The Snowman ( PDFDrive )

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can say what’s going on there. It’s common knowledge that Hotel Leon is a centre for prostitutes

and their clients; what’s new is that children have been seen there. And unlike other prostitution,

child prostitution is, as you will know, illegal. Thought we should inform you before we go to the

press with the whole business.’

Vetlesen stared at the photograph. Rubbing his face hard.

‘By the way, we just saw the TV2 news lady coming out,’ Harry said. ‘What’s her name again?’

Vetlesen didn’t answer. It was as if all his smooth youthfulness had been sucked out of him before

their very eyes, as if his face had aged in the space of a second.

‘Ring us if you can find a loophole in the Hippocratic oath,’ Harry said.

Harry and Katrine were halfway to the door before Vetlesen stopped them.

‘They were here for an examination,’ he said. ‘That’s all.’

‘What kind of examination?’ Harry asked.

‘A disease.’

‘The same disease? Which one?’

‘It’s of no importance.’

‘OK,’ Harry said, walking to the door. ‘When you’re summoned as a witness you can take that

view. It’s of no importance, either. After all, we haven’t found anything illegal.’


Harry turned. Vetlesen was supporting himself on his elbows with his face in his hands.

‘Fahr’s syndrome.’

‘Father syndrome?’

‘Fahr’s. F-a-h-r. A rare hereditary disease, a bit like Alzheimer’s. Motor skills deteriorate,

especially in cognitive areas, and there is some spasticity of movement. Most develop the syndrome

after the age of thirty, but it is possible to have it in childhood.’

‘Mm. And so Birte and Sylvia knew their children had this disease?’

‘They suspected it when they came here. Fahr’s syndrome is hard to diagnose, and Birte Becker and

Sylvia Ottersen had been to several doctors although nothing conclusive was found in their

children. I seem to remember that both of them had searched the Internet, typed in the symptoms

and discovered Fahr, which matched alarmingly well.’

‘And so they contacted you? A plastic surgeon?’

‘I happen to be a Fahr specialist.’

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