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Music Café

The more songs that

played, the more

I wanted to stay.

The more songs that played, the

more I wanted to stay. Perhaps my

recognition of these old songs is

an indication of my age—or a vivid

recollection of lazy, languid Sunday

mornings in my childhood when my

dad would play music from the 60’s

to 70’s while he cleaned his car.

But whatever it is, this cafe brought back nostalgic

memories when music felt and sounded so raw as it

conveyed genuine emotions and aimed to touch deep

into the hearts of listeners.


Lined up and decorated around the cafe are vinyl

records, with their glaring, big, shiny black discs. The

subtle lighting, open windows where guests can look

outside, and moody atmosphere captured the spirit of

the old times.

By the bar is a library of LP records, or “long play,”—and

for Gen Z youngsters who might not be not familiar

with it—these are 12-inch, analog storage mediums

that were first produced in the 1940’s. Earlier forms

of vinyl existed as early as the 1800’s.

As a 90’s millennial kid, seeing and hearing vinyl

records is a refreshing experience especially here in

Korea, where most K-pop music heard everywhere

is made with fancy digital manipulations. It makes

even more sense that this LP cafe is found in Jeonju,

a city that has kept the traditional elements and

remnants of Korea’s rich history while coexisting

with the modern times.

By day, this place serves coffee, healthy handmade

herbal tea (Daechu tea, Ssanghwa tea), and by night,

it converts into a lounge bar that serves alcoholic

beverages like whiskey, beer, and other spirits.

The friendly cafe owner is always happy to engage

in conversations and will happily oblige your

favorite song requests. It’s a fascinating place

where you can feel the warm sunshine, warm

coffee, and soft music. Most importantly, it’s a place

your parents will definitely approve.

Address: LP카페소리, 전북 전주시 완산구 현무2길 13-7

13-7 Hyunmoo 2-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju, Jeonbuk

Contact: 010-2373-5863

Open 10:00AM-11:00PM, Closed on Sundays


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