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Everyone knows about

temperature reading

guns but it is difficult

for small business to

have someone at the

door all day and night

applying the gun or

doing it at the counter

doesn’t work as they

have already entered

the store. Our Thermal

Camera Facial

Recognition device

is slightly larger than

an iPhone and is a

standalone unit that

can be placed right at

the front door.

There is no certain guarantee at the

moment of how to eliminate the virus

short of a vaccine but there are other

technologies that can certainly help

protect you, your family, your customers

and your suppliers delivering your instore


We all know masks are number one

on the list as well as sanitizer and

hand washing but what good is all this

if someone is already infected but not

showing real symptoms? This is where

technology can help.

Everyone knows about temperature

reading guns but it is difficult for small

business to have someone at the door

all day and night applying the gun or

doing it at the counter doesn’t work as

they have already entered the store. Our

Thermal Camera Facial Recognition device

is slightly larger than an iPhone and

is a standalone unit that can be placed

right at the front door. When a client

enters, they simply step in front of the

TCFR unit which will take their temperature

and facial recognition if needed.

This is wireless Bluetooth technology

so the info automatically goes to the cashier

or manager. They get a temperature

readout and if ok the person is allowed

in. However, if they have a temperature

an alarm will sound and that person is

stopped from entering. Facial recognition

can be used for employees, suppliers

delivering and frequent visitors so they

can safely be tracked over time.

The TCFR can be programed to meet

any of your needs depending on the application

and location and it gives your

customers the confidence that you are

doing as much as you can to protect

them and they will appreciate your


Our UV lighting fixture is designed

for quick sanitation of any space big or

small and offers 360 degrees of disinfection

and sterilizing. The UVC has been

used by hospitals and has now been designed

for retail and commercial applications.

It is very portable can be moved

from area to area, your retail space then

back into your product storage area, etc.

The 55-watt UVC effectively eliminates

bacteria, viruses and mites and can cover

an area of up to 196 square feet with

a 14-foot radius and offers settings of

15/30/45 and 60 minutes. You simply set up the UVC in the

centre of the area and switch it on, it has a 10 second delay

warning sound to allow you to vacate the room. Once the unit

has completed the time period you assign you wait for 30 minutes

for the disinfection odour to dissipate and you are back in

business just that quick with a completely sanitized space safe

and ready for business.

The 3rd main item we focus on against COVID is sneeze

shields. A lot of people just go to the local hardware store and

buy a piece of plastic, get out the duct tape and hang it or fasten

it to the counter. However, to properly protect yourself a

Covid manufactured shield is available that offers the ultimate

in protection for you and your client. It is not just having any

old plastic between you and the client but proper thickness is

important, the bottom opening for payment or passing goods

through is key as well to stop transmission. One other feature

overlooked is the fact that certain versions of the shield come

with sides, again very important as droplets go around corners!

Once airborne, they can easily come around the side of the

shield so many customers are going with the side shield.

One other important lighting-based technology is digital see

thru signage for safety and protection. This is an illuminated

sign with graphics that hangs in your store front window, from

the outside it appears as a normal sign, but looking from the inside

out you can see clearly right through the sign to the pumps

and see what everyone is up to. This may not seem like a Covid

related product but it is as you can maintain your ad value but

also see if anyone coming in has a mask on. Do they appear

healthy and safe? As well, studies are now suggesting unfortunately

thefts will be on the rise due to high unemployment

To properly

protect yourself a

Covid manufactured

shield is available that

offers the ultimate in

protection for you

and your client.


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