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Hong Kong protests, by B. Christmas, 2011

The fact that the convenience industry thrives amongst the continued growth of

giant box store chains proves that it is here to stay, a vital employer, service provider,

and a symbol of our freedom.

high standard of living.

As a child, growing up in central

Canada, I recall scraping up some

change, by collecting bottles to return,

and then going to the local corner store

to buy candy. I could get three jawbreakers

for a penny. There were no massive

box stores and large grocery stores were

pretty scarce over 50 years ago. We got

a lot of our daily staples and drinks at

the corner store, and there was one

within walking distance in most neighborhoods.

Over time it seems the convenience

store has evolved to being the

stores that are open when the large box

stores are closed, and for when it is just

too inconvenient to drive to the larger

store. Cities in north America have developed

with highway systems that require

people to have a car, so getting to

the large box store requires a car, even

if you live close to it. The convenience

store also often fills that gap. Everyone

needs a car in modern Canada; hence

the growth of the carwash industry as

well. So, it seems the convenience store

remains an important part of our social

fabric, just changed slightly over time.

The fact that the convenience industry

thrives amongst the continued growth

of giant box store chains proves that it

is here to stay, a vital employer, service

provider, and a symbol of our freedom.

Perhaps a measure of our successful

reconciliation in the future will be when

the same conveniences are available in

every corner of our great nation.

Bob Chrismas, Ph.D., is an author,

scholar, consultant, passionate speaker

and social justice advocate police

professional with internationally

recognized expertise in community

engagement and crime prevention. An

advocate for social reform, he has

written and speaks extensively on

innovative trends in policing, community

partnership and governance. Visit Bob

at BChrismas.com.


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