am to 5pm from<br />

Monday to Friday,and on Saturdays from<br />

8am to noon.<br />


US FOR<br />

• Commercial&<br />

fleet repairs<br />

• Buses, caravans<br />

&motor homes<br />

• Trucks,trailers,<br />

buses &boats<br />

WE ARE<br />

EXPANDING!!!!<br />

Choose usfor all Panel<br />

and Paint Repairs<br />

Still providing our customers with everyday<br />

crash repairs,bumps&scrapestomajor<br />

smash work<br />

Qualityworkmanship&fastest turnaround<br />

Fleet of courtesycars available<br />

Contact: John Ph 313 6966<br />

639 LinesideRoad, Southbrook<br />

www.ncrcc.co.nz<br />

2190152-22/8<br />



British and European<br />

Performance Vehicles<br />

2007 Aston Martin Vantage<br />

-4.2 Litre V8 Petrol<br />

-2WD Sportshift<br />

-Black Leather interior<br />

-WOF Till August 2021<br />

-Travelled just 63,500kms<br />

Only $64,990!<br />

2011 BMW 116i<br />

-1.6 Litre<br />

-Freshly serviced<br />

-WOF Till Jul 2021<br />

-Remote locking with 2keys<br />

-Super low 38,500kms<br />

Only $11,990!<br />

Ph Andrew 027 576 5576 or 312 5132<br />

www.efmc.co.nz andrew@efmc.co.nz<br />

Trade-ins welcome Finance Available Warranties Available<br />

** ** ** **<br />


• Punctures<br />

• Balancing<br />

• New tyres<br />

• ATV tyres<br />

• Motorbike tyres<br />

(on and off road)<br />

• Barrow tyres<br />

• Mobility scooter tyres<br />

• Bicycle tyres<br />

Give usacall or come<br />

and see us in store!<br />


Markham St, Amberley<br />

03 314 0137<br />

Pebble Beach<br />

Upholstery<br />

2155281<br />

www.pebblebeachupholstery.co.nz<br />

Ph Brent – 027 724 6000<br />

341e Flaxton Road<br />

Southbrook<br />


Panasonic<br />

40”Premium<br />

4K SmartTV<br />

$<br />

1049<br />

40HX700Z<br />

40 %<br />

Sunbeam NewYork<br />

off#<br />

Kettles&Toasters<br />

SELECTEDBeds<br />

HALF<br />

PRICE #<br />

Panasonic<br />

160 Watt Soundbar<br />

SC-HTB400GNK<br />

$<br />

369<br />

Samsung<br />

55”QLED 4K<br />

SmartTV<br />

$<br />

2199<br />

55Q60T<br />

less than<br />

per<br />

$23 week<br />

for24monthson<br />

Interest Free<br />

Bosch<br />

7.5kg Front<br />

Loader<br />

Washing<br />

Machine<br />

9<br />

Limited Stock!<br />

$<br />

949<br />

WAN2212XAU<br />

30 %<br />


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Dining, bedroom<br />

&occasional<br />

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WhiteOak<br />

Made from AmericanWhiteOak.<br />

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TubChair<br />

42 % off#<br />

Available in NavyorCharcoal<br />

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SAVE<br />

$ 300<br />

We’vegone CLEAROUTCRAZY<br />

Endofline DINING FURNITURE-CadellRange<br />

550Colombo Street, CHRISTCHURCH<br />

Cnr Belfastand Radcliffe Road <strong>North</strong>wood, CHRISTCHURCH<br />

smithscity.co.nz<br />

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Someproductsondisplay in selected storesonly–pleasecallyourlocal storetocheck foravailability. Salepricing in this adisvaliduntil Tuesday 22nd <strong>September</strong> <strong>2020</strong>,whilestockslastorunless otherwisestated. #Discount is off ourfull retail price, notinconjunctionwith any<br />

otheroffer. *Apple products,selectedcomputers, game consoles, gift cards, clearance items andsome promotionalitems are notavailable in conjunction withinterest freeoffers.Flooring available on amaximum of 18 monthsinterest free.Exclusions, fees,terms, conditions<br />

and credit criteriaapply.Available in-store only.Equal instalment amountsinclude one-offbooking feeof$45.00, annualfeesof$45.00p.a., and securityregistration feeof$8.05,and exclude insurance.Currentinterest rate of 23.95% appliestoany unpaid balanceafter expiry<br />

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Vote<br />

Stuart<br />

Smith<br />

It has been my privilege to represent the Kaikoura<br />

Electorateinparliament forthe pasttwo terms and<br />

nowIamasking youtosupport meagain.<br />

Kaikouraisahuge electoratewith diverse interests.<br />

It playsanimportant partinour national economy.<br />

The region produces most of the country’swine<br />

and aquaculture, and is ahighly productivedairy<br />

region as well as fostering tourism and innovative<br />

businesses.<br />

Isupport:<br />

Responsible EconomicManagement<br />

Delivering Infrastructure<br />

Reskillingand Retrainingour Workforce<br />

AGreener,SmarterFuture<br />

Building StrongerCommunities<br />

Having been afarmer and later awine growerand<br />

businessman, Ican relatetothe issues facedin<br />

Kaikoura, notonly economic but alsoinresponseto<br />

natural disasters such as major earthquakes.<br />

In Parliament Iamthe opposition spokesperson<br />

forimmigration and viticulture. Isit on the Science<br />

Innovation and Economic Development Select<br />

Committee. Ifought forregional air services by<br />

starting apetition that received 44,000 signatures<br />

to save Sounds Air,safeguarding air services to<br />

regional NewZealand.<br />

IliveinBlenheim with my wife, Julie,and our three<br />

adult children.<br />

With your support Ishall continue to be astrong<br />

voicefor our region.<br />

StuartSmith<br />

MP forKaikoura<br />

Stuart Smith forKaikoura<br />

E: stuart.smith@national.org.nz | W: stuartsmith.national.org.nz | FB: stuartsmith.national<br />

Authorised by Stuart Smith, 22 ScottStreet, Blenheim.

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

<strong>17</strong><br />

MEAT<br />

Dedicated volunteers ... Weka Pass Railway volunteers, from left, Peter Gibson, Mike<br />

Ball, Warren Jenkin and Owen Sanders.<br />


Big push to complete<br />

workshop project<br />

Half leg<br />

sizes<br />

for greater<br />

convenience<br />

ON NOW<br />

The Covid­19 pandemic has failed to<br />

quellthe enthusiasm of WekaPass<br />

Railway volunteers.<br />

They are tacklinganambitious<br />

building project to aid in the maintenance<br />

of therailway’s rollingstock.<br />

It is one of the most significant<br />

undertakings of the Weka Pass Railway<br />

in recent decades, and willculminate in<br />

a52­metrecarriage maintenance depot<br />

and storage shed.<br />

The shed, currently being built, will<br />

make it easier to work on projects, as<br />

well as providevaluable storage to<br />

preserve the lovingly restored carriages.<br />

The building will meanthe volunteer<br />

carriage restoration teams will have a<br />

specialised areainwhich to work.<br />

It will also meanthe railway’s fleet of<br />

50­foot carriages,guards vansand<br />

service wagons will be able to be worked<br />

on separately,freeing up space in the<br />

main workshop, which is better suited<br />

for themechanicalengineering team.<br />

Asmall woodshopinthe main<br />

workshopwill also be able to be<br />

replacedbyamachine shop and<br />

workbench, increasing the productivity<br />

of both volunteer groups, who work<br />

‘‘together but separately’’toachievethe<br />

society’scommon goals.<br />

Matthew Morison,the railway’s<br />

marketing manager,says at present the<br />

capacity of the heritage train is capped<br />

at 113 passengers, with threecarriages<br />

in action.<br />

‘‘Themore carriages we can restore,<br />

the more peoplecan experience the joys<br />

of aheritagetrain ride, and the more the<br />

local economy will benefit,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘When people think of the Weka Pass<br />

Railway, theymay just thinkofour 1909<br />

steam engine, or maybe our heritage<br />

diesels. However, they may spend most<br />

of their visit riding in our equally<br />

important 1930s carriages.’’<br />

The Weka PassRailway has set up a<br />

Givealittle campaign to helpfit­out the<br />

shedwith awatersupply, drainage,<br />

electrical supply, internal wiring,<br />

lighting and fire detection.<br />

Mr Morisonsays the soonerthe funds<br />

can be raised for these vital parts of the<br />

project, the sooneritcan be completed<br />

—possibly in six to eight months.<br />

To support the railway or obtain an<br />

overview of the project, visit<br />

wekapassrailway.co.nz.<br />

Additionalinformation is available at<br />

facebook.com/wekapassrailway or<br />

givealittle.co.nz/cause/weka­passrailway­shed­fit­out­campaign.<br />

Fresh NZ Quality $ 14 99<br />

kg<br />

Fresh NZ Quality<br />

MarkHalf Lamb<br />

Leg Roast<br />

NEW<br />


Hellers Fresh Sunday Roast<br />

or the Godfather Sausges 6 Pack,<br />

Available at selected stores<br />

Just Juice<br />

Fruit Juice<br />

1Litre<br />

Fresh NZ Skinless<br />

ChickenBreast<br />

Fillets<br />

$<br />

12 99 kg<br />

Fresh NZ Quality<br />

MarkBeef Mince 500g $ 7 99<br />

ea<br />

Whittaker’s<br />

Block<br />

Chocolatee<br />

ANY<br />

2FOR<br />

250g<br />

$<br />

3 99 $<br />

4 79 ea<br />

Careful work ... Volunteer Warren Jenkin works on adoor, part of ongoing work on<br />

Weka Pass Railway’s rolling stock.<br />




ET C<br />

buya<br />

mackenzie pie<br />

&bein to<br />

win<br />

This<br />

Swanndri<br />

Oilskin Vest<br />

SEE<br />



INFO<br />

Coastal sirens to be tested<br />

Waimakariri Civil Defence willtest its<br />

coastalwarningsystem at 1pm on<br />

Monday, <strong>September</strong> 28.<br />

The Civil Defence Coastal Warning<br />

System is normally tested twice ayear,<br />

afterdaylight savingshifts.<br />

But the test scheduled for Aprilwas<br />

cancelledbecause of the lockdown, as the<br />

organisation did not want to cause<br />

unnecessaryconcern.<br />

‘‘It’s important for us to regularly test<br />

oursystem so we can be confident that it<br />

will function correctlywhen required in<br />

an emergency,’’ aspokesperson said.<br />

‘‘The test messagewill last for about<br />

oneminuteand, dependingonhow close<br />

youare, may be quite loud. There is no<br />

need for alarm as thisispurely for testing<br />

purposes.’’<br />

Thesirens are at the Pines Beach/<br />

Kairaki, Woodend and Waikuku beaches,<br />

butthe sound may travel further.<br />

www.foursquare.co.nz<br />

facebook.com/FourSquareNZ<br />

Specialsavailable South Island only from Monday 7th<strong>September</strong> until Sunday 20th<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2020</strong> or whilestocks last. Wine andbeeravailable at stores with an off<br />

licence.Wineand beerpurchasesrestricted to personsaged 18 years old andover.


18 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />


PH 327 5072 OR 027 434 0025<br />

building@mikemckay.co.nz<br />

Repairs,<br />

Tarpaulins<br />

alterations &<br />

Sidecurtains<br />

manufacturing Awnings •Sunblinds<br />

Marquees &Canopies<br />


Boat Covers •Umbrellas<br />


-FREE QUOTES - Outdoor Furniture recovers<br />

Now is the time to get your caravan awnings repaired<br />

Paul Berg •57WesleySt, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone (03)338-1112 •0274 381-871<br />

canvasco@xtra.co.nz<br />

Petrol Vehicles<br />

Lube<br />

Combo<br />

from $130* from $160*<br />

Save $10.00<br />

Diesel Vehicles<br />

Lube<br />

Combo<br />

from $160* from $190*<br />

Save $10.00<br />

*Dependant on oil capacity.All 4wd extra $20.00.<br />

WOFs $40.00<br />

63 Hilton Street, Kaiapoi<br />

Ph: 327 0700<br />






CARS<br />


PH 327 8582<br />

2283778<br />

2031550<br />

2057273<br />

2210820<br />

River town in marketing push<br />


Kaiapoi businesses have joined forcesto<br />

turn their town intoadestination.<br />

The Destination Kaiapoi Collective is an<br />

initiativeofthe Kaiapoi Promotions<br />

Association (KPA)and Kaiapoi businesses<br />

to promotethe town as adestinationto<br />

thoseinGreater Christchurchand beyond.<br />

It was kickedoff by anew jingle<br />

celebratingKaiapoiand its river, which<br />

was commissionedbylocal developer<br />

Jedd Pearce and is now beingplayed on<br />

Christchurch radio stations.<br />

KPA chairman MartinPinkhamsays the<br />

collective signifies ‘‘anunprecedented<br />

unityand strong branding theme’’ for<br />

Kaiapoi.“Ithink the main thing is that it’s<br />

just areallygreat example of how alocal<br />

community like Kaiapoi bands together<br />

and comes up with asolution that will<br />

work for us.<br />

“And the other thingisthat peoplehere<br />

are reallyproudofour river,and the<br />

concept of branding our town around the<br />

riverseems to have struck arealchord<br />

with people.’’<br />

KPA business manager MartynCook<br />

says the collective’s use of the jingleis<br />

already underway on acasual basiswith<br />

some local businessestaking part in oneoff<br />

promotions. “We willbegenerically<br />

brandingKaiapoiall the timeand adding<br />

in promotionsaround eventsorour<br />

facilitiestokeep the contentfresh andour<br />

audience engaged. An obvious example<br />



•All furniture Recoveries &Repairs<br />

•Squabs, Cushions &Fabric Sales<br />

•Antique and Loose Covers<br />

•Cars, Boats, Caravans, Motor Homes<br />

•Custom-made Bed Heads &Ottomans<br />



32 years experience<br />

03 327-0266<br />

0274 840 159<br />

72 Otaki St, Kaiapoi<br />

Where<br />

can Igo<br />

for quality<br />

menswear?<br />

Cnr. Williams Street &Raven Quay<br />

Open 7Days<br />

Phone: 03 327 8029<br />

www.blackwellsdeptstore.co.nz<br />

2210807<br />

Centre of attention ... The Kaiapoi River is at the heart of abid to identify Kaiapoi as a<br />

destination.<br />


would be the KaiapoiRiver Carnival.<br />

“We willbepromoting thoseevents into<br />

Christchurch and acrossthe Waimakariri,<br />

Selwyn and Hurunuiregions using all the<br />

media platforms available to us.<br />

‘‘Our main target marketisthe day<br />

visitors out of Christchurch and many of<br />

them alreadylove the place,soitshouldn’t<br />

be ahard to sell. It’smore about getting the<br />

word out and keeping it fresh.”<br />

Matthews Roofing Limited<br />

Specialists in Longrun Coloursteel<br />

Roofing and Guttering Systems<br />

We supply and install long run metal roofing,<br />

fascia and spouting.<br />

2305223<br />

PO Box54, Kaiapoi<br />

Mobile: 027 245 8140<br />

Email: J_amatthews@xtra.co.nz<br />

Mr Pinkham says Kaiapoi businesses<br />

are respondingwell to thechallenges of<br />

Covid­19. ‘‘Our lives hereinKaiapoihave<br />

sufferedonly abit of disruptionand, on<br />

the face of it, our economy is still tracking<br />

alongalmost as usual. But,onthe other<br />

hand,the opportunities for us to socialise<br />

have,for goodreasons,been curtailed and<br />

thereare pockets of the community that<br />

have been severely affected.’’<br />

Kaiapoi'snew cycleway on track for December opening<br />

Kaiapoi’s new cycle linkto<br />

Christchurch is on track to<br />

open in December.<br />

The Transport Agency’snew<br />

clip­on cycle lane on the east<br />

side of the StateHighway 1<br />

motorway bridge is due to be<br />

completed alongside the thirdlaningofthe<br />

motorway.<br />

The Waimakariri District<br />

Council is building acycle<br />

connection fromthe bridge,<br />

running along the western<br />

side of Main <strong>North</strong> Road<br />

throughtothe Vickery Street/<br />

Williams Street intersection.<br />

Where the cycleway goes<br />

beyond the intersection is<br />

open to furtherconsultation,<br />

after Peraki St residents<br />

raisedconcerns.<br />

NOW<br />

OPEN<br />

Kaiapoi Promotions<br />

Association business manager<br />

Martyn Cooksays his groupis<br />

lookingforward to seeingthe<br />

completionofthe cycleway,<br />

which willbeamajor boostfor<br />

the town.<br />

Carnival plans proceed<br />

Kaiapoi is pressing ahead with plans<br />

for its biggest ever Christmas carnival.<br />

The Kaiapoi Promotions<br />

Association plans to hold the Kaiapoi<br />

Christmas Carnival and Santa Parade<br />

on Saturday, December 5, subject to<br />

the region’s Covid­19 alert level status,<br />

chairman Martin Pinkham says.<br />

‘‘There is still some doubt that it can<br />

be held. We would like to thank the<br />

sponsors, suppliers, and participants<br />

for continuing their support, and being<br />

so flexible as we head to the major<br />

event of the Kaiapoi social calendar.’’<br />

Interest in the event has been<br />

strong, with the Christchurch Santa<br />

Parade having already been cancelled<br />

because of Covid­19, and with Kaiapoi<br />

being first out of the blocks ahead of<br />

New Brighton (December 12),<br />

Rangiora (December 13) and Oxford<br />

(December 20).<br />

Wintry blast... Queen Elsa from Frozen wasa<br />

favouriteamong somechildren at last year’s<br />

Kaiapoi Santa Parade.<br />


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The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

