Odds and Ends Essays, Blogs, Internet Discussions, Interviews and Miscellany

Collected essays, blogs, internet discussions, interviews and miscellany, from 2005 - 2020

Collected essays, blogs, internet discussions, interviews and miscellany, from 2005 - 2020


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later found out from Ann that the reason Bobbi had decided not to publish with me, after all, was because Ann had

told her that I had said she was “psychotic” in one of my emails to Ann.

The following is the full email correspondence that Ann and I had regarding the publication of Bobbi’s ebook. As can

be seen, Ann has taken the word “psychotic” very much out of its original context:


21 November 2011

I just got a note from my friend and one of my favourite writers, Bobbi Lurie. She’s learned her first

poetry collection has gone out of print, and she asked if I know anything about ebooks. What I know is

that you publish them—amazing ones. Could I suggest that she contact you?




1 December 2011

I’ve had dealings with Bobbi Lurie in the past, and to be frank it wasn’t all that pleasant. Her email

exchanges with me became more and more psychotic and confusing, and her tone and language were so

belligerent towards me (at one point accusing me of trying to make her cancer worse—whatever that

meant) that it would be a pain to have to deal with her again.

Sorry for my negativity, and I appreciate your trying to help her out.




1 December 2011

Thanks for letting me know of the experience you’ve had with Bobbi, as sad as it makes me to hear it.

Marc Vincenz suggested he might be able to reissue her first book via Mad Hatters’, but I haven’t

mentioned it to her yet, not wanting to get her hopes up and disappoint her in case Carol Novack

withdraws funding from the press. Carol has cancer, too. I have had to make my way carefully with

Bobbi myself, as I know her life circumstances have not been easy, and she becomes suddenly

distrustful. The internet, especially, though she is a good writer there, sometimes even better than good,

at times deluges her with confusion.

I’m sure there will be a place for her first book as an ebook.

Thanks for writing.




3 December 2011


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