The Snowman ( PDFDrive )

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the threat that followed. ‘If you don’t do as I say I’ll shoot you in the stomach, Harry. Which will

smash the nerves in your back and paralyse you. Then one in the head. But let’s start with the

stomach ’

The gun barrel was lowered.

Harry let go of the wheel and the lever and put up his hands.

‘Back off, if you would be so kind,’ she said.

She came up the stairs and it was only now that Harry could see the gleam in her eyes, the very

same he had seen when they arrested Becker, the very same he had seen in Fenris Bar. But sparks

were flying from the quivering irises. Harry retreated until he felt the seat at the stern against his


‘Sit down,’ Katrine said, switching off the motor.

Harry slumped back, sat on the fishing rod and felt the water on the plastic seat soak through his


‘How did you find me?’ she asked.

Harry shrugged.

‘Come on,’ she said, raising the gun. ‘Satisfy my curiosity, Harry.’

‘Well,’ Harry replied, trying to read her pale, drawn face. But this was unknown territory; the face

of this woman did not belong to the Katrine Bratt he knew. Thought he knew.

‘Everyone has a pattern of behaviour,’ he heard himself say. ‘A game plan.’

‘I see. And what’s mine?’

‘Pointing one way and running the other.’


Harry sensed the weight of the revolver in his right jacket pocket. He raised his backside and moved

the fishing rod leaving his right hand on the seat.

‘You write a letter which you sign the Snowman, send it to me, and several weeks later stroll into

Police HQ. The first thing you do is to tell me Hagen has said I should take care of you. Hagen

never said that.’

‘All correct so far. Anything else?’

‘You threw your coat into the canal in front of Støp’s apartment and fled in the opposite direction,

over the roof. The pattern, therefore, is that when you plant your mobile phone on an eastbound

train, you flee west.’

‘Bravo. And how did I flee?’

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