19<br />

Town aims for afun spring<br />


Springisinthe air and<br />

Kaiapoi is set to celebrate.<br />

The annualAll Together<br />

Kaiapoi (ATK) Spring<br />

Festival begins on Monday<br />

and will run untilSunday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 27, when the town<br />

comes together for its Partyin<br />

the Park.<br />

ATK project co­ordinator<br />

Linda Dunbar says22local<br />

retailers are participating in<br />

a‘‘springthemed’’ business<br />

windowdisplay competition,<br />

with prizesupfor grabs.<br />

All ages can get involved<br />

with the ‘‘spring chicken’’<br />

treasure hunt,whichwill run<br />

from Monday untilthe end of<br />

the school holidays.<br />

Entry formscan be<br />

collected from Kaiapoi Paper<br />

Plus.<br />

ATK willalso be putting<br />

together alargefloral display<br />

on Williams St using donated<br />

flowersand foliage from<br />

students of the three local<br />

primaryschools, as well as the<br />

giftingofdaffodil ‘‘chocolate<br />

pops’’ and fresh flowers<br />

during the spring festival<br />

week.<br />

The Williams Street bridge<br />

will once againbedecorated<br />

for the occasion thanks to the<br />

KaiapoiMenz Shed and their<br />

creative work withwooden<br />

daffodils.<br />

The festival is being<br />

sponsored by Easylawn and<br />

KaiapoiPaper Plus,Linda<br />

says.<br />

Party in the Park will be<br />

held at TrousselotPark on<br />

Sunday,<strong>September</strong> 27, from<br />

11.30amto2.30pm, and is<br />

being sponsored by The Lion<br />

Foundation.<br />

There willbefood and<br />

market stalls, alive band,<br />

rafflesand loadsof<br />

entertainment, including<br />

Pedalmania,aphoto booth,<br />

Boating in the park ... EdieBarber and her younger cousin Willow<br />

Henson enjoy an Aqua Boat during lastyear’sParty in the Park. PHOTO:FILE<br />

bouncy castle, face painting,<br />

the FlipOut Airtrack,pony<br />

rides, amobile farm,bumper<br />

boats, water walkers,and<br />

dressed­up characters.<br />

Whileitisafree event,<br />

donationstoAll Together<br />

Kaiapoi will be welcome.<br />

Party in the Park is subject<br />

to the region returning to<br />

alert level 1. Keep an eye on<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong> and<br />

the All Together Kaiapoi page<br />

on Facebook.<br />

Second bid to mark quake milestone<br />

The Widest<br />

Music Variety<br />

Kaiapoi will try again to mark 10 years<br />

sincethe <strong>September</strong> 2010 earthquake in<br />

stylenext week.<br />

All Together Kaiapoi(ATK) originally<br />

planned to holdastreet festival in Raven<br />

Quay on <strong>September</strong>4asadistrict­wide<br />

celebrationtoremember the<br />

7.1­magnitude earthquake and reflect on<br />

how much the Waimakariri district has<br />

changed.<br />

But alert level 2meant the festival had<br />

to be postponeduntil Friday, <strong>September</strong><br />

25.<br />

ATK co­ordinator Linda Dunbarsays<br />

the event remains subjecttothe region’s<br />

alertlevelstatus.Watchthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> and the All Together<br />

Kaiapoi page on Facebook for updates.<br />

The free event will be held from5pm to<br />

8pm, with live entertainment from The<br />

AllinDrive Band,thanks to sponsor<br />

HarcourtsFour Seasons.<br />

MiscoJoinery is sponsoring Adam<br />

Allsorts and the Highly Flammable<br />

professional fire dancers,Lindasays.<br />

‘‘Thekids(and kids at heart) will enjoy<br />

Adam Allsorts the clown, who willbe<br />

roving aroundthe crowd showing off some<br />

very impressive circus tricks, as well as<br />

balloontwisting.’’<br />

The fire dancerswill delight the crowd<br />

from 6pm to 8pm,using avariety of props.<br />

Silverstream Subdivision Kaiapoiis<br />

sponsoring aKids Circus Glow Zone<br />

wherecircus instructors will be teaching a<br />

YEAR END<br />




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Steve &Bev’s Catering<br />

113 Raven Quay, Kaiapoi<br />

Ph: 03 327 7884 EXT 4<br />

2313314<br />

range of circusperformanceacts using<br />

various props,whichare lit up as daylight<br />

disappears.<br />

Other roving entertainment will include<br />

humandisco balls, Mirrorman &<br />

Mirrormaiden, adressed­upstilt walker,<br />

andliving statueColombina.<br />

Josh Grimaldiwill also be performing<br />

his famous magic showat6.15pm, with the<br />

entertainment sponsored by Blackwell’s<br />

DepartmentStore, Waimakariri District<br />

Creative Communities NZ and the Kaiapoi<br />

Club.<br />

About 15 foodvendors havebeen<br />

confirmed,along with marketstalls.<br />

Blackwell’s Department Store and Craze<br />

Boutique willstay open late.<br />

AlargeLED screen slide­show will<br />

presentreflections from thelast 10 years<br />

and afireworksdisplay, sponsoredby<br />

Smith Crane &Construction and The<br />

Waimakariri ArtsTrust, will round outthe<br />

eveningat8pm.<br />

In addition to the above sponsors, the<br />

event is supportedbyVisit Waimakariri,<br />

the Waimakariri DistrictCouncil, Wilson<br />

TrafficManagement, the Kaiapoi­Tuahiwi<br />

Community Board,Larsen SignStudio,<br />

Paper PlusKaiapoi, Acropolis Wedding<br />

and Event Decor Hire, Corcoran French<br />

and Wentworth Carrying.<br />

The Kane Shield swimming competition<br />

set for lastmonth waspostponedbecause<br />

of level2.The All Together Kaiapoipage<br />

on Facebookwill advisethe new date.<br />


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All Together Kaiapoiwas born out of the<br />

town’s regeneration after the<br />

earthquakes.<br />

Createdin2013 as the You Me We Us<br />

Kaiapoi Project, the initiative emerged<br />

out of a‘‘community conversation cafe’’<br />

to build unity as the town recoveredfrom<br />

the quakes. Its focus has been on creating<br />

community events.<br />

Linda Dunbar has been with the<br />

project since its inception, starting out as<br />

amember of the Waimakariri District<br />

Council’s community team and working<br />

alongside Karen Lindsay­Lees to get the<br />

project off the ground.<br />

After it obtained its own funding,<br />

Linda left her council role to focuson<br />

being the project co­ordinator.<br />

Loyal volunteers and supportersover<br />

the last seven years have includedChris<br />

Greengrass, Brent and Shirley Cairns,<br />

Jackie Watson, Kath Adamsand Sarah<br />

Green, along with Christine Watton,who<br />

was afounding member.<br />

Events initiated by the project include<br />

the Kaiapoi River Carnival, the Kaiapoi<br />

Fun Run, the Kaiapoi Spring Festival<br />

and Kaiapoi’s own‘‘Amazing Race’’.<br />

The project changedits name to All<br />

TogetherKaiapoi earlier this year.<br />

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-send us an email on info@ncnews.co.nznz

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C’mon, let us<br />

Update<br />

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2018 Hyundai Sonata Elite<br />

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2018 Toyota Landcruiser Prado<br />

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The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

21<br />

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2313<strong>17</strong>8<br />

Renovations ... Careful renovations can make homes and workplaces more comfortable,<br />

and warmer.<br />


It’sagreat time to<br />

tackle renovations<br />

Renovations are all about creating modern, comfortable spaces, says Kerry<br />

Walsh, the Hurunui District Council’s team leader for building and property.<br />

We have all spentmore time at home this<br />

year, so home renovations may be on our<br />

minds.<br />

It’s about creating modern,<br />

comfortable spaces that make our place<br />

of work and home more comfortable.<br />

The Hurunui District Council is also<br />

carrying out many renovations and<br />

improvements to its own buildings for<br />

similar reasons.<br />

Stronger, warmer, more modern and<br />

up­to­date facilities, with improved<br />

accessibility, all make life easier.<br />

Some examples of renovation<br />

upgrades are:<br />

Insulation<br />

Addinginsulation to your home or<br />

workplace enables heat generated<br />

within the home (through wood burners,<br />

heat pumps and so on), as well as that<br />

collectedthrough solar gain (for<br />

example, north facing windows) to stay<br />

in the building for longer.Itwill ensure<br />

amore constant temperaturewithout<br />

fluctuations. Insulated buildings will<br />

hold heat (or cool in summer) and will<br />

not be affected by the weather as much.<br />

Awell­insulated house on asunny day<br />

with large north­facingwindows will<br />

heat up during the day and not need<br />

much, or any, heating in the evening.<br />

Insulation can be in the form of wall,<br />

ceiling and floor blanket or other solid<br />

material,and this can be retrofitted<br />

relativelyeasily, especially in the<br />

ceiling and floor as these areas normally<br />

have access space. Installing insulation<br />

in the walls is alittle more difficult as<br />

this can be done only if removing the<br />


Matt Smith<br />


• GIB COVE<br />

New Homes, Renovations<br />

and Extensions<br />


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2134091<br />

internal walllinings or exterior<br />

cladding.<br />

Blown­in wall insulation can also be<br />

chosen.One thing to remember is that a<br />

building consentisrequired for<br />

placement of insulation in the walls, but<br />

not in aceiling or timber floor.<br />

Another option is to insulate your<br />

windows by double glazing or using<br />

heavyweight drapes.<br />

Double­glazing is now fitted in most<br />

modern homes and hasproven to be an<br />

effective way of improving the comfort of<br />

ahome. Windows can be replaced<br />

without abuilding consent but should be<br />

done by someone who knows how to<br />

make the new windows weathertight.<br />

Ventilation also plays akey part in a<br />

warm home, including extractionofthe<br />

cooking fumes or moist air from kitchens<br />

and bathrooms.<br />

The council is also upgrading many of<br />

its social housing units for these<br />

reasons, and to comply with Healthy<br />

Homes standards. This has included<br />

ceiling and floor insulation and<br />

moisture barriers on the ground.<br />

Accessibility<br />

Renovating your building to make it<br />

easier to enter, move around in, and<br />

carry out normal activities is also of<br />

great benefit.<br />

This is not just aramp into the front<br />

door or raising the ground level for more<br />

level access. It’s also things such as tiled<br />

showers with aflush walk in –these are<br />

considerably better than ashower over<br />

the bath, for example.<br />

Continued Page 22<br />

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2041983<br />

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We have offices based in Rotherham and Kaikoura.<br />

2304784<br />

Add that finishing touch to your garden!<br />

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$20.00 per sheet<br />

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areas or as part ofyour garden with<br />

climbing roses.<br />

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your next project<br />

BGBeaven Builders<br />

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22 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

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59 Carters Road |Ph03314 7007<br />

amberley@thetoolshed.co.nz<br />

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Landscaping -Fencing -Earthworks<br />

Don’tforget about maintenance<br />

From Page 21<br />

Older showers tendtobesmall, whereas<br />

new showers are normally 1m by 1m or<br />

larger.<br />

Largerdoorways and corridors make<br />

movement around the house easier. Even<br />

changing the door hardware from knobs to<br />

handles is an easy, effective upgrade.<br />

Light switches accessible from thebed or<br />

at the top or bottom of stairs add safety<br />

benefits.Councilbuildings, including the<br />

Waiau Hall and KowaiArchives, are going<br />

through accessible toiletupgrades.<br />

Structural upgrades<br />

Most <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>residentsknow<br />

the importance of havingastrong and safe<br />

building, as they savelives and areuseable<br />

after an earthquake or naturalhazard<br />

event.<br />

Many houses and commercial buildings<br />

are not structurallysound as they are built<br />

of materials such as unreinforced masonry<br />

(the structuralframing is bricks).<br />

Many privatecommercial building<br />

ownersand councils are undertaking<br />

strengthening at greatcost,sousers of<br />

those buildings are safe. This ensures they<br />

complywith the law, and fulfil<br />

requirements fromtenants and insurers.<br />

The council has two such projects under<br />

way —the Kowai Archives and Waiau<br />

Hall, and several otherbuildings that have<br />

also beenrecently completed includethe<br />

old Culverden Chambers buildingfacade.<br />

Modernisation<br />

Modernisation is oftenone of the main<br />

drivers behind renovations.<br />

This can include items suchasanew<br />

kitchen, bathroom, open plan changes<br />

(removingwalls) or creating moreoutdoor<br />

flow.<br />

Alot of this work is expensive but can<br />

add realvalue to ahome or workplace,<br />

both in monetary and user value.<br />

Kitchens havechanged alot when<br />

comparing to the 1950sversionswith the<br />

big flour bins,tothe modernarea of wide<br />

Call us for your Landscaping<br />

needs. Whether it’s afull<br />

makeover for your new home or<br />

arenovation of an existing area,<br />

we can help you with our wide<br />

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Resilience ... Most <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> residents know the importance of having astrong<br />

and safe building.<br />


bench tops, soft­closedrawers, accessible<br />

pantries, and built in items such as coffee<br />

or icemakers.<br />

LED lighting, smart plugs, electric car<br />

chargers,internetoutlets etc all are in<br />

demand in <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Abuilding consent is not required for a<br />

kitchen or bathroom renovation unless<br />

you intendtoinstallatiled shower. Please<br />

ensure you use asuitablyqualified person<br />

to carry out the work.<br />

The council is also modernisingsome of<br />

its own buildings, including some planned<br />

audio­visual facilitiesinhalls, generator<br />

connections and systems so council<br />

meetings can be viewed online.<br />

Extra features<br />

Manyolder homes and business<br />

buildingshavefew features —just abasic<br />

box withakitchen, lounge, bedrooms and<br />

bathrooms. More and morepeople are<br />

wantingmore than this; home theatre<br />

rooms, aspa/sauna,swimming pools,<br />

decks, largergarages and home<br />

workshops/sheds.<br />

Someofthesedon’teven require a<br />

building consent.<br />

For example, a30square metre<br />

lightweight shed or garage can be built,as<br />

longasitis at least its own height off the<br />

boundary or residential building.<br />

But dwelling extensions, swimming<br />

pools, the removal of load bearing walls<br />

and decksover 1.5 metres from the ground<br />

do require consents.<br />

The toolate renovation!<br />

If water is dripping through the ceiling<br />

or the doors won’t shut,the fireisnot<br />

working,orthe internal gutters have<br />

failed, then arenovation may be forcedon<br />

you.<br />

Thesesorts of eventsmay create<br />

unexpected costs that could have been<br />

avoided if regular maintenance or<br />

checking was carriedout. In general, most<br />

buildingsinNew Zealand are not well<br />

maintained.<br />

Buildings require maintenance and<br />

critical areasneed to be checked<br />

regularly: internal gutters, critical<br />

flashings,flat roofs, chimney flues,<br />

woodburnerfire boxes, upper­level decks<br />

and exposed critical structural junctions.<br />

If you liveinaharsh environment such<br />

as near the sea, environmental conditions<br />

can cause deterioration more quickly.<br />

If you havetreesorvegetation that<br />

surrounds your property, you willalso<br />

need to carry out more maintenance.<br />

Maintenance in generaldoes not<br />

require consentunlessthe elementhas<br />

failed to lastfor the period it should have<br />

—for example, aleakingwindow within 15<br />

yearsofinstallation.<br />

In summary,building renovationsare<br />

needed, wanted and required. As time<br />

goes by, more options become available.<br />

If you haveany buildingrenovationrelated<br />

questions, the building team at the<br />

council will be willing to assist. Good luck<br />

with your renovationsin<strong>2020</strong>.<br />


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The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

