The Snowman ( PDFDrive )

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‘It’s confidential and there are a lot of people here,’ Katrine said. ‘But I can whisper a couple of key


She leaned closer, and over the fat he could smell the almost masculine fragrance of perfume and

feel her warm breath on his ear.

‘A silver Volkswagen Passat has just pulled up on the pavement outside. There’s a woman sitting

inside trying to catch your attention. I would guess it’s Oleg’s mother ’

Harry straightened up with a jolt and looked out of the large window towards the car. Rakel had

wound down the window and was peering in at them.

‘Don’t make a mess,’ Rakel said as Oleg jumped onto the back seat with the burger in his hand.

Harry stood beside the open window. She was wearing a plain, light blue sweater. He knew that

sweater well. Knew how it smelt, how it felt against the palm of his hand and cheek.

‘Good gig?’ she asked.

‘Ask Oleg.’

‘What sort of band was it actually?’ She looked at Oleg in the mirror. ‘Those people outside are a

bit oddly dressed.’

‘Quiet songs about love and so on,’ Oleg said, sending a quick wink to Harry when her eyes were

off the mirror.

‘Thank you, Harry,’ she said.

‘My pleasure. Drive carefully.’

‘Who was that woman inside?’

‘A colleague. New on the job.’

‘Oh? Looked as if you knew each other pretty well already.’

‘How so?’

‘You ’ She stopped in mid-sentence. Then she slowly shook her head and laughed. A deep but

bright laugh that came from down in her throat. Confident and carefree at the same time. The laugh

that had once made him fall in love.

‘Sorry, Harry. Goodnight.’

The window glided upwards; the silver car glided off the pavement.

Harry walked the gauntlet down Brugata, between bars with music blaring out of open doors. He

considered a coffee at Teddy’s Softbar, but knew it would be a bad idea. So he made up his mind to

walk on by.

‘Coffee?’ repeated the guy behind the counter in disbelief.

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