The Snowman ( PDFDrive )

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The jukebox at Teddy’s was playing Johnny Cash, and Harry passed a finger over his top lip.

‘You gotta better suggestion?’ Harry heard the voice that came out of his mouth; it was familiar and

unfamiliar at the same time.

‘Well,’ said the guy, running a hand through his oily, glistening hair, ‘the coffee’s not exactly fresh

from the machine, so what about a freshly pulled beer?’

Johnny Cash was singing about God, baptism and new promises.

‘Right,’ Harry said.

The man behind the counter grinned.

At that moment Harry felt the mobile phone in his pocket vibrate. He grabbed it, quickly and

greedily, as though it was a call he had been expecting.

It was Skarre.

‘We’ve just received a missing persons call that fits. Married woman with children. She wasn’t at

home when the husband and children returned a few hours ago. They live way out in the woods in

Sollihøgda. None of the neighbours has seen her and she can’t have left by car because the husband

had it. And there are no footprints on the path.’


‘There’s still snow up there.’

The beer was banged down in front of Harry.

‘Harry? Are you there?’

‘Yes, I am. I’m thinking.’

‘What about?’

‘Is there a snowman there?’



‘How should I know?’

‘Well, let’s go and find out. Jump in the car and pick me up outside Gunerius shopping centre, in


‘Can’t we do this tomorrow, Harry? I’ve got some action lined up for tonight, and this woman is

only missing, so there’s no immediate hurry.’

Harry watched the foam coiling its way down the outside of the beer glass like a snake.

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