23<br />

Co-op aboon for small<br />

building companies<br />

Refurbishment ... The Rangiora servicecentreisundergoingafacelift.<br />


Building upgrade starts<br />


The much­anticipatedRangioraservice<br />

centre refurbishment is finally under way.<br />

Work began last week on the $2.5 million<br />

upgrade of the Waimakariri DistrictCouncil’s<br />

main building in Rangiora, withseveral<br />

council staff now workingfrom temporary<br />

locations aroundthe Rangiora town centre.<br />

During repairs, the publicwill still havefull<br />

access to customer services.<br />

The scope of the project has been<br />

significantlyreduced from earlierplans,<br />

whichhad a$4.3m budget, because of Covid­<br />

19, with only the necessary repairs and<br />

upgrades now being completed.<br />

Earlier thisyear,the council received<br />

information which suggested parts of the<br />

upperfloor was susceptible to quake damage<br />

because of the typeofflooring used during the<br />

1990sbuilding extension.<br />

The project will be completed in fourstages.<br />

Contractors started by making aminor repair<br />

to strengthenthe council chamberssostaff<br />

can use it as temporary office space.<br />

This work wasidentifiedatthe beginning of<br />

July during apre­construction engineering<br />

inspection and involvesinstallingabeam to<br />

supportthe roof along the western wall.<br />

The meshused in themezzanine floor was<br />

not up to standard and the repair will involve<br />

having the concrete floor strengthened, with<br />

the application of acarbon fibre reinforced<br />

polymeracross the whole surface.<br />

This will performthe same functionasthe<br />

mesh and help the floor maintain integrity<br />

duringanearthquake. It willbring seismic<br />

performance up to at least 67 percent of the<br />

New BuildingStandard.<br />

Other work includes an upgrade to the<br />

heating and ventilation system,necessary<br />

repairs, and new paint and carpet.<br />

Several staffare being housed in leased<br />

spaces. Two properties have been leased for<br />

up to 12 monthsand one more permanently to<br />

allow for planned growth.<br />


Abid to level the playing fieldfor<br />

smallbuilding firms and give them<br />

the power to get better deals on<br />

building materials for theirclients<br />

is coming to fruition.<br />

The Combined Building<br />

Suppliers (CBS) co­operative, born<br />

out of frustration from losing jobsto<br />

bigger players, has agrowing<br />

membership of 350 firms and has<br />

gone nationwide.<br />

It was launched in <strong>Canterbury</strong> in<br />

2018.One of the masterminds<br />

behind the concept, CarlTaylor, a<br />

locally basedowner of CarlTaylor<br />

Homes, said the concept grewout<br />

of constantlylosingprojects to the<br />

‘‘bigger guys with betterbuying<br />

power’’.<br />

The small guy’sonly option was<br />

labour costs, and when that<br />

happened, there werenowinners,<br />

Carl says.<br />

It took several years of<br />

negotiating red tape to become a<br />

co­operative, but Carl, who is<br />

chairman of CBS, is happy with the<br />

benefitsfor its shareholders.<br />

Supply partners can offer<br />

members pricesthat, in many<br />

cases, were previously available<br />

only to the biggestplayers.<br />

‘‘From generalmerchant<br />

supplies, through to directdealson<br />

plumbing,plasterboard, right<br />

through to kitchen and other<br />

appliances and fuel, we haveyour<br />

residentialbuild covered.<br />

‘‘We alsohave discounts available<br />

on services —from equipment<br />

hire to surveying, quantity<br />

surveying, accounting and legal.’’<br />

Each co­op member is required<br />

to buy 1000 shares for $1000.<br />

It’sacost members should get<br />

backquickly, he says.<br />

‘‘This is aone­off cost. CBS Co­op<br />

is self­fundingthroughsupplier<br />

rebates. Thismeans that you will<br />

not have to pay ongoing annualfees<br />

to get thebenefitofmembers.’’<br />

Shareholders also receive a<br />

profit distribution based on the<br />

value of the business they do with<br />

CBS suppliers.<br />

‘‘Itisnot mandatory for co­op<br />

members to be exclusive to our<br />

suppliersinordering materials,<br />

but,inessence, the moreyou<br />

support the suppliers, the greater<br />

the benefits you willreceive.”<br />

The savingsand rebate available<br />

fromthe two­year­old co­operative<br />

are as simple as they sound.<br />

To remain amember, shareholders<br />

musttransact at leastonce<br />

withaco­op suppliereach year.<br />

CBS member transactionsrose<br />

by morethan 200 percent in the<br />

pastfinancial year.<br />

Carlsays the co­op is making<br />

solid progress and is intent on<br />

growing membership and<br />

improving communicationwith<br />

suppliers, while selectively adding<br />

new nationwide suppliers in<br />

categories such as waste disposal.<br />

‘‘Wewill onlyput in place<br />

agreementswith new suppliers<br />

where we are confident much<br />

better pricing will be achieved.The<br />

faster we grow, the more likely<br />

suppliers will be prepared to agree<br />

to betterterms.’’<br />

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NEWS<br />

26 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Annual spring fair<br />

The annual Rangiora<br />

Presbyterian Church fair<br />

will be held on October 10,<br />

from 10am to 2pm, at the<br />

corner of King and High<br />

streets. Enjoy alight lunch,<br />

including soup and buns, a<br />

sausage sizzle, tea and<br />

coffee. There will be<br />

preserves, garden plants,<br />

books and jigsaws, baking,<br />

outside stalls and fun<br />

activities.<br />

Christchurch Stamp Club<br />

The Christchurch Stamp<br />

Club holds meetings every<br />

third Friday of the month.<br />

It’s abuy, sell and<br />

exchange. Call Arch on<br />

(027) 721 1045 for details.<br />

Stage musical<br />

The Hartley School of<br />

Performing Arts will host a<br />

whole­school production of<br />

The Lion, the Witch and the<br />

Wardrobe in the Rangiora<br />

Town Hall, which will mark<br />

the school’s 25th<br />

anniversary. The shows are<br />

from Wednesday to<br />

Saturday, <strong>September</strong> 30 to<br />

October 3. There will be<br />

daily shows from 2pm, and<br />

Thursday and Friday<br />

evening shows from<br />

7.30pm. The show is<br />

suitable for children of all<br />

ages. Children under 7<br />

must be with an adult.<br />

Running time, with<br />

interval, is 140 minutes.<br />

Tickets: $15, plus abooking<br />

fee. Afamily of four is $55<br />

plus abooking fee. Tickets<br />

are available at Town<br />

Hall Cinemas, over the<br />

counter or online at:<br />

townhallcinemas.co.nz/<br />

live­shows.<br />

Upcycling showcased<br />

Local arts collective<br />

The Nest and other<br />

creative folk will<br />

showcase their arts and<br />

crafts at the TimeBank<br />

Hurunui Repurpose &<br />

Repair Expo, on<br />

Saturday, <strong>September</strong> 26,<br />

from 12.30pm to 4.30pm at<br />

the Amberley Domain.<br />

The expo is about sharing<br />

ways to look after and<br />

transform objects and<br />

materials, to save<br />

resources and reduce<br />

waste. Creative Junk will<br />

run achildren’s<br />

workshop, and repairers<br />

will offer basic repair,<br />

sharpening and mending<br />

services for tools,<br />

machinery, bikes, clothes,<br />

household items, etc.<br />

Come along to learn,<br />

discuss, watch<br />

demonstrations and view<br />

documentaries. Entry is<br />

$5 per person; children<br />

are free. Refreshments<br />

are included. (A small<br />

koha for the workshop<br />

would be appreciated).<br />

Follow TimeBank<br />

Hurunui on Facebook for<br />

updates. Contact: (03)<br />

314 3406 or (027) 524 7332,<br />

or send an email to<br />

tbhlearningexchange@<br />

gmail.com.<br />

Council explores<br />

management of<br />

coastal hazards<br />


Coastal hazards are under the spotlight in the<br />

Hurunui District.<br />

Meetings will be held with six coastal<br />

communities to exchange information and<br />

views on hazards.<br />

Council chief executive Hamish Dobbie says<br />

it will be achance for the council to share what<br />

it learned about coastal hazards and to ask the<br />

communities what they know, what they want to<br />

know, and the approach they would like to take.<br />

“A plan for the future can then begin.”<br />

Mr Dobbie says some information has been<br />

put together with consultants to help explore<br />

potential scenarios.<br />

‘‘What is important now is to work closely with<br />

our coastal communities to find out their<br />

concerns, needs and wishes.”<br />

The evening meetings for invited residents<br />

will take place at Amberley Beach, Leithfeld<br />

Beach, Gore Bay, Motunau, and Claverley Flat/<br />

Conway Flat.<br />

“There is no knowledge like local knowledge,<br />

when it comes to working through this puzzle of<br />

coastal hazards,” Mr Dobbie says.<br />

He says there is no one solution, but it is<br />

important to look at the options. “At the moment<br />

we are engaging with our communities on our<br />

shared knowledge of coastal hazards, so we can<br />

work out what to do next. It’s really important<br />

every voice is heard.”<br />

The council has the legal responsibility to<br />

manage risks from natural hazards. It says<br />

community input is crucial and it will work at<br />

the pace of those who live on the coast. “There<br />

is no hurry for this. We are working on amultigenerational<br />

plan. We want to do this once and<br />

do it right.”<br />

After initial meetings, there will be follow­up<br />

conversations with coastal communities.<br />

My Life and Rugby: The<br />

autobiography, by Eddie<br />

Jones<br />

Brilliant, honest, combative<br />

—Eddie Jones is agigantic<br />

yet enigmatic figure in<br />

world rugby and atrue<br />

legend of the game. In My<br />

Life and Rugby,hetells his<br />

story for the first time,<br />

including the full inside<br />

story of England’s 2019<br />

World Cup campaign.<br />

Journey Towards Justice,<br />

by Kim Workman<br />

Jazz musician, policeman,<br />

public servant, prison<br />

manager, prominent<br />

campaigner for restorative<br />

justice —Kim’s life is full of<br />

passion and spirit, research<br />

and writing, action and<br />

commitment.<br />

Green: Plants for small<br />

spaces, by Jason Chongue<br />

In Green,Jason Chongue<br />

explains and simplifies how<br />

to curate and look after<br />

plants in small urban spaces.<br />

He provides apractical and<br />

personal guide to creating<br />

urban gardens and styling<br />

with plants, perfect for a<br />

range of environments and<br />

climates, inside or out.<br />

These titles are available<br />

in both Waimakariri and<br />

Hurunui libraries. Find out<br />

more about recent additions<br />

to the library collection by<br />

going to the library<br />

catalogue at waimakariri.<br />

kotui.org.nz or hurunui.<br />

kotui.org.nz, or contact your<br />

local library.



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28 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />



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Pig hunt aperennial fundraiser<br />


Huntershave beenhelping fill the coffers<br />

of local Waiau organisations for more than<br />

two decades.<br />

They have headedtothe hills annually<br />

to hunt for the largest boarsand sowsto<br />

enterinthe Labour Weekend Waiau Pig<br />

Hunt.<br />

The event has raisedthousands of<br />

dollars for communityorganisations, clubs<br />

and education providers in thedistrict.<br />

This yearitis the turn of Waiau School<br />

to benefitand run the Labour Weekend<br />

hunt,onOctober23, 24 and 25.<br />

Interestinthe hunt today is as strong as<br />

it was whenitbegan in 1999, andis<br />

popular as afun family day.<br />

Whilepigs are the focus, thereisalso a<br />

competitionfor stags, while the kidscan<br />

enteravariety of critters such as possum,<br />

haresand rabbits. This year, even mice,<br />

Amuri<br />

Helicopters<br />

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Judgmentday ... The Waiau Pig Huntweigh­inisapopular community event.<br />

rats, stoatsand ferretscan be weighed­in.<br />

Mum, dad and the kidsall get achance<br />

to show off theirprowess with carrying<br />

competitions for pigs, hares and rabbits,<br />

over and through avariety of obstacles.<br />

Weigh­inisatthe Waiau Rugby Club<br />

grounds between 1pm and 4pm on Sunday,<br />

October25.<br />

For adults planning to enter the Open<br />

section,those who get their entrypaid by<br />

Thursday, October1,will go into an earlybird<br />

prizedraw.All payingentrants will go<br />

into the draw on theday for major spot<br />

prizes.<br />

There will alsobeachildren’s lucky<br />

draw on the day for everyone enteredand<br />

paid­up in the heaviest juniorboar<br />

category.They do not need to catch or<br />

weigh in an animal to win this, but must be<br />

present at weigh­intoclaim the prize, or it<br />

will be re­drawn.<br />

Entriesare $45 per person(Open) and<br />

$25for Junior Boar (8 to 16 years).Entry is<br />

free for children aged 14 andunder in the<br />

heaviest possum, hare and rabbit<br />

category.<br />

Entries close on Wednesday, October21.<br />


Hunting starts at 1am on Friday, October<br />

23.<br />

Entryforms and enquiries can be<br />

emailed to waiaupighunt@hotmail.comor<br />

visitthe WaiauPig Hunt Fundraiser<br />

Facebookpage.NoBYO alcohol is<br />

permitted.Afullylicensed bar will be<br />

available alongwith food.<br />

Hop to it ... The contest for youngsters<br />

includesrabbits.<br />

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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

29<br />

Cash for pool<br />

... Some of the<br />

funds raised will<br />

go toward paying<br />

Waiau School’s<br />

share of the costs<br />

of running the<br />

MainPower<br />

Waiau<br />

Community<br />


Event pulls community together<br />

The Waiau School is an<br />

integral part of the<br />

community, principal Craig<br />

Sedgwick says.<br />

This year it will be<br />

organising and running the<br />

Waiau Pig Hunt, afundraiser<br />

that has run successfully for<br />

20 years.<br />

‘‘We see ahuge benefit in<br />

being able to bring the<br />

community together and offer<br />

our students, and whanau the<br />

opportunity to get out and<br />

about hunting.’’<br />

Mr Sedgwick says the<br />

school stepped up to run the<br />

event, and in doing so<br />

ensured it remains on the<br />

district’s social calendar for<br />

another year.<br />

It provides people with the<br />

opportunity to reconnect<br />

after atough few months, he<br />

says.<br />

‘‘The funds raised from the<br />

Waiau Pig Hunt will be put<br />

back into our community.’’<br />

Some of the funds will go<br />

toward the school’s<br />

contribution to the running<br />

costs of the MainPower<br />

Waiau Community Pool.<br />

‘‘This community pool is a<br />

fantastic resource that allows<br />

our students to learn water<br />

confidence, safety, and how<br />

to swim.<br />

‘‘Our school is part of our<br />

community and we<br />

encourage the use of this<br />

fantastic resource,’’ Mr<br />

Sedgwick says.<br />

Funds will also go towards<br />

paying the cost of employing<br />

extra teaching staff to<br />

support student learning.<br />

‘‘We have amazing support<br />

from all the many sponsors,<br />

and we thank them all for<br />

supporting this communityrun<br />

event that directly<br />

benefits our community.’’<br />

Afeature of this year’s<br />

event is acompetition to win<br />

ahunting trip with former All<br />

Black Luke Romano.<br />

There are also major cash<br />

prizes available, and arifle to<br />

be won as the major spot<br />

prize.<br />

‘‘Our little school has<br />

benefited greatly from our<br />

community support, allowing<br />

us to provide opportunities<br />

such as swimming lessons,<br />

smaller class sizes, outdoor<br />

education experiences such<br />

as skiing, and hands­on field<br />

trips that, without this<br />

support, our learners may not<br />

receive.’’<br />

Visit the Waiau Pig Hunt<br />

Fundraiser page on<br />

Facebook to enter, or to get<br />

information on the hunt.<br />

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Trust takes ‘whole<br />

of farm’ approach<br />


Agroup of Waimakariri farmers hopes to<br />

lead farminginto the next generation.<br />

The Waimakariri NextGeneration<br />

Farmers Trust hasreceived Ministry for<br />

Primary Industries sustainablefood and<br />

fibre futures funding for athree­year trial,<br />

which trustee Sam Spencer­Bower says<br />

will allow farm environmentplans to be<br />

taken to the nextlevel.<br />

The project will investigate and trial<br />

environmental mitigation options through<br />

a‘‘whole of farm’’ planningapproach.<br />

‘‘Our current farm environmentplans<br />

(FEPs)are mostlyabout reducing nitrate<br />

leaching, but this will bring together all of<br />

the aspectsthat we consider on aday­today<br />

basislike our staff well­being, animal<br />

welfare, biosecurity and profitability,<br />

along with futureconsiderations such as<br />

greenhouse gases and biodiversity.<br />

‘‘We’re trying to front­foot the issues and<br />

be proactive whilst ensuring farm viability<br />

is at the centreofall thatwedo.’’<br />

The project will be managedbyland and<br />

water management consultants Water<br />

Strategies, which supported the trust in<br />

developing the projectand getting funding.<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan),<br />

