The Snowman ( PDFDrive )

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attention was caught by the leader in which Arve Støp claimed that politicians’ willingness to

appear on entertainment programmes to ‘flaunt themselves’ and assume the role of clown was the

ultimate victory for government by the people – with the populus on the throne and the politician as

the court jester.

Then the door marked Dr Idar Vetlesen opened and a woman strode quickly through the waiting

room, said a brief ‘Bye’ to Borghild and was gone without so much as a glance left or right.

Katrine stared after her. ‘Wasn’t that the woman from TV2 news?’

At that moment Borghild announced that Vetlesen was ready to receive them, went to the door and

held it open for them.

Idar Vetlesen’s office was Director General size with a view of Oslo fjord. Framed diplomas hung

on the wall behind the desk.

‘Just a moment,’ Vetlesen said, typing without looking up from the computer screen. Then, with a

triumphant expression, he pressed a final key, swivelled round in his chair and removed his glasses.

‘Facelift, Hole? Penis enlargement? Liposuction?’

‘Thank you for the offer,’ Harry said. ‘This is Police Officer Bratt. We’ve come once again to

request your help with information about Ottersen and Becker.’

Idar Vetlesen sighed and began to clean his glasses with a handkerchief.

‘How can I explain this to you in a way that you can understand, Hole? Even for someone like me,

who has a genuine, burning desire to help the police and basically couldn’t care less about

principles, there are some things which are sacrosanct.’ He raised an index finger. ‘In all the years

I’ve worked as a doctor I have never, ever –’ the finger wagged in time with his words – ‘broken

my Hippocratic oath. And I do not intend to start now.’

A long silence ensued in which Vetlesen just looked at them, clearly satisfied with the effect he had


Harry cleared his throat.

‘Perhaps we can still fulfil your burning desire to help, Vetlesen. We’re investigating possible child

prostitution at a so-called hotel in Oslo, known as Leon. Last night two of our officers were outside

in a car taking photographs of people going in and out.’

Harry opened the brown A4 envelope he had been given by Katrine, leaned forward and placed the

photographs before the doctor.

‘That’s you there, isn’t it?’

Vetlesen looked as though something had become lodged in his gullet; his eyes bulged and the

veins in his neck stuck out.

‘I ’ he stuttered. ‘I haven’t done anything wrong or illegal.’

‘No, not at all,’ Harry said. ‘We’re just considering summoning you as a witness. A witness who

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