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There were no footprints leading back.


DAY 7.

The Conversation.


picture of Vetlesen, the detective said he’d seen him several times on the crossroads between

Skippergata and Tollbugata.’

‘What’s at the crossroads?’ asked Gunnar Hagen who had insisted on joining the Monday-morning

meeting in Harry’s office.

Skarre looked at Hagen uncertainly to check if the POB was joking.

‘Dealers, whores, punters,’ he said. ‘It’s the new in place after we chased them out of Plata.’

‘Only there?’ Hagen asked, jutting out his chin. ‘I was told it was more widespread now.’

‘It’s like the centre,’ Skarre said. ‘But of course you’ll find them down towards the Stock Exchange

and up towards Norges Bank. Round the Astrup Fearnley Art Museum, Gamle Logen Concert Hall

and the Church Mission café ’ He stopped when Harry yawned out loud.

‘Sorry,’ Harry apologised. ‘It was a hard weekend. Go on.’

‘The detective couldn’t remember seeing him buy dope. He thought Vetlesen was frequenting Hotel


At that moment Katrine Bratt came through the door. She was unkempt, pale, and her eyes were

slits, but she sang out a cheery Bergensian greeting as she searched the room for a chair. Bjørn

Holm leapt up from his, flourished a hand and went to look for another.

‘Leon in Skippergata?’ Hagen queried. ‘Is that somewhere where they sell drugs?’

‘Could well be,’ Skarre said. ‘But I’ve seen loads of black hookers going in there, so I suppose it

must be a so-called massage place.’

‘Hardly,’ Katrine Bratt said, standing with her back to them as she hung her coat on the coat stand.

‘Massage parlours are part of the indoor market, and the Vietnamese have got that now. They stay

in the suburbs, in discreet residential areas, use Asian women and keep away from the territory of

the African outdoor market.’

‘I think I’ve seen a poster for cheap rooms hanging outside,’ Harry said. ‘Four hundred kroner a


‘That’s right,’ Katrine said. ‘They have small rooms which are officially hired out by the day, but in

practice on an hourly basis. Black money. Customers don’t exactly ask for a receipt. But the hotel

owner, who earns the most, is white.’

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