Waimakariri IrrigationLtd, DairyNZ and<br />

Ballance Agri­Nutrients haveall signed up<br />

to support the project.<br />

The trustalso planstoworkwith the<br />

Waimakariri ZoneCommitteeasit<br />

continues to develop local catchment<br />

plans,Sam says.<br />

The trustwas established nearly two<br />

years agotobring interested parties<br />

together ‘‘to collectively explore amore<br />

workable outcome’’ forPlan Change 7to<br />

ECan’sland and water regional plan.<br />

Around120 local farming families are<br />

now members. ‘‘It’s our generation that<br />

needs to make environmental<br />

management part of oureverydaylives,’’<br />

Sam says. ‘‘It’saboutensuring farming in<br />

the Waimakariri has afuture for the next<br />

generation.’’<br />

As generalmanager of Claxby Farms and<br />


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Sam Spencer­Bower<br />

afifth generation<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

farmerwith two young children,Sam<br />

understandsthe importance of looking<br />

after the land.‘‘We just need to keep doing<br />

thingsbetter and making the farm more<br />

efficient, and the environmental side of it<br />

is all part of that.<br />

‘‘We are not just all aboutprotecting<br />

profits, but we needtoremainprofitableso<br />

we can invest in the upgrades, system<br />

changes andnew technologies we need to<br />

continue to improve our environmental<br />

footprint. And in thesedifficulteconomic<br />

times,New Zealand badly needs<br />

agriculture to perform well.”<br />

ClaxbyFarms has been farming on the<br />

banks of the Waimakariri Riversince 1852,<br />

converting from sheep/beef/deerand<br />

cropping to dairy farming nine yearsago.<br />

Sam’s great­great­grandfather<br />

MarmadukeDixonwas one of thefirst<br />

farmers in New Zealand to experiment<br />

with flood irrigation. Later,Sam’s<br />

grandfather pioneered the use of border<br />

dykes in the 1970s, creating Claxby<br />

Irrigation Ltd, which now serves2600ha.<br />

Today, ClaxbyFarms milks 3000cows<br />

across threedairy farms and arun­off<br />

block.<br />



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The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

31<br />

Covid torpedoes the staging<br />

of anniversary Selwyn show<br />

Covid­19 hasclaimedanother <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

A&P show.<br />

The Ellesmere A&P Association<br />

committee has decided to cancel the <strong>2020</strong><br />

Selwyn Spring Show, whichwouldhave<br />

marked the association’s 150th<br />

anniversary, because of the uncertainty<br />

around Covid­19.<br />

It now plans to celebrate 150 years on<br />

October 16, 2021.<br />

“The association hadbeen really<br />

positive duringthe more relaxed Covid­19<br />

levels that the show could carryon,’’<br />

presidentAndrewBenny says.<br />

‘‘However, with the second wave having<br />

arrived and theextended level­2<br />

restriction period, it has now made<br />

holding the <strong>2020</strong> show untenable.<br />

‘‘Theupsideisweare really well<br />

prepared for an even bettercelebration in<br />

2021 –hopefully restriction­free.”<br />

The 150th year celebrations began with<br />

the cuttingofananniversary cake by the<br />

threepatronsatagathering of past<br />

presidents in July.<br />

The committeehad planned to holdan<br />

anniversary dinner at the Leeston<br />

Showgrounds in the week leading up to the<br />

show.<br />

This year’s show themewas ‘‘Our<br />

Heritage, Our Future’’, withvintage<br />

displays and special show classes planned.<br />

‘‘Theassociation wouldlike to thank its<br />

members, sponsors, exhibitors, judges and<br />

stewards for their patience and support,’’<br />

Mr Benny says.<br />

The Ellesmere Historical Society,<br />

Selwyn HeritageCentre, the Ellesmere<br />

Vintage Club, the SelwynDistrict Council<br />

and the schools of Selwynhad all played<br />

theirpart to makethe show aspecial one,<br />

he said.<br />

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SPORT<br />

32 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Season opener ... Mayor Dan Gordon celebrates the opening of the Rangiora Croquet<br />

Club’s season.<br />


Mallet in hand, mayor<br />

kicks off fresh season<br />

Thenew Rangiora Croquet Club season<br />

wasopened lastSaturday.<br />

Theclub,whichwas in recess just five<br />

years ago,today has amembershipof48.<br />

It lost its facility at the Rangiora<br />

Bowling Clubin2000. However, withthe<br />

help of thecouncilitnow has anew<br />

facility on River Road. It is theenvy of<br />

many other <strong>Canterbury</strong> croquetclubs.<br />

Croquet is one of Rangiora’s oldest<br />

sports, withits origindating to about1900.<br />

It wasplayedonthe lawn of theAnglican<br />

Vicarage.<br />

Theclub wasformed in 1904, fiveyears<br />


before the Rangiora Cricket Club, which<br />

is one of New Zealand’soldestcricket<br />

clubs.<br />

Last season’s success included the<br />

winningoffour<strong>Canterbury</strong> titles.<br />

Theclub also won the<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

AssociationsMillenniumCup for the most<br />

successinprovincial competition, with<br />

thejewelinthe crown being <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>Sport and Recreation’sClub<br />

of theYear titleatits annual awards.<br />

Funding for sports groups<br />

Funding from SportsNZ is helping<br />

Hurunui district sports clubs and groups<br />

enjoy their pastimes.<br />

The most recentround of funding from<br />

the SportsNZ Rural Travel Fund resulted<br />

in $9500goingto12district clubs and<br />

groups.<br />

The Hurunui HockeyClub is one<br />

beneficiary, receiving $925 to help fund<br />

travel for playerstoand fromtraining and<br />

games in Christchurch.<br />

There are six players at the club who<br />

playinChristchurch competitions but<br />

need transport at different times,<br />

depending on when their own training and<br />

games take place.<br />

Lourdes Mones­Cazon is alocal mother<br />

withchildren involved in the club, and<br />

plays abig part in helping organise the<br />

teams. ‘‘My husband and Ihave sevenkids,<br />

and last yearall of them were playing<br />

sports, four of them in town.Weended up<br />

using 2400 litresofpetrol in one season.’’<br />

The SportsNZ fundingallows for $154<br />

per player, to cover someofthe trips.<br />

‘‘Everything counts, we are very grateful.’’<br />

Other groupstoreceivefundingwere:<br />

Stickingwith it ... Five of the playerswho<br />

represented the Hurunuiand Rangiora hockey<br />

clubsinthe <strong>Canterbury</strong> competition this<br />

winter. They attendedthe recent prizegivingat<br />

the Hurunuiclub. Dustin Wright, trophy in<br />

hand,was named themost promising junior.<br />

Amberley Rugby Football Club ($2000),<br />

AmuriArea School ($1000), Amuri Boxing<br />

Group($1560),Cheviot Netball Club($750),<br />

Hanmer Springs RugbyClub ($940),<br />

Hanmer Springs Swimming Club($1325);<br />

Hanmer Springs Tennis Club($625),<br />

Hurunui Rangers Football Club ($2125),<br />

Hurunui RugbyFootball Club($2250), and<br />

the Waiau NetballClub ($500).<br />

Want to reach 47,000 readers<br />

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Reflections on a<br />

Covid-hit season<br />


Like all other sport in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

rugby did not escape the ugly reality of<br />

Covid­ 19.<br />

The season’s curtailment was not<br />

without positive elements. It featured a<br />

one­round premier competition that was<br />

hailed by many as an outstanding success.<br />

In recent seasons <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> has<br />

become accustomed to an amalgamated<br />

competition with neighbours Ellesmere<br />

and Mid <strong>Canterbury</strong>, before asingle­round<br />

local competition.<br />

When agreement was made to combine,<br />

the local senior competition was struggling<br />

for numbers and teams.<br />

To be invitedinto this new format was<br />

perhaps arescue. However, since the<br />

original combined competition began,<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>has increased<br />

representation to seven teams, with eight<br />

in the local competition.<br />

Perhaps the first Covid punishment this<br />

season was the canning of the combined<br />

competition. But was it?<br />

When we came out of lockdown there<br />

was time for aone­roundlocal<br />

competition. Players were by this time<br />

thirsting for competition —and what a<br />

great competition it proved to be.<br />

Yes, Glenmark­Cheviotmaintained its<br />

unbeaten record going back to May 2018,<br />

but invariably all games were tight.<br />

It is also notable that Ohoka, which<br />

eventually finished seventh, held the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>juggernaut to adraw.<br />

The future is now up for review by the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>sub union.<br />


AmberleySmallbore RifleClub<br />

<strong>September</strong> 7: KQuigley 100.8, GWright 99.6,K<br />

Brown99.6,CRhodes 98.4,HHenderson97.5,M<br />

Parker92.1,WParker 91.2,OMitchell 91.2,BParker<br />

87.0.<br />

Rangiora Bridge<br />

PocockPairs: N/S: JanineTyler/JohnMcKenzie1,<br />

DesSteere/VeronicaHall 2, Colleen Adam/Heather<br />

Waldron 3. E/W: Gaynor Hurford/Robin Hassall 1,<br />

Frances McDowell/WarwickWyatt 2, DawnSimpson/<br />

Linda Hanham3.<br />

RimuPairs: N/S:AntLilley/Gail Hallams 1,Helen<br />

Thornburgh/Liz Partridge 2,DavidRainey/David<br />

McRae3.E/W:Judith McIntyre/Beverley Brain 1,<br />

Robin Hassall/DawnSimpson 2, Derek Wilson/Judy<br />

Hayton 3.<br />

Monday Evening:N/S:AnneBagrie/Kate<br />

Whitehead 1,Annette Caldwell/Gail Dunlop 2,Denis<br />

Milne/GerardMcCrea3.E/W:Liz Calder/Lindsay<br />

Sigglekow1.Marilyn Eliet/AlisonHowie 2.Noel<br />

Langdon/Gavin Dunnett 3.<br />

WednesdayPremierPairs:N/S:DavidRainey/<br />

Babs­Merel deVisser1.CaroleAnderson/KevinKuch<br />

2. Jill Amer/Hilary Lakeman 3. E/W: Ken Johns/Jack<br />

Lyons 1. David McRae/Fern McRea 2Nancy Harris/<br />

Maggie Johnston3.<br />

RUGBY<br />

Does the new status quo remain, but<br />

with two rounds and finals? Do we bring<br />

back the combined competition or<br />

combine with Ellesmere only, who, like<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, form part of a<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Country sub unions<br />

framework? Questions are also timely for<br />

the <strong>Canterbury</strong>Country representative<br />

programme. For some time, this calendar<br />

has become largely irrelevant and, in 2019,<br />

it was non­existent.<br />

Added to this quandary is little<br />

representation of country players in<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> teams.<br />

Such asituation has not been helped by<br />

many of the better players being<br />

approached by metro clubs. This has<br />

created aculture in which players now<br />

believe that if they want to be recognised<br />

by <strong>Canterbury</strong>, they need to move into the<br />

Metro competition.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Country has along history of<br />

providing many players for <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

and All Blacks teams.<br />

However, this is now along time ago.<br />

Arecent announcement by the New<br />

Zealand Rugby Union that it intends to<br />

review the Heartland competition signals<br />

apossible opportunity to solve the<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Country representative<br />

programme.<br />

This competition has become<br />

unsustainable and, if regionalised in a<br />

fashion similar to cricket’s Hawke Cup<br />

competition, a<strong>Canterbury</strong> Country team<br />

would fit nicely into any equation.<br />

RangioraGolfClub<br />

Nine hole stroke: Ladies: Diane Sinclair 34 1, Pam<br />

Holland352,LynLeech353.Men:DavidCrawford33<br />

1,NelsonMoffatt 342;Bruce Pugh 34 3.<br />

Ladies: LGU: Division 1gross: Jo Kent 82.Nett:<br />

BiddyBowring661;Rose Rutledge722.Division2<br />

gross:MaryHarris95.Nett: Gaye Edwards721;Jan<br />

Benney 722;Julie Elliott743. Division 3gross:Judith<br />

Roper­Lyndsay102 1;Nett: Debra Ambler 70 1;<br />

LynleyEarl712;JennyCroft71, 3.<br />

Midweekmen,stableford: Colin Dooling39 1; John<br />

Tavita 39 2;Jacobvan Petegem 39 (c/b)3.<br />

Weekend men,BisquePar: RonChisnall +8 1;<br />

Trevor Newble+72;Karl Rollinson+6(c/b) 3.<br />

Amberley GolfClub<br />

Championship, round3:LadiesSenior:Lyn<br />

Robertson; Intermediate:JudyBrown; Jnr:Jan<br />

Morgan. Best Nett:Barbara Scott71, Judy Brown,<br />

KatePercy,AdeleWilshire,equal2,72. Men’sSenior:<br />

Ron McPhail; Intermediate: Roger Hornblow;<br />

Junior: KevinGussette;Presidents: Bruce Mills.<br />

Best Nett:Kevin Gussette 68,1;Ash Genet, Jason<br />

Murray 70,equal 2. Ninehole (Putting):GarryReid<br />

15; ValCrooks, Dave Edwards 16,equal 2. Men’s Mid<br />

Week Stableford: BrianPeter,JohnWigley, Roger<br />

Keith,Kym Rayner, Stewart Johns,equal 1, 33.<br />



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SPORTS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

33<br />

Rangiorasides hunt<br />

forfinals positions<br />

HOCKEY<br />

Acoupleofweeks without competition<br />

gamesdid the Rangiora HockeyClub’s<br />

Division 1men’s side no favours. It was out<br />

of sorts against astrong Carlton Redcliffs<br />

team,sufferingits worst result this season.<br />

In contrast, the Division 3men played a<br />

top game, trouncing top­of­the­table<br />

Southern United 4­0.<br />

The Rangiorawomen’s Division 1, 2and<br />

3teams all sufferedweekenddefeats,<br />

though the Division 3side played well in<br />

its double­header against the top two<br />

teamsinthe grade.<br />

The RangioraAllsortsmid­week men’s<br />

team played arguablyits best game of the<br />

season in an unlucky 3­2 loss to University<br />

Alumni, ateam which beat them 11­0 in<br />

round1.<br />

The Rangiora­Hurunui mid­week<br />

women’s team continuesits winning ways<br />

of late withatight 2­1 win against<br />

Hinemoa­Kaiapoi Totara.<br />

In theother localderby of the round, the<br />

Rangiora PlatinumAgirls’team beat its<br />

Hinemoa Kaiapoi counterparts 2­1,<br />

ensuringitcompletes the round­robinin<br />

4th,readyfor asemi final against top<br />

qualifier HSOB/Burnside.<br />

In fact, all Rangiora Hockey Club’s<br />

Platinum teams secured wins heading into<br />

the semi­finals.<br />

In junior grades,nothing can stop the<br />

Rangiora Rabbits ministicksgirls<br />

juggernaut. While nobody is keeping<br />

official score, the Rabbits have scored<br />

more than 80 goals, and conceded fewer<br />

than 5through the season.<br />

The other mini sticks girls’team is also<br />

doingwell,this week securing a6­2 victory<br />

over aHarewood team.The Roadsters<br />

Mini Sticks boysteam has recentlybeen<br />

put into the top grade after astring of wins<br />

and now finds itselfstruggling against<br />

some tougher opposition.The side continues<br />

to improveand never gives up.<br />

Results<br />

Division 1Men: RangioraCBK 1(Liam Gray 1) lost<br />

to Carlton Redcliffs 7. Women:RangioraCBK 2<br />

(Veronica Hay 2) losttoSouthern United 3. MVP:<br />

Veronica Hay.<br />

Division 2Women: Rangiora 1(GraceMitchell 1)<br />

lost to Southern United/Avon 5. MVP:Sarah<br />

Hinchley GK.<br />

Division 3: Men Rangiora 4(Mike Roberts 2, Nick<br />

Ward1,Tim Smit 1) beat SouthernUnited 0.<br />

Women:Rangiora 0lost to Marist Green 2. MVP:<br />

Eira Beverley­Stone GK.<br />

Rangiora 2(Maddi Plimmer1,Annie Robertson 1)<br />

lost to MaristWhite3.MVP: Maddi Plimmer.<br />

MidWeekOpen Men: RangioraAllsorts 2(Jon<br />

Green1,CraigGeorge 1) lost to University of<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Alumni3.Women:RangioraHurunui 2<br />

