The Snowman ( PDFDrive )

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‘Lady’s spot on,’ Skarre grinned at Hagen. ‘Strange that Bergen Sexual Offences Unit should

suddenly be so well up on Oslo brothels.’

‘They’re the same everywhere,’ Katrine said. ‘Want a bet on anything I said?’

‘The owner’s a Paki,’ Skarre said. ‘Two hundred kronerooneys.’


‘OK,’ Harry said, clapping his hands. ‘What are we sitting here for?’

The owner of Leon Hotel was Børre Hansen, from Solør, in the east, with skin as greyish-white as

the slush the so-called guests brought in on their shoes and left on the worn parquet floor by the

counter underneath the sign saying RESEPTION in black letters. As neither the clientele nor Børre

were particularly interested in spelling, the sign had remained there, uncontested, for as long as

Børre had had it: four years. Before that, he had travelled up and down Sweden selling Bibles,

trying his hand at border trade with discarded porno films in Svinesund and acquiring an accent that

sounded like a cross between a dance musician and a preacher. It was in Svinesund that he had met

Natasha, a Russian erotic dancer, and they had only escaped from her Russian manager by the skin

of their teeth. Natasha had been given a new name and now she lived with Børre in Oslo. He had

taken over the Leon from three Serbians who for a variety of reasons were no longer able to stay in

the country, and he continued where they left off, since there had been no reason to alter the

business model: hiring out the rooms on a short-term – often extremely short-term – basis. The

revenue generally came in the form of cash, and the guests were undemanding with regard to

standards and maintenance. It was a good business. A business he did not want to lose.

Consequently he disliked everything about the two people standing in front of him, most of all their

ID cards.

The tall man with the cropped hair placed a picture on the counter. ‘Seen this man?’

Børre Hansen shook his head, relieved in spite of everything that it was not him they were after.

‘Sure?’ said the man, resting his elbows on the counter and leaning forward.

Børre looked at the picture again, thinking he should have scrutinised the ID card more closely; this

guy seemed more like one of the dopeheads hanging round the streets than a policeman. And the

girl behind him didn’t look like a policewoman, either. True, she had that hard look, the whore look,

but the rest of her was lady, all lady. If she had got herself a pimp who didn’t rob her, she could

have earned five times her wage, at least.

‘We know you’re running a brothel here,’ the policeman said.

‘I’m running a legit hotel, I’ve got a licence and all my papers are in order. Do you want to see?’

Børre pointed to the little office directly behind the reception area.

The policeman shook his head. ‘You hire out rooms to prostitutes and their clients. It’s against the


‘Listen here,’ Børre said, swallowing. The conversation had taken the course he had feared. ‘I’m

not interested in what my guests get up to so long as they pay their bills.’

‘But I am,’ said the policeman in a low voice. ‘Have a closer look at the picture.’

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