The Snowman ( PDFDrive )

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‘No!’ Børre shouted, feeling the sweat break out over his whole body. ‘Never! I draw the line at

that. There have only been the two times And they didn’t come in. I threw them back out on the


‘African?’ the man asked.


‘Boys or girls?’


‘Did they come alone?’ the woman asked.

‘No, with women. The mothers, I believe. But, as I said, I didn’t let them go up to his room.’

‘You said he comes here twice a week. Does he have fixed times?’

‘Monday and Thursday. From eight to midnight. And he’s always on time.’

‘Tonight too?’ the man said, looking at his colleague. ‘OK, thanks for your assistance.’

Børre released the air from his lungs and discovered that his legs were aching – he had been

standing on his toes the whole time. ‘Glad to help,’ he said.

The police officers walked towards the door. Børre knew he should keep his mouth shut, but he

wouldn’t be able to sleep if he didn’t receive an assurance.

‘But ’ he said as they were leaving, ‘. but then we have a deal, don’t we?’

The policeman turned, with one eyebrow raised in surprise. ‘About what?’

Børre swallowed. ‘About these inspections?’

The policeman rubbed his chin. ‘Are you implying that you have something to hide?’

Børre blinked twice. Then he heard his own high-pitched nervous laughter as he gushed: ‘No, no, of

course not! Ha – ha! Everything here’s in order.’

‘Excellent, so you have nothing to fear when they come. Inspections are not my responsibility.’

They left with Børre opening his mouth, about to protest, to say something, he just didn’t know


The telephone welcomed Harry on his return to the office.

It was Rakel wanting to give him back the DVD she had borrowed off him.

‘The Rules of Attraction?’ Harry repeated, taken aback. ‘Have you got it?’

‘You said it was on your list of most underrated modern films.’

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