(VikiHolland1,Annabel Harris 1) beat Hinemoa­<br />

Kaiapoi Totara 1. MVP:Stacey Flay.<br />

In possession ... Kalyn Thomas, who plays<br />

for the Division 2Rangiora women’s team, in<br />

action against Southern United/Avon.<br />


Platinum Men: RangioraA5(Theovan Dorp 2,<br />

CalebOrchard 1, Patrick Green 1, Loock Odendall<br />

1) beatHornby Dragons0.MVP: Theovan Dorp.<br />

Rangiora B8(JacksonHill4,James Clark 2,<br />

Harrison Forbes1,Michael Planner1)beat<br />

HarewoodTwo 0. PlatinumWomen: Rangiora A2<br />

(Kaylee McDonald 2) beatHinemoa­Kaiapoi1.<br />

MVP: Derrin Smith and Kara Cairns.RangioraB2<br />

(BrookeCooper 1, Janayha Johnstone 1) beatAvon<br />

Blue 1. MVP:Millie Wright.<br />

Kwik Sticks Girls:RangioraRascals 3(SophieBell<br />

2, Brooke Cooper1)beatHornby 1. MVP:Sophia<br />

McKeever. Rangiora Rubys 1(Sarah Walsh 1) lostto<br />

Hornby Wildcats 2. MVP: Sophie McDonald.<br />

Rangiora Rhinos 0losttoHarewood White6.MVP:<br />

Zara Couperus.<br />

Kwik Sticks Boys: Rangiora Renegades1(Ollie<br />

Taylor 1) drew withSouthern United 1. MVP:<br />

Tenzin Woods.Rangiora Rampage 3(Henry Webb<br />

2, Joshua Metzger 1)beatMedbury School Blue 0.<br />

MVP: Alex Rabbidgeand Dylan LaValley.<br />

Kiwi Sticks Girls: Rangiora Raiders 0lost to<br />

Waikirikiri 4. MVP: BlairRayner. Rangiora<br />

Rainbows4(RubyTaylor 2, KayleighSweeney1,<br />

Sophie Cartwright 1) beatCarltonRedcliffs2.MVP:<br />

Lilly VanRooy. RangioraRebels 2(Nieve,Sienna)<br />

beat HSOB/Burnside 0. Rangiora Road Runners 7<br />

(PJMacintosh, JBowler, BMatson) beat Harewood<br />

Gators 3. MVP:JBowler<br />

Kiwi Sticks Boys:Rangiora Rogues 10 (Jamie Ryan<br />

4, Josh Godinet 2, DustinWright 2, JoelPulley 2)<br />

beatAvon St Michaels Makos 7. MVP:JoelPulley.<br />

RangioraRangers0losttoMedbury School Red 2.<br />

Mini Sticks Girls: RangioraRabbits9(Emma<br />

McKellow3,Catherine McKellow 2, Adele<br />

Ferguson 1, Quincey Hawes1,Ruby Hutchison 1,<br />

AtenaVernal1)beat SouthernUnited0.MVP:<br />

Catherine McKellow.RangioraRockets 6(Arlette<br />

Newman, EmmaDyndul, MyaDyndul,Kaitlyn<br />

Pullar, Hazel O’Steen) beatHarewood<br />

Grasshoppers2.MVP:Caitlyn Price.<br />

Mini Sticks Boys: RangioraRoadsters2(Jaks<br />

Joslen 2) lost to Carlton Redcliffs Redsocks 10.<br />

MVP: Mackay George.<br />

Need help<br />

fundraising?<br />

Want to<br />

promote<br />

your club<br />

or team?<br />

Talk to us about<br />

howwecan help<br />

youreach your<br />

goals faster!<br />

For more<br />

information email<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />


Absolutely Stunning Home. Exceptional Value<br />

107 Sutherland Drive, Sovereign Palms<br />

‘Distinctive and simply stunning’ accurately describes this new gorgeous 294m 2 home. Built to the highest standard of quality and<br />

executed by aregistered Master Builder, who has paid special attention and thought to the luxury design which makes it avery easy<br />

home to live in and enjoy.<br />

Walking into the welcoming entrance, you will find astylish single level home that plays host to aspacious master suite with agenerous<br />

walk in wardrobe; three additional double bedrooms, open plan living kitchen, dining and also alounge that is ideal for amedia room.<br />

The designer kitchen is asun filled space that is fitted with an engineered stone bench top and premium appliances that provides the<br />

entertainer with plenty of work areas. The walk in pantry located conveniently beside the kitchen is complemented by alarge dining and<br />

living area that flows to entertaining areas outside. The second lounge or media room is adjacent to this area, so you can close it off<br />

or leave it open to the main living area.<br />

Alarge fully tiled,family bathroom features afree-standing bath, separate shower and quality vanity.The ensuite to the master bedroom<br />

is very spacious with the large double shower, and inbuilt cosmetic make up area; ladies, be prepared to be wowed!<br />

There is plenty of storage throughout the home that includes apurpose built room where the hot water cylinder is installed. Aseparate<br />

functional laundry to accommodate family living with easy access to the clothesline.<br />

Outside the well fenced and newly planted grounds will become atrue delight. The numerous decks are perfect spots to enjoy the<br />

outdoors. Three car garaging including drive through at the rear of the garage and the additional offstreetparking will be sure to please.<br />

Set on an 860m 2 section and perfectly positioned for sun, the property offers an exclusive lifestyle with ashort stroll to parks and lake.<br />

This home comes with a10year Master Build Guarantee.<br />

Enquiries over $795,000<br />

Open Sunday 2.00pm to 2.30pm<br />

For more information call<br />

Richard or Michelle<br />

027 536 4260 |027 307 4530<br />

richard.michelle@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

Web ID: TPNC8814<br />

www.tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

Tall Poppy Real Estate<br />

Licensed REAA 2008<br />

2312982<br />

Want afair flat fee with nothing<br />

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Business Owners and Sales Consultants<br />

027 536 4260 or 027 307 4530 |richard.michelle@tallpoppy.co.nz

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Zealanders<br />

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Real Estate Sales<br />


harcourtsfourseasons.co.nz<br />

Your home forlocal property.

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Zealanders<br />

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Real Estate Sales<br />


Four Seasons Realty<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Equestrian Properties, in<br />

conjunction with Harcourts Four Seasons.<br />

Contact us nowifyou haveaproperty that<br />

you would like listed for sale on the new<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Equestrian Property website<br />

and Facebook Page.<br />

@<strong>Canterbury</strong>EquestrianProperty<br />

canterburyequestrianproperty.co.nz<br />

Top Lifestyle Sales Consultants. Nowalso specialising in<br />

Equestrian property Sales, Purchase and Advice.<br />

Richard Woerlee<br />

027 220 7706 |03312 6161<br />

richard.woerlee@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Sue Woerlee<br />

021 867 541 |03312 6161<br />

sue.woerlee@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Four Seasons Realty 20<strong>17</strong>Ltd | Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

harcourtsfourseasons.co.nz<br />

Your home forlocal property.

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Hanmer Springs 4, 900 Woodbank Road<br />

Auction<br />


Discreetly hidden up aquietyet sunny valley only ashort drive from the idyllic thermal resort village of Hanmer Springs, you<br />

find this amazing and unique 20halifestyle block. Nothing compares! It offers medium to steep hill with native bush,<br />

extensive manuka, andnaturalwetlands. Watersupply is aspring fed pond, enjoy your water justasnatureintended. Approx<br />

aquarter of the property hasbeen cleared, grassed, fertilisedand fenced (new electric topped post and netting) suitable for<br />

sheep, cattle or horses. It is divided into 5paddocks, with aset of sheep yards. There is astunning elevatedbuildingsite just<br />

below thespring,offering a<strong>North</strong> facing sunnyaspect, and the most amazing views over theHanmer Valley. Whatever your<br />

purpose, be ityour dream home in apristine bush setting, aunique ecolodge, or just ahideawayfrom the realworld, this<br />

property is one in amillion. Direct access into crown land for hunting.<br />

Auction 1.00pm, Sat10th Oct, <strong>2020</strong>, Rangiora Town Hall<br />

View Sat 19 Sep 1.00-2.30pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/HSU77712<br />

Janice Clyma<br />

M 027 434 7090<br />

E janice.clyma@pb.co.nz<br />

Hanmer Springs 28 Caverhill Close<br />

Auction<br />

Central village rare opportunity<br />

We are delighted to offer you thisquirky andinteresting double glazed 3brm plus attic home located on aprivate central site.<br />

Ideally suited as afamily holidayhome, the kidswilllove the attic as aplay area. Lovely north facing living and deck ideal for<br />

those evening BBQs. Logfire plusaceramicinfra redheater.Architecturally designed andbuilt in 1990's as aholiday home,<br />

however would equally suit as apermanenthome or weekend retreat. Two bedrooms are generousqueen size, master has two<br />

largewardrobes. The third bedroom is offthe lounge and ismore of astudy/office area butlarge enough foraset of bunks.<br />

Single garage withinternal access. Separate entry area with coat space, and alarge separate laundry with lots of bigstorage<br />

cupboards. Thesection is surrounded by mature native trees including recentlyplanted fruit trees. Well fenced and suitable for<br />

pets and children. Location is an easystroll on formed public tracks to the forest walks.<br />

3 1 1 1<br />

Auction 1.00pm, Sat 10th Oct, <strong>2020</strong>, Rangiora Town Hall<br />

View Sat 19 Sep 11.00-12.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/HSU77892<br />

Janice Clyma<br />

M 027 434 7090<br />

E janice.clyma@pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Ohoka 693 Tram Road<br />

Auction<br />

Vendors havepurchased<br />

Lookingfor a4ha lifestyle property with ahighly convenient location, privacyand avery well presented232 sqm four<br />

bedroom home? Thentake alookat693 Tram Road. There is anewly completed92sqm addition withfloor to ceiling double<br />

glazed glass doors,opening to astunning Kwila deck. This area has been built to ahigh standardand includes main living,<br />

master bedroom and ensuite and asecondbedroom. This area has oak flooring and no expense hasbeen spared on the<br />

plumbing,which includes aVailantcombi boiler which runs four radiators as well as the hot water. Clad in Stria witha<br />

Colorsteel roof and internalgutters it is ultra modern. Theland is subdivided into ninepaddocks, with cattle-yards and afour<br />

bay barn,including one enclosed bay. With its ownwell,thereisplenty of water available for thegardenaswell as the house.<br />

With themotorway only 7kmaway and the well regarded decile 10 Ohoka schoolnearbyitisanideal location.<br />

4 2 2 1<br />

Auction 1.00pm, Sat 10th Oct, <strong>2020</strong>, Rangiora Town Hall<br />

View Sun 20 Sep 2.30 -3.30pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL77927<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 <strong>17</strong>18<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

E hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />

Rangiora 11 Gerard Place<br />

Auction<br />

Contemporary classic, going, going, gone<br />

Our subject property is an expansive,contemporary home on aquiet, family-friendly cul-de-sac. Designed andconstructed<br />

with painstaking care and attention to detail, it's sure to exceed theexpectations of even the most discerning purchasers.<br />

From themoment one sets foot inside the impressive entrancewaythe care andattention to detail that went into the<br />

construction of this superlative homeisimmediately clear.<br />

Ample accommodation is provided by four good-sized bedrooms, while two luxurious bathrooms (including an ensuite off the<br />

master) and an appropriately lavishkitchenwith walk-in pantry enhancefunctionality. Theopen-plan dining/living area is<br />

complemented by aseparateformal lounge, with aheatpump promising year-roundcomfort and effortless indoor/outdoor<br />

flow offering easy access outside.<br />

Outside, the immaculate grounds createanidyllicsetting, with double internal-access garaging -complete with rear access for<br />

the boat or trailer.<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />

4 2 2 2<br />

Auction 1.00pm, Sat 10th Oct, <strong>2020</strong>, Rangiora Town Hall<br />

View Sun 20 Sep 12.00 -12.30pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU77827<br />

Aaron Clark<br />

M 027 873 5121<br />

E aaronc@pb.co.nz<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Oxford 497 Steffens Road<br />

Auction<br />

Job transfer dictates sale<br />

This 398sqmhome, set inapicturesque park-like setting, consists of three separate accommodation areas. Currently -main<br />

dwelling, "parents wing" and guestwing -providingfor atruly multi-generational living scenario. In the main dwelling, step<br />

into abeautifulhome with character features, modern conveniences, open plankitchen/dining with generous walk-in pantry,<br />

family lounge and large formal lounge, twovery generous double bedrooms, family bathroomand walk-inlinen/storage room,<br />

complimented by two fabulous outdoorentertaining areas. The tworemaining wingsare self-contained with their own<br />

bathroom, bedrooms and living areas. Allwings have their own separate entry and inter-connectwith the main dwelling. The<br />

4ha of landissubdivided intofive paddocks ,withgoodqualityTempleton and Eyre-Paparua soils, (according to soil maps)<br />

and you have your own well. Buildings and features outside consistof100sqm Totalspan garage/workshop, hayshed,tool<br />

shed, wood shed.<br />

5-6 3 4 2+<br />

Auction 1.00pm, Sat 10th Oct, <strong>2020</strong>,Rangiora Town Hall<br />

View Sun 20 Sep 1.30 -2.15pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL77379<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 <strong>17</strong>18<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

Rotherham 74 Topps Road<br />

Auction<br />

Call to action, call to auction<br />

Our vendor is retiringafteralifetime of farming, thisproductive property is nowyouropportunity. Property Brokers are proud<br />

to present this attractive and productive 83ha farm. The soils on the flat are predominately Ayreburn Deep Clay, with the<br />

balance Waipara Moderately Deep SiltyLoam. Currentlythe flats are being irrigated with hard hose irrigatorsfrom hydrants<br />

down the central lane.There are 45 Amuri Irrigation Companyshares, which provide 27 litres/sec. The home is athree<br />

bedroom wooden bungalow of approximately 186sqm with aseparate twocar garage, with power. There are alarge number<br />

of support buildings including a9mx13.5m three bay shed,awoolshedofapproximately120sqm,with additional storage<br />

underneath, afour bay shed measuring approximately 8m x16m, the red shed approximately 12mx10m, the fully lockable<br />

shed, which is approximately 12mx9m, as well as an old dairy and piggery.There is apumpshed on the flatwhich is used for<br />

irrigation.<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />

3 1 2<br />

Auction 1.00pm, Sat 10th Oct, <strong>2020</strong>, Rangiora Town Hall<br />

View Tue 22 Sep 1.30 -3.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RR74876<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 <strong>17</strong>18<br />

E hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Sefton 107 Harleston Road<br />

Auction<br />

We're out, you're in<br />

Our vendors are retiringand leaving their magnificent home that theylovingly built. Nowisyour opportunity.This versatile<br />

rammed earth home has seven bedrooms, with awest wing of 180m2 comprisinglargeopen planlivingwith twobedrooms<br />

plus an office, cool store room and bathroomdownstairs, as well as three bedrooms upstairs, with another bathroom and<br />

kitchenette/living area. The east wing has two living areas, twobedrooms andashared bathroom.There is a100m2 shared<br />

garage and off the garages, separate toilets andseparate laundries. Energyefficiency is afeature of this homewith thethick<br />

rammed earth walls providing aheat sink for winter and keeping the interior cool in summer. In the west wing there is a<br />

