Odds and Ends Essays, Blogs, Internet Discussions, Interviews and Miscellany

Collected essays, blogs, internet discussions, interviews and miscellany, from 2005 - 2020

Collected essays, blogs, internet discussions, interviews and miscellany, from 2005 - 2020


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Ann goes on to quote Bobbi as saying:

so “the morphine poems” was based on these rules which i set down for myself (while on morphine,

while in severe pain—and i dare Jeff Side to call such an endeavor while dealing with unbelievable pain

and fear “psychotic”—i wonder if HE could have survived such an ordeal and i DARE him to answer me

about this—he having the nerve to call me a name which condemns someone so utterly—he hasn’t the

courage even to answer my email to him requesting (in the most polite language) “why” he calls me

such a diagnosis when he is not a medical professional or any other such thing.

Again, Bobbi can’t have read my blog posts, and Ann can’t have alerted her to them, otherwise this paragraph, by

Bobbi, would not have been written. I should, also, mention that I didn’t receive an email from Bobbi regarding this. I

don’t doubt she sent it; I just didn’t receive it. I have changed email addresses several times since I was last in

correspondence with her.

Ann then comments:

Side says he’s defending his character as someone who wrote that her emails were increasingly

psychotic not that she was and he dragged her name through the press to make his minor point.

Ann can’t seem to understand that it is she and not me who has dragged Bobbi into this. Ann first brought up Bobbi’s

name in the Otherstream Facebook group thread, accusing me of calling Bobbi “psychotic”, and then she contacted

Bobbi and invited Bobbi to join in this “debate” online.

I really can’t understand Ann’s anger towards me, which seems out of all proportion to my having merely removed

her from The Argotist Online Facebook group.

Nothing New under the Sun

19 June 2013

Here is an article written by Kenny Goldsmith praising Richard Prince who has made a facsimile copy of The Catcher

in the Rye, inserting his own name in place of J. D. Salinger’s:


Goldsmith writes:

A few months ago, a friend pulled off her bookshelf a new appropriation work by Richard Prince, one so

radical and so daring, that I almost couldn’t believe it was by the same artist. The premise of the book

was achingly simple: a reproduction of the first edition of The Catcher In The Rye, identical in every way

except the author’s name was swapped from J. D. Salinger to Richard Prince. The production value of

the book was astonishingly high, a perfect facsimile of the original, right down to the thick, creamy

paper stock and classic typeface.

It is peculiar how Goldsmith forgets to mention his own book Day (another work of “unoriginality”) being similarly

appropriated (though in a far more ironic and conceptual manner) by Kent Johnson, a few years ago, who, I think,

might have been the first person to do this sort of thing with a published book.

It appears nothing is original in conceptual art anymore, even when it’s trying to be unoriginal.

Ann Bogle Apologises to Me—Sort Of

11 July 2013


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