Warmington open fire as well as aRayburn withawetback which also provides underfloorheating through pipes which pass<br />

beneathconcrete floor pavers. Thekitchen alsohas awalk-in pantry and abutlers sink. Theeast wing hasawood-burner.<br />

8 3 3 4<br />

Auction 1.00pm, Sat 10th Oct, <strong>2020</strong>, Rangiora Town Hall<br />

View Sun 20 Sep 1.30 -2.30pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RR72756<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

E hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 <strong>17</strong>18<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

Eyrewell Forest 599 Downs Road<br />

Auction<br />

Vendors downsizing<br />

Our vendors havebuiltinRangiora and need to sell this beautifully designedthreebedroom, two bathroom home. Onewing<br />

contains the master bedroom with an ensuite and walk in wardrobe.Another winghas two bedroomsand the main bathroom.<br />

There are two living area's with an open plan kitchen living andaseparatelounge.The log-burner has awetback and there is<br />

aheat pump as well.ABelling stove and AEG dishwasher are typical of the quality of the chattels and fit out. The garage is a<br />

largesingle withanadjoining separate laundry and mudroom.Extra accommodation is available in the one bedroomflat<br />

adjoiningthe shed, which has akitchen/living area andagood bathroom and is approximately 45m2.The sheditselfis<br />

approximately 150m2 with acommercial roller door and clear span, highstud steeltrusses. It has three phase power and<br />

excellent lighting.The 24m2 studio is transportable, so could be sold separately if not wanted.<br />

4 3 3 1<br />

Auction 1.00pm, Sat 10th Oct, <strong>2020</strong><br />

View Sun 20 Sep 11.15 -12.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL76<strong>17</strong>9<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 <strong>17</strong>18<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

E hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Rangiora 8/26 Victoria Street<br />

EyrewellForest 805 Downs Road<br />

New Listing<br />

Over 60's unit -Simply delightful<br />

Lovely two bedroom unit that has been designed with the over 60s in<br />

mind. Everything in the kitchenisatyourfingertips and is open plan to<br />

be sunny and spacious. The wonderful compact garden is easily<br />

accessed from the lounge. The masterbedroom is spacious with a<br />

good wardrobe, and the bathroom has aheated non-slip floor and<br />

large walk in shower. Aseparate laundry and single attachedgarage<br />

rounds off this wonderfulproperty. Dont miss it, come and have alook.<br />

Vendors asking for offers over $340,000.<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />

2 1<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 30th<br />

<strong>September</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> at 4.00pm, (unless<br />

sold prior)<br />

View Sun 20 Sep 1.00 -2.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU77643<br />

Bev Wright<br />

M 027 4342486<br />

Forest FieldOpportunity<br />

Arare opportunity to purchase aproperty with access to arguably one<br />

of the best private airfields in the country. Situated just minutes by air<br />

from Christchurch International Airport, it has three runways catering<br />

for every wind direction. Our vendor is moving and wants it sold. The<br />

hanger is approximately 16m X13.5m with avery high stud and 4m<br />

high opening doors and there is athree bay barn, one of which is<br />

enclosed with two roller doors.The temporary accommodation is<br />

approximately 12m x7mand has an insulated lunch room, shower,<br />

toilet, hand basin and kitchenette.<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />

1 1 1 1<br />

Deadline Sale closes Thursday 15th<br />

October, <strong>2020</strong> at 4.00pm<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL77889<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 <strong>17</strong>18<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

FRI<br />

25 th<br />

SEP<br />

5–8pm<br />

Raven Quay<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

FREE<br />


To Acknowledge 10 Years fromThe Earthquakes<br />

Join us for Fun,<br />

Food &Fireworks<br />

Food &Market Stalls +<br />

Roving Entertainers +<br />

Outdoor Screen<br />

Slide show reflecting<br />

on 10yrs +<br />




Four SeasonsRealty<br />

All Together Kaiapoi<br />

acknowledge and thank those<br />

that havesupported this event...<br />

For more information visit:

What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

Te Wiki oTeReo Māori<br />

Waimakariri Libraries have created avirtual<br />

celebration this year to celebrate Te Wiki oTe<br />

Reo Māori. Library and Council staff have worked<br />

together behind the scenes to create something<br />

special for the library website and social media.<br />

Local schools who would normally perform in the<br />

library have filmed their kapa haka groups, and have<br />

shared these with the library to be featured on our<br />

social media, with adifferent school being featured<br />

each day during the week.<br />

Storytimes, and Toddler Times sessions during the<br />

week will feature picture book readings inTeReo<br />

Māori, and staff will sing waiata especially for<br />

pre-schoolers.<br />

Natural Hazards Maps<br />

The Waimakariri community are being invited to<br />

view new models and maps showing the possible<br />

extent of natural hazards onland in the Waimakariri<br />

District –which have been updated to provide the<br />

best possible information for landowners looking to<br />

buy, build ordevelop.<br />

Hazard information being updated includes:<br />

• Flooding –from rainfall, coastal inundation and<br />

stop bank breach<br />

• Tsunami<br />

• Liquefaction<br />

• Fault lines.<br />

The maps will be available from Friday 18<br />

<strong>September</strong> onthe Council website at<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk<br />

Development Planning Manager Trevor Ellis says<br />

improving the accuracy of hazard maps isan<br />

important bit of work due tochanged legislative<br />

requirements around climate change, reducing<br />

natural hazard risk, and ensuring preparedness and<br />

response tonatural disasters.<br />

Hazard maps are used when processing resource<br />

consents, rezoning land, for project information<br />

memoranda and building consents toensure<br />

that the risk from natural hazards topeople and<br />

buildings is assessed.<br />

They are also referred to on land information<br />

memorandum (LIMs) for buyers and sellers of<br />

property. The maps will also inform new planning<br />

provisions as part ofthe District Plan Review.<br />

At this stage, the Council isstill deciding how<br />

best torespond to the updated information, both<br />

in terms of reviewing planning rules, as well as<br />

considering how it will affect the community and its<br />

assets into the future.<br />

Community engagement on dra map information<br />

was undertaken in<strong>September</strong> 2019. Since then,<br />

investigation, reporting and modelling has<br />

occurred, and has now been finalised and<br />

adopted by the Council.<br />

The new information will improve understanding of<br />

the risks within the Waimakariri District.<br />




Waimakariri Civil Defence will be testing the<br />

district’s coastal warning system at 1pm on<br />

Monday 28 <strong>September</strong>.<br />

Sirens are located at The Pines Beach/Kairaki,<br />

Woodend and Waikuku beaches, however<br />

depending on wind conditions, the sound may<br />

travel further.<br />

The test message will last for approximately one<br />

minute and depending on how close you are, may<br />

be quite loud.<br />

Checking in<br />

on your bin…<br />

We’re doing<br />

recycling bin checks<br />

across the District to<br />

make sure they have<br />

the right items going<br />

into them.<br />

Check your letterbox for<br />

an information pack about<br />

your bin check and how to<br />

recyclethe right way.<br />

rethinkrubbish.co.nz<br />

FRI<br />

25<br />

SEP<br />

5–8pm<br />

Raven Quay<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

Place used<br />

masks and gloves<br />

in the rubbish.<br />

Single-use masks and gloves<br />

unfortunately can’t be recycled.<br />

Cut the mask ties and make sure<br />

they go in arubbish bin instead.<br />

FREE<br />


To Acknowledge 10 Years from The Earthquakes<br />

Join us for Fun, Food &Fireworks<br />

Food &Market Stalls +<br />

Roving Entertainers +<br />

Outdoor Screen Slide show<br />

reflecting on 10yrs +<br />




AllTogetherKaiapoi acknowledgeand thank<br />

those thathavesupportedthis event...<br />

Visit Waimakariri, Waimakariri Creative Communities NZ, Harcourts,<br />

Misco Joinery, Blackwell’s Kaiapoi, Silverstream, Smith Crane &Construction,<br />

Waimakariri Arts Trust, Waimakariri District Council, Kaiapoi Club,<br />

Wilsons Traffic Management, Kaiapoi -Tuahiwi Community Board, Larsen<br />

Sign Studio, Acropolis, Wentworth Carrying, Paper Plus, Corcoran French<br />

For more information visit:<br />

rethinkrubbish.co.nz<br />


NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

43<br />

Anne traces family roots<br />

Give usyour<br />

Feedback<br />

Have you signed up for<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Council <strong>News</strong>letter?<br />

To join visit:<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/subscribe<br />

Community Service<br />

Awards <strong>2020</strong><br />

Nominations are Open<br />

These awards are torecognise<br />

our community volunteers<br />

that goabove and beyond.<br />

Full criteria, details and nomination<br />

forms are available now.<br />

Youcan pick up anomination form from<br />

one of Council’s Service Centres and<br />

Libraries at Rangiora, Kaiapoi and Oxford<br />

and is also on our website<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

Criteria<br />

• Anyone who has carried out significant<br />

voluntary services in the Waimakariri<br />

District to: the arts, culture, education,<br />

health, recreation, sport, welfare or youth.<br />

• Must be nominated by two people of the<br />

Waimakariri District.<br />

This year’s Community Service Awards<br />

ceremony will be held in November.<br />

Nominations close 5pm,<br />

Friday 18 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />


Anne Sugden has found<br />

more thanafew<br />

‘‘skeletons’’ while<br />

researching her family<br />

tree.<br />

The New Zealand<br />

Society of Genealogists<br />

Waimakariri branch<br />

committee member has<br />

been tracingher family<br />

history for more than20<br />

years.<br />

Anne displayed some<br />

of her findings at the<br />

branch’sopen day in the<br />

Rangiora Brass Band<br />

Hall on Sunday.<br />

‘‘I’ve been doing it for<br />

more than 20 years in<br />

stopsand starts. It’s the<br />

sort of thing you can<br />

leavefor acouple of<br />

yearsand come back to<br />

it.’’<br />

The displayincluded<br />

OtagoDaily Times<br />

newspaperclippings<br />

from the Papers Past<br />

website of her greatgreat­grandfather,Julius<br />

Matthies, who emigrated<br />

Garden club members honoured<br />

Five new life membershave been<br />

welcomed to the Rangiora<br />

Garden Club.<br />

Rae Loffhagen, Lorna Horne,<br />

BarbaraBaxter and Marion<br />

Moore, membersfor more than<br />

30 years, celebratedwith the<br />

cutting of acake madebyArtisan<br />

in Rangiora. The fifth longserving<br />

member, Val Fountain,<br />

was unable to be present.<br />

All were saidtohavemade<br />

wonderful and dedicated<br />

contributions to the club by the<br />

positions theyhave held at<br />

varioustimes, and all haveahuge<br />

knowledge of plants.<br />

The club has about 100<br />

members and holds monthly<br />

meetings at the Rangiora<br />

Bowling Clubroomsonthe first<br />

Wednesdayofevery month.<br />

There are speakers,monthly<br />

exhibition tables, and visitsto<br />

gardens.<br />

from Treptow in the<br />

Germanprincipality of<br />

Prussia in the 1800s.<br />

Matthies was atrack<br />

cutteratJacksons Bay on<br />

the WestCoast and also<br />

workedasacabinetmaker<br />

in Hokitika.<br />

MatthiesCreek on the<br />

West Coast is named<br />

after him.<br />

The Sugden family<br />

migrated fromYorkshire<br />

in England in the 1800s,<br />

but the story for this<br />

great­great­grandfather<br />

was not as illustrious.<br />

‘‘He losthis wife,<br />

farmedthe children out<br />

to other people and<br />

resorted to alcohol. It<br />

seems he didn’t cope very<br />

well,’’ Anne says.<br />

SugdenStreet in<br />

Christchurch is named<br />

after her grandfather.<br />

Genealogy is ahobby<br />

suitable for lockdowns,<br />

as long as you have<br />

internet, Anne says.<br />

But the benefit of<br />

belonging to alocal group<br />

is being abletoget advice<br />

Family tree ... Anne Sugden has enjoyed compiling<br />

her family tree.<br />


from experienced<br />

researchers, tips on<br />

where to find reliable<br />

information and access to<br />

recordsnot available on<br />

the internet.<br />

Report on suicide hailed as bold<br />


Anew reportaimedatreducing<br />

suicide highlights the plight of<br />

ruralcommunities,Waimakariri<br />

MP Matt Doocey says.<br />

The Zero SuicideAotearoa<br />

report, funded by SouthernCross<br />

and prepared for Parliament’s<br />

cross­party Mental Health and<br />

Addiction Wellbeing Group, was<br />

released lastweek to coincide<br />

with WorldSuicide Prevention<br />

Day.<br />

Mr Doocey, who chairs the<br />

group, saysthe reportis‘‘a bold<br />

report’’ which calls on all parties<br />

in Parliament to work together to<br />

reduce suicide.<br />

‘‘Allsuicides are preventable in<br />

New Zealand and by lookingat<br />

long­term policysolutions we can<br />

play our partinreducing<br />

suicides.’’<br />

The reportidentifiesseveralatrisk<br />

groups, including Maori,<br />

Pasifika, young people, workingage<br />

men, men overage 85, the<br />

rainbow community, and those on<br />

farms.<br />

Farm­related suicides are of<br />

particular interest to Mr Doocey,<br />

with the report indicating farm<br />

labourers are twice as likely as<br />

farm owners to take their own<br />

lives.<br />

‘‘When you look at suicide in<br />

ruralcommunities, there’s ahigh<br />

prevalence of those people who<br />

have not previously engagedwith<br />

health services before, so we need<br />

to make sure we invest heavily in<br />

ruralsupport trustsand those who<br />

work on the ground in rural<br />

communities.’’<br />

Lack of access to health<br />

services, lack of fundingand<br />

isolation, as well as relationship<br />

break­ups, alcohol and ready<br />

access to firearms,were<br />

identified as contributing factors.<br />

The reportsuggested rural<br />

suicide preventionefforts needed<br />

to focus on suitably resourcing<br />

community, farming and sports<br />

organisations, as wellashealth<br />

and socialservices.<br />

Localmental healthadvocates<br />

welcomed the report.<br />

Rangiora mentalhealth<br />

advocate Bryon Cope said the<br />

reports pushes for ‘‘a more<br />

collaborative approach’’tomental<br />

health, but says any new strategy<br />

‘‘needs to go beyond traditional<br />

health responses’’.<br />

Mental health services needto<br />

be moreflexible to fit each<br />

individual’s needs, rather than<br />

what the funding model provides,<br />

Mr Copesays.<br />

Better resourcing in schools<br />

and workplaces could prevent<br />

many situationsreachingcrisis<br />

point, he says.<br />

‘‘People havetools thatthey use<br />

to cope with every day ebbs and<br />

flows, but whenthe situation<br />

changes,they try to use those<br />

same tools untilthey reach crisis<br />

point.<br />

‘‘Feeling like shit is anormal<br />

reaction,sotelling peopleit’s OK<br />

can makeabig difference.’’<br />

Service recognised ... New life memberswith the RangioraGarden Club,<br />

from left, MarionMoore,Barbara Baxter, LornaHorne, and Rae Loffhagen.

SPORT<br />

44 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Rams lose challenging final<br />

Pair in fine form<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rams<br />

stumbled at the last hurdle<br />

when the side met Central<br />

Sharks Silver in the Grand<br />

B­grade final of the Indoor<br />

Cricket <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Superleague.<br />

Silver was the only team to<br />

beat the Rams in the roundrobin<br />

—handing the side its<br />

only loss leading to the<br />

finals.<br />

Silver won the toss and<br />

sent the Rams into field.<br />

The Rams made agreat<br />

start, taking four wickets in<br />

the first pair, restricting<br />

them to just four runs.<br />

Silver fought back with its<br />

second pair to post ahuge<br />

41. The side’s third and<br />

fourth pairs chipped in with<br />

decent partnerships to leave<br />

the side with 82 on the<br />

board.<br />

There was some great<br />

bowling by Brendon<br />

Wellington, taking three<br />

wickets for ­1 runs, and Ian<br />

King, who took two wickets<br />

for ­2 .<br />

The Rams’ first pair of<br />

Kyle Brown and Kane<br />

Campbell posted only six<br />

runs, with Silver taking four<br />

wickets.<br />

The experienced pair of<br />

captain Jeff Jones and<br />

Brendon Wellington were<br />

up next, and lost only one<br />

wicket, posting 29.<br />

The Rams were still in the<br />

game at this point, with<br />

Lindon Adonis and Matt<br />

Blackmore coming outtobat<br />

in the third partnership.<br />

Silver knuckled down and<br />

took another four wickets,<br />

three of which came off<br />

captain Ant Brown’s over.<br />

This left the final pair of<br />

Aaron Turner and Ian King<br />

areasonable chase of 39 off<br />

their four overs.<br />

Silver bowled atight line<br />

and took another three<br />

wickets, so despite some<br />

hard hitting from Aaron and<br />

Ian, the Rams were left 19<br />

short on 63.<br />

However, the side does get<br />

to keep the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Club<br />

Shield for the <strong>2020</strong> season.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Rams are now playing in a<br />

Premier ‘‘best of the best’’<br />

tournament on <strong>September</strong><br />

18 and 19, before attention is<br />

turned to outdoor cricket.<br />

Runners up ... The <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Rams indoor<br />

cricket side with the runnersup<br />

trophy. Rear, from left, are<br />

McKenzie Smith, Ian King,<br />

Aaron Turner, Kane Campbell<br />

and Matt Blackmore. Front<br />

row, from left, are Lindon<br />

Adonis, captain Jeff Jones,<br />

Brendon Wellington and Lyle<br />

Brown.<br />


Cup success... BiddyBowring, left,and<br />

Jan Reed, from the Rangiora Golf Club,<br />

with the Pumphrey Cup they won for the<br />

best individual foursomes score from a<br />

field of 84 players at arecenttournament<br />

at the ChristchurchGolf Club. They also<br />

played for the Cowlishaw Cup with two<br />

other members of their club, Adrienne<br />

Spark and Anne Campbell. Theyfinished<br />

runners­up, losing to Ellesmere by one<br />

point.<br />



Amberley Smallbore Rifle Club<br />

<strong>September</strong> 14: DQuigley 99.6, K<br />

Quigley 99.5, GWright 99.5, KBrown<br />

99.5, MQuigley 98.5, OMitchell 95.2,H<br />

Henderson 95.1,WParker91.2, I<br />

Frazer 91.0,MParker90.2, BParker<br />

86.0, MPalmer 75.0.<br />

There’s neverbeen<br />

abetter time to<br />

supportlocal.<br />

Help our local economy recover in these<br />

difficult times and supportour local<br />

advertisers by shopping local.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong> features local<br />

businesses and news everyweek.<br />

If you’re abusiness owner and want to find out how we can help you<br />

-send us an email on info@ncnews.co.nz



Hurunui District Councilelectorshavethe righttodemand apollonthe<br />

electoral systemtobeused at the next twotriennial general elections<br />

(2022 and 2025) forHurunuiDistrict Council.<br />

The choice is between the First Past the Post (FPP) and the Single Transferable<br />

Vote (STV) electoral systems. Unless apolldetermines otherwise, Hurunui<br />

District Councilwill continue to use the FPP electoral system.<br />

Avalid demand forapollmustbe:<br />

• Made in writing.<br />

• Signed by at least5percentofeligible electorsofHurunui District Council.<br />

This will require aminimum of 431 elector signatures.<br />

• Delivered to the Hurunui District Council office,66CartersRd, Amberley<br />

by 5pm Monday, 22 February2021.<br />

If avalid demandfor apoll is received after 22 February2021 apoll will be held<br />

after 21 May2021 with the outcome applicable to the 2025 and 2028 triennial<br />

elections.<br />

Everyelector who signs ademand mustalso setout in it his or herfull name<br />

and the address forwhich he or she is qualified as an elector of Hurunui<br />

District Council.<br />

Hamish Dobbie<br />

ChiefExecutive<br />

<strong>17</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Notice of AGM <strong>2020</strong><br />

Tuesday 29 th <strong>September</strong><br />

at 5.30pm<br />

WarMemorial Hall<br />

1AlbertStreet, Rangiora<br />

Please RSVP for catering<br />

purposes<br />

03 313 3505<br />

servicemanager<br />

@bsnc.org.nz<br />

2300810<br />

Entertainment<br />


Music Concert, at the<br />

Balcairn Hall, 4 Ashby<br />

Road, Balcairn, Sunday<br />

27th <strong>September</strong> 2pm, tickets<br />

$10 adult, $5 student<br />

from Blackwells Kaiapoi,<br />

Artisan Rangiora, Sally<br />

Macs Amberley. Limited<br />

door sales / Dutch afternoon<br />

tea. Internet bookings,<br />

updates and enquiries to<br />

deb.vink406@gmail.com.<br />

Garage Sales<br />

RANGIORA 161 Oxford<br />

Road, Saturday 19th <strong>September</strong>,<br />

8am.<br />

RANGIORA 150 East<br />

Belt, Saturday 19th <strong>September</strong>,<br />

8am -11am.<br />

Proposed Racecourse<br />

Quarry and Backfilling<br />

Project –Information<br />

Open Day<br />

Notice of public open day / evening to<br />

discuss the proposed Racecourse Quarry<br />

and Backfilling Project<br />

When: Wednesday 23 rd of <strong>September</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Time: 3:30pm to 7:00pm<br />

Where: Rangiora Racecourse<br />

(access from 312 Lehmans Road)<br />


“The Key of Knowledge ..“(Luke 11:52)<br />

“GOOD NEWS”<br />

What the Bible says about Jerusalem:<br />

“Be glad; rejoice forever in my creation! And look! Iwill<br />

create Jerusalem as aplace of happiness. Her people<br />

will be asource of joy. Iwill rejoice over Jerusalem and<br />

delight in my people. The sound of weeping and crying<br />

will be heard in it no more”. Isaiah 65:18-19 ESV.<br />

2312974<br />

Te Matauru Primary School<br />

Board of Trustees Election<br />

Declaration of Parent &Staff Election Results<br />

Parent Representative Votes:<br />

GARRETT, Blair 32<br />

HARRIS, Gordon 6<br />

HEMMINGS, Simon 24<br />

JENKINSON, Kerry 33<br />

McLEAN, Shane 36<br />

SHANMUGAM, Flash 11<br />

SIMPSON, Peter 25<br />

Invalid Votes 2<br />

Ihereby declare the following duly elected:<br />

Blair Garrett, Simon Hemmings, Kerry Jenkinson,<br />

Shane McLean, Peter Simpson<br />

Staff Representative Results:<br />

At the close of nominations, as there was only one<br />

valid nomination received,<br />

Ihereby declare the following duly elected:<br />

Gemma Stopforth<br />

Signed:<br />

Fiona McLachlan, Returning Officer<br />

2314791<br />

Rotary ClubofRangiora<br />

Charitable Trust<br />


EDUCATION AWARD <strong>2020</strong><br />

The Rotary Club of Rangiora awards agrant each<br />

year inmemory of aformer member, Alex Murray,<br />

to assist ayoung person about to leave school to<br />

undertake further training at an education centre,<br />

polytechnic or university.<br />

The grant, to a value of $5000, will be awarded<br />

to ayoung person living in either the Waimakariri<br />

or Hurunui Districts. The grant is to assist with<br />

course costs and/or study materials (excluding<br />

accommodation costs) over the first two years of<br />

tertiarystudy.<br />

We are calling for applications for this grant for study<br />

to becommenced in 2021.<br />

The application form may be obtained by emailing<br />

ayers.david@xtra.co.nz.<br />

Applications will close on Thursday 8th October<br />

<strong>2020</strong>.<br />

2312601<br />



FRIDAY 2ND &<br />


OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong><br />







PHONE<br />

Public Notices<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Dive Club<br />

<strong>2020</strong> AGM<br />

to be held at<br />

at Mandeville Tavern,<br />

99 Raven Quay, Kaiapoi on the<br />

28 th <strong>September</strong> at 7.30pm<br />

All existing and new members welcome.<br />

Enquiries 027 560 6902<br />

2312410<br />



027 472 4439<br />




Rangiora Charitable Trust<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

45<br />




The Kate Valley Landfill Community Trust is seeking nominationsfor one community<br />

trustee from the Amberley Ward of the Hurunui District for the Trust.<br />

Theprincipal task of this charitable Trust is to distribute funds provided by Transwaste<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> for purposes that are beneficial to the community in the Waipara area.<br />

This includes funding community activities or facilities inany location within the<br />

Hurunui District which are capable of conferring such benefit.<br />

In the event of more than one nomination being received, apublic meeting will be<br />

held in the Amberley Memorial Library, Amberley,onMonday,16thNovember,<strong>2020</strong>,<br />

where avote will take place to elect one trustee who will be appointed for aterm of<br />

three years. It will be arequirement of those wishing to vote at this election meeting<br />

to sign aregister statingtheir name and address in orderthat eligibility to vote can be<br />

assessed. The initial trustee is not precluded from offering themselves for election.<br />

The Kate Valley Landfill Community Trust is made up of three Community trustees,<br />

one Amberley trustee and two Settlor’s trustees.<br />

Who Can Make aNomination?<br />

Any person over the age of 18 whose principal place of residence is within the<br />

Amberley Ward of the Hurunui District identified on the plan in the Trust Deeds,<br />

and whose name and address appears on the applicable current electoral roll, can<br />

nominate people from the Amberley Ward.<br />

How Can aNomination Be Made?<br />

Written notice in the formofaletter of nomination is required. This must:<br />

•Contain the full name and residential address of the person making the<br />

nomination,and that person’s date of birth and signature.<br />

•Contain asignedstatement of willingness to serve as atrusteefrom the person<br />

nominated, together with his/her full name, date of birth and residential address.<br />

•Becomplete in all respects and be received by The Secretary, ADRAInc, PO<br />

Box 87, Amberley on or before the closing date of Friday,23rd October,<strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Who Can Be Nominated?<br />

Any person over the age of 18 whose principal place of residence is within the<br />

Amberley Ward of the Hurunui District identified on the plan in the TrustDeed.<br />

More Information<br />

Acopy of the Kate Valley Landfill Community Trust Deed can be requested by<br />

phoning 0800 TRANSWASTE (872 679). The Deed sets out the purposes of the<br />

Trust and the way in which it operates.<br />

2313311<br />



The Kate Valley Landfill Community Trust is seeking nominations for one community<br />

trustee from the Waipara Community Area.<br />

The principal task of this charitable Trust is to distribute funds provided by Transwaste<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>for purposes that are beneficial to people whoseprincipal placeofresidence<br />

is within the contributing area to the Waipara School (the Community Area). This<br />

includes funding community activities or facilities in any location that are capable of<br />

conferring such benefit.<br />

In the event of more than one nomination being received, apublic meeting will be held<br />

in the Waipara Memorial Hall on Monday,16November <strong>2020</strong>. Voting will be open from<br />

6:30pm-7:30pm. Avote will take place to elect one trustee who will be appointed for<br />

aterm ofthree years. It will be arequirement of those wishing tovote to be present on<br />

the night of this electionmeeting and to sign aregisterstating their name and address in<br />

order that eligibility to vote can be assessed. No proxy/absentee votes will be accepted.<br />

The existing trustee whose term isexpiring is not precluded from offering themselves<br />

for re-election.<br />

The Kate Valley Landfill Community Trust is made up of three Community trustees, one<br />

Amberley trustee and two Settlor’s trustees.<br />

Who Can Be Nominated?<br />

Any person over the age of 18 whose principalplace of residence is within the Waipara<br />

Community Area identified on the plan in the Trust Deed.<br />

Who Can Make aNomination?<br />

Any person over the age of 18 whose principal place ofresidence is within the<br />

Community Area and whose name and address appears on the applicable current<br />

electoral roll.<br />

How Can aNomination Be Made?<br />

Writtennotice in the formofaletter of nominationisrequired. This must:<br />

•Contain the full name and residential address of the person makingthe nomination,<br />

and that person’s date of birth and signature.<br />

•Contain asigned statement of willingnesstoserve as atrustee from the person<br />

nominated, together with his/her full name, date of birth and residentialaddress.<br />

•Becomplete in all respects and be received by The Secretary, Kate Valley Landfill<br />

Community Trust, POBox 96, Amberley7441 on or before the closing date of<br />

Friday, 23 October<strong>2020</strong>.<br />

More Information<br />

Enquiries can be directed to SecretaryKVLCT@gmail.com<br />

Official complaints must be made to the Secretarynolaterthan 5days after the<br />

election results announced.<br />

Acopy of the Kate Valley Landfill Community Trust Deed can be requested by phoning<br />

0800 TRANSWASTE (872 679).<br />

2313315<br />

Farming Notices<br />

FOR SALE: Fallow Does,<br />

trophy bred. Infawn to top<br />

trophy bucks. C10 —<br />

Phone 027-321-7830.<br />

Personal<br />

Ladies 40+<br />

Read Sammyjo’s story<br />

privatearrangements.co.nz<br />



46 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Public Notices<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Demir Ltd has made<br />

application to the District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Rangiora for the renewal of<br />

an On Licence in respect of<br />

the premises situated at 220<br />

High Street, Rangiora or the<br />

Restaurant known as The<br />

Ottoman.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or<br />

to be conducted) under<br />

the licence is Turkish<br />

Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are<br />

Monday to Sunday 10.30am<br />

to 9.30pm.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of<br />

the licence may, not later<br />

than 15 working days after<br />

the date of the publication<br />

of this notice, file anotice<br />

in writing of the objection<br />

with the Secretary of<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Private Bag 1005, Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than amatter specified in<br />

section 131 of the Sale and<br />

Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />

This is the second<br />

publication of this notice.<br />

This notice was first<br />

published on the 10th<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2020</strong>. 2311582v2<br />

Livestock<br />


&Wild Game<br />

Meat Processing<br />

313 0022<br />

2309602MEAT2U.NZ<br />

WANTED<br />


Injured –ok<br />

0272-63-28-28<br />

2310154<br />

Amuri Health Care Ltd<br />

Practice Manager<br />

Part-time permanent position (16 hours p/w)<br />

Rotherham /Waiau /Culverden <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Rural medical practice with the perks of a<br />

country-side lifestyle<br />

Do you:<br />

•Have astrong interest in people leadership, financial<br />

management and developing team culture?<br />

•Want to work within aniche well established rural<br />

medical practice?<br />

•Have the skills to communicatewith adiverse group<br />

of Board members?<br />

•Doyou havethe financial skills to runabusiness?<br />

•Have the skills to provide expertoperational advice<br />

to the Board?<br />

•Have sound general practice knowledge to lead and<br />

guide an experienced multi-disciplinarymedical<br />

team, through the natural challenges and<br />

opportunities that exist in health?<br />

About Amuri Health Care Ltd (AHCL)<br />

AHCL is asupportive, patient centric rural medical practice,<br />

within asmall niche community. The staff are dedicated<br />

and passionate about delivering excellent patient care<br />

for their community members and the broader Hurunui<br />

district. With alongstanding history inthe community, the<br />

board are seeking aPractice Managertooversee and drive<br />

the business.<br />

This role will operationally support senior team members<br />

to improve ways of working. It will also work closely with<br />

all staff to foster apositive team culture that best serves<br />

the patient experience. This role will be responsible for<br />

overseeing the Hurunui District Nursing Service which has<br />

nurses based in Amberley,Amuri, Cheviot and Waikari.<br />

Scope of the role<br />

The nature of the rural practice requires aperson who<br />

can network and form relationships with other rural<br />

practices and within the community. They will represent<br />

AHCL at forums that focus onimproved care across a<br />

connected rural network. As part ofthe role you will keep<br />

the board members well informed and be charged with the<br />

responsibility to create, build and execute the strategic and<br />

operational plan for the centre.<br />

The suitable candidate<br />

This role will suit adynamic people person, with sound<br />

experience running asimilar centre or successful small<br />

business in health. Youwill enjoy working with clinicians<br />

and administrative team members to forge aclear way<br />

forward. The successful candidate will thrive on leading<br />

people, problem solving and have skills in managing a<br />

strong and healthy team culture. With astute interpersonal<br />

skills to motivate and inspire others and build strong<br />

collaborative relationships, the successful candidate<br />

will also have exceptional communication, presentation,<br />

strategic thinking and financial and verbal reasoning skills.<br />

Duties and Responsibilities<br />

The AHCL managerisprimarilyresponsible for;<br />

•Overall leadership<br />

•Strategic overview and planning<br />

•Financial budgeting and control<br />

•Contract negotiationwith funding authorities<br />

•Employment contracts<br />

•Capital expenditure within delegated limits<br />

•Compliance with Health and Safety policies<br />

•Complaints<br />

•Reporting to AHCL Board of Directors<br />

Keyskills and experience:<br />

•Arelevant tertiaryqualification in management,<br />

business or arelated discipline<br />

•Financial management skills essential<br />

•Demonstrated experience managing ageneral<br />

practice and/or asmall business in health<br />

•Demonstrable strongfinancialand commercial<br />

acumen<br />

•Experience leading amultidisciplinaryteam<br />

•Legal entitlement to work in New Zealand<br />

Benefits<br />

•Working hours16-20hours per week to be agreed<br />

•Competitive salarynegotiable based on experience in<br />

line with position description requirements<br />

All applications willbetreatedwith the strictest confidence<br />

and will close on 1st October <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Further information can be obtained by calling HR Support<br />

Plus, Pegasus Health 03 353 9320.<br />

Please apply in writing by sending acover letter, which<br />

providesyour reasons for applying, and acopy of your CV<br />

to hr@supportplus.co.nz.<br />

2314362<br />

Situations Vacant<br />



If you are adog-loving person who<br />

can turn your hand to everything from<br />

dog caregiving /kennel management<br />

to office work, with apositive &cheery<br />

attitude we may be interested in you.<br />

Part-time. Some additional weekend<br />

work may be required.<br />

Written references. Clean driving<br />

licence & helpful attitude essential,<br />

initiative and experience managing<br />

multiple dogs helpful.<br />

Email your application to<br />

R.DeBoyer@xtra.co.nz<br />

2311260<br />


required for Swannanoa School and<br />

Pegasus Bay School.<br />

Casual / Part-Time positions available. Full<br />

training & financial assistance provided for<br />

suitable applicants. Class 2&Pendorsement an<br />

advantage –Newcomers are encouraged to apply.<br />

All enquiries to Karen<br />

(03) 348 0897 /karen@citylinechch.co.nz<br />

2313199<br />



The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Academy of Music Inc<br />

(NCAM)<br />

currently has avacancy<br />

for a Musical Director<br />

to join our small and<br />

dedicated team. Based<br />

in Rangiora, the position<br />

is for 4 hours per<br />

week during term time.<br />

Please see our website<br />

www.ncam.ac.nz/<br />

faculty-vacancies<br />

for a full job description.<br />

If interested please<br />

email acovering letter<br />

to<br />

enquiry@ncam.ac.nz<br />

Applications close<br />

Friday 9th October<br />

Lost and Found<br />


Car keys with locking<br />

sensor, between Noel<br />

Leemings, Kippenberger<br />

Ave and McPhail Ave on<br />

Tuesday 8th <strong>September</strong>,<br />

early afternoon. If found<br />

please phone027 447 4740.<br />

For Sale<br />

RECYCLED Designer<br />

Clothes Evening, Rangiora<br />

Baptist Church, 111 East<br />

Belt, Rangiora. Friday 25th<br />

<strong>September</strong>, 6pm-8.30pm.<br />

Prices from $5-$30 Cash<br />

only, Please bring own<br />

bags. Light Refreshments<br />

available (free). Supports<br />

orphans in Africa &Eastern<br />

Europe.<br />

BICHON<br />

FREE RANGE eggs $4<br />

dozen or $5 dozen delivered<br />

locally, Rangiora district.<br />

Phone 027 460 2228.<br />

Gardening<br />

WANTED! Are you<br />

having agarden clean up?<br />

Looking for small tussocks<br />

and flax’s for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

BMX Club in Rangiora<br />

to beautify our track<br />

and grounds. Please phone<br />

Kerryn 021 288 4848 to<br />

organise collection. Please<br />

do not drop any at the track.<br />

A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />

to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />

work. Also spraying. Free<br />

quotes. Ph 03 312 0668 or<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

BUYING estate type old<br />

china, crystal, collectables,<br />

vases. Ph 027 350 3963, or<br />

313 1878.<br />


wanted by collector/seller.<br />

7&12 inch LP’S, happy to<br />

appraise. Also old guitars<br />

or amps -working, broken.<br />

Retro toys, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s<br />

&hot wheels &matchbox<br />

as well. Please call Paul<br />

022 694 5445.<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

100% locally owned.<br />

Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />

027 695 0480.<br />

2312759<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 6110.<br />

Do youwantyour business to be<br />

the name theyremember?<br />

Advertise in our popular classified or<br />

trades sections!<br />

Find out howwecan help - phone Amanda today!<br />

03 313 2840 or email info@ncnews.co.nz<br />

PEOPLE wanted for traffic<br />

control work, factory<br />

work and labouring roles.<br />

A variety of shifts and<br />

hours. We also do CVs.<br />

Superior Personnel, phone<br />

313 6180, unit 1/6 Cone St,<br />

Rangiora. Or see<br />

www.superiorpersonnel.co.nz.<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary to<br />

NCEA level 3. Math, Literacy<br />

and Science (NCEA).<br />

Each student on an individually,<br />

tailoured programme.<br />

Kip McGrath<br />

Rangiora has been serving<br />

the local community for 30<br />

years. Give us a call or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online 03 313 3638 https:/<br />

/www.kipmcgrath.co.nz/rangiora.<br />

For Lease<br />

360SQM<br />


LEASE<br />

Located in Ohoka,<br />

5mins to Rangiora/<br />

Kaiapoi. 10YO, Concrete<br />

Floor, Single &<br />

Three phase power.<br />

Water, Kitchen, Own<br />

Yard Area, Office.<br />

Looking for enquires re<br />

business/private workshop<br />

storage facility.<br />

Please call for more<br />

information.<br />

Ph Deon 0278138112<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />

CASH /CASH ! for any<br />

unwanted vehicles, ph 03<br />

347 9354 or 027 476 2404.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />

AFFORDABLE concrete<br />

cutting with quality and<br />

removal work. Free quotes.<br />

No job too small. Ph 027<br />

442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />

or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />

BRICK &blocklaying. All<br />

types of work undertaken,<br />

repairs. Phone Hamish<br />

0272 386 003 or 313 5678.<br />

CARPENTER / Painter<br />

specialising in alterations &<br />

renovations, repairs &<br />

maintenance, 35 plus years,<br />

experienced licenced<br />

builder. Telephone Trevor<br />

313 5013 or 027 431 1864.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />

PAINTER, qualified, local<br />

professional. Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restorations,<br />

mouldy silicone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />

ROOFER All roof repairs,<br />

roof painting, water blasting,<br />

moss treatment,<br />

repointing, gutter cleans &<br />

snow straps. And more.<br />

Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />

027 516 6609.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant.<br />

Exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

Log Fires<br />

Pellet Fires<br />

Heat Pumps<br />

Sales<br />

Service<br />

Installations<br />

Free Quotes<br />

03 343 1651<br />

472 Blenheim Rd<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

Trade &Services<br />

STONEMASON, Brick<br />

and Blocklayer. Earthquake<br />

repairs, grind out and<br />

repoint, River/Oamaru<br />

stone, Schist, Volcanic<br />

rock, paving, all alterations<br />

- new and old. Quality<br />

workmanship. Visit www.<br />

featureworks.co.nz or ph<br />

027 601 3145.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Specialist.<br />

All plastic &fibreglass<br />

repairs. Telephone James<br />

021 180 5103.<br />


drenching, feet trimming.<br />

For Lifestyle blocks. Call<br />

Stu 027 315 6916.<br />

RANGIORA Rubbish<br />

Removal and RRR skips.<br />

Wheelie bins any frequency<br />

and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

greenwaste, building sites<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

skips 021 313 255.<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email<br />

heather.norstar@gmail.com.<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. Trailer, generator<br />

&mobile handpiece<br />

available. Experienced,<br />

reliable and honest. Ph 03<br />

312 1214 or 021 267 4025.<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 310 8541 or email<br />

geoff@maxval.co.nz.<br />




Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />

horse, all types of animals.<br />

Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />

shelters, runs.<br />

30+ years contract fencing.<br />

Steve is available to help with<br />

your design &planning.<br />

Ph office03312 4747<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />


Forall your painting &<br />

plastering requirements<br />

Local with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />


2Men &agood<br />

sized truck.<br />

From $157 per hour<br />

(incl gst).Kaiapoi based.<br />

Call Gerard<br />

027 668 3636<br />


Paving<br />

Patio &Pathways<br />

-New or Existing<br />

Free Quotes<br />

–Competitive Pricing<br />

Blair Gibson<br />

027 699 5815 03 313 7933<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

2091848<br />

2220615<br />

2225244<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

2225862<br />



The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

47<br />

Accountant<br />

Debra Jowsey &Karla Kilner<br />

Ph 03 314 9480<br />

We help with all Taxreturns for the<br />

salary &wage earner,self employed, rental,<br />

business,farm, GST, payday filing, rentalreturns<br />

2287949<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />



F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

ASKO, Ariston, LG,Classique,<br />

Haier, Samsung and more....<br />

“For best resultsbesuretouseauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />

1913020<br />

Contact Jamie for<br />

your free quote:<br />

027 2754099<br />

info@jgbuild.co.nz<br />

Builder<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

owned &operated<br />

Renovation specialists<br />

New homes, alterations<br />

&farm buildings<br />

2309608 file: F:\OPI\hires\adverts\region<br />

Butchery<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

1680439<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 312 4709<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

Chiropractic Services<br />

Dr Carissa McGregor Chiropractor<br />

Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />

ACC Registered and Accredited<br />

Monday-Thursday | 03 313 0350<br />

Libi McKinnon Physiotherapy<br />

privatephysio@xtra.co.nz<br />

027 868 2574<br />

ACC Registered Provider | Tuesday&Friday<br />

Select Health<br />

51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />

2227883<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

2273277<br />

2089195v2-4/4-S<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 313 2840<br />

Electrician<br />

Domestic Commercial Industrial<br />

Heatpumps and servicing<br />

Contact Jeremy your local electrician<br />

Ph: 027 385 4606 |E:info@conciseelectrical.co.nz<br />

2302105<br />

Electrician<br />






M: 0275 543 958 E: aaron@ahel.co.nz<br />

<strong>2020</strong>478<br />

2269236<br />

Motorcycle Service &Repair<br />

South Pacific Motorcycle Services<br />

“we’re your LOCAL motorcycle guys”<br />

• Service • Repairs • Tyres<br />

• Motorcycle Rental<br />

•Fully Equipped Workshop •Quality Work •Affordable Rates!<br />

Ph: 03 312 0066 |office@motorbiketours.co.nz<br />

www.motorbiketours.co.nz<br />

2313195<br />


Engineering<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

Scaffolding<br />

•Edge protection<br />

•Working platform<br />

Phone<br />

0274 366 901<br />

Plans for pricing<br />

jas.rangiorascaffolding@xtra.co.nz<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> wide<br />

<strong>17</strong>83878<br />

Landscaping<br />


Landscaping -Fencing<br />

& Earthworks<br />


03 313 9375 •027 369 3974<br />

www.stewartcontracting.co.nz<br />

contact@stewartcontracting.co.nz<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie0274818 027<br />

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RangioraToyota<br />

2018 Yaris GX<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto, ReverseCamera<br />

•Bluetooth<br />

•Only 37,600kms<br />

$<br />

15,995<br />

2010 Toyota Ractis<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto<br />

•Climate Air,<br />

•KeylessEntry &Start/Stop<br />

$<br />

10,995<br />

2010 Toyota Wish<br />

•1.8L Petrol, 7-seater<br />

•Alloys<br />

•Climate air<br />

$<br />

11,995<br />

2010 Toyota Prius S<br />

•1.8L Hybrid Petrol Auto<br />

•Keyless,ClimateControl<br />

•Only 78,100km<br />

WAS$<strong>17</strong>,995<br />

NOW $<br />

14,995<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

S<br />

Ex-Demo 2019 CorollaSXSedan 2013Toyota Prius S<br />

•1.8L Hybrid Petrol,<br />

•1.8L Hybrid Petrol Auto<br />

•Satnav,TSS<br />

$ •Keyless<br />

33,995<br />

• Only 150kms<br />

•5-door Hatch<br />

$<br />

<strong>17</strong>,995<br />

2016 Corolla GX Sedan<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Bluetooth<br />

•ReverseCamera<br />

•Done 63,500kms<br />

$<br />

<strong>17</strong>,995<br />

2007 Toyota CamryGL<br />

•2.4LPetrolAuto<br />

•FM/AM &CDPlayer<br />

•NZnew<br />

$<br />

6,995<br />

2013Toyota Aqua<br />

•1.5LHybrid PetrolAuto<br />

•ParkingSensors<br />

•Bluetooth<br />

WAS$15,995<br />

NOW $<br />

14,995<br />

2016 Yari ris SX<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Fog Lights<br />

•Only 29,100kms<br />

$<br />

15,995<br />

2016 Corolla GLX Sedan<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•ReverseCamera<br />

•Done 65,800kms<br />

$<br />

<strong>17</strong>,995<br />

20<strong>17</strong> Corolla GLX Sedan<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Satnav,Keyless<br />

•Only <strong>17</strong>,750kms<br />

$<br />

20,750<br />

2018C Corolla GX<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto<br />

•Satnav,Bluetooth<br />

•Alloys, only 44,350kms<br />

$<br />

21,995<br />

2018 Corolla Wagon GX<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto, Bluetooth<br />

•ReverseCamera<br />

•Only 13,450kms<br />

$<br />

19,995<br />

2012Corolla WagonGX<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto<br />

•Bluetooth/MP3,CD/USB<br />

•Only 26,150kms<br />

$<br />

14,995<br />

2015HondaJazzRS<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto, Satnav<br />

•Alloys, ReverseCamera<br />

•Only30,300km<br />

$<br />

16,995<br />

2018 Corolla GX<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto<br />

•Satnav,Bluetooth<br />

•Alloys, only 49,000kms<br />

$<br />

21,995<br />

<strong>2020</strong> CamryV6<br />

•3.5LPetrol8-speedAuto, Leather<br />

•Satnav,Sensors/Camera<br />

•Only 200kms<br />

$<br />

44,995<br />

20<strong>17</strong> CamryAtara SL<br />

•2.5LHybrid Petrol, Alloys<br />

•Leather,ReverseCamera<br />

•Only 21,200kms<br />

$<br />

31,995<br />

2019 Toyota CHRLimited<br />

•1.2LTurboPetrolAuto<br />

•Alloys, Satnav,TSS,Camera<br />

•Only 5,000km<br />

$<br />

34,995<br />

2019 RAV4 AWD GXL<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto<br />

•Toyota Safety Sense<br />

•Satnav,only <strong>17</strong>,350kms<br />

$<br />

37,995<br />

2019 RAV4 GXL<br />

•2.5LPetrolAutoAWD,Satnav,ReverseCamera<br />

•Latest Shape<br />

•Only22,200kms<br />

$<br />

37,995<br />

2015LandCruiser PradoVX<br />

•3.0L turbo diesel,<br />

•7-seater, leather<br />

•360° camera<br />

$<br />

47,995<br />

2018 LandCruiser PradoGX<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />

•7-seater, 4WD<br />

•Only 48,300km<br />

$<br />

51,995<br />

2009 LandCruiser 200 Seri<br />

es<br />

WAS$51,995<br />

•4.5LTurbo-Diesel, V8<br />

•8-seater, Satnav NOW $<br />

• ClimateAir 49,995<br />

2018 Toyota PradoGX<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, 7-Seater<br />

•ReverseCamera<br />

•Done 42,900km<br />

$<br />

51,995<br />

2019 HiluxSR5 4WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Satnav<br />

•ReverseCamera<br />

•Done33,750km<br />

$<br />

47,995<br />

20<strong>17</strong> HiluxSRPrerunner<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Manual<br />

•ReverseCamera, Bluetooth<br />

•Tonneau<br />

2019 FortunerGXL<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto4WD<br />

•Satnav,ReverseCamera<br />

•Only 23,600<br />

2019 Hiace ZR<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel 6-SpeedManual<br />

2015Hilux4x4 Single Cab<br />

•3.0L TurboDiesel Manual<br />

•Roof Racking<br />

•Only58,650km<br />

2016 HiluxSRPrerunner<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Alloys<br />

•ReverseCamera<br />

•Done93,900km<br />

$ $ •5-Door,Satnav<br />

29,995<br />

48,995<br />

$<br />

41,995<br />

$<br />

30,995<br />

$<br />

•ReverseCamera,only 250kms<br />

30,995<br />

Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186 any time • www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2308814-s<br />


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