Odds and Ends Essays, Blogs, Internet Discussions, Interviews and Miscellany

Collected essays, blogs, internet discussions, interviews and miscellany, from 2005 - 2020

Collected essays, blogs, internet discussions, interviews and miscellany, from 2005 - 2020


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such a thing in a single person or oeuvre. I believe you are right about Wordsworth in the sense that yes, the kind of

limiting psychological realism, and the way such a thing utilises poetic language, does find an echo in some of the

things Wordsworth wrote both about and within poems, but other things echo through Wordsworth too, some of

them almost saying the opposite. But this is the trouble when talking about poetry, when trying to suck out

philosophical abstractions from the slippery actions of language. Romanticism in general was full of contradictions.

In relation to one of my takes on the subject of the split, which is that it is the modern Brit mainstream that is the

anomaly, that a lot more unites the wider history of poetry to the poetics of modernism than does the parochial

heritage of the movement etc., it could of course be the case that Wordsworth was one of the roots of that difference.

This is the case you are making and I think it is a fair case to make, but because of the stuff I’ve referred to above I

don’t think you are going to convince anyone-people often see in a poet’s work only what they want to see.

Jeffrey Side

[Addressing Gerard Greenway’s comment] Gerard, I will respond to your points in order, as follows:

‘“An unfathered vapour” does not smack of empiricism to me :)’

Wordsworth’s use of the phrase ‘An unfathered vapour’ is as a simile: an attempt to describe how he sees the

imagination operating on him as inspiration. In other words, the image is serving solely a descriptive function, albeit

describing an abstract concept. As a simile, like all similes, it is striving to make something more precisely knowable

via language. Ted Hughes does this a lot, and he was a fan of Wordsworth and nature poetry.

‘I think you are pushing terms (mimesis, empiricism) to the point of meaninglessness, or rather inversion. On your

usage Blake, at war with Lockean empiricism, seeing the sun as an army of angels might be described as empiricist

and mimetic’.

I’m not sure which Blake poem you are referring to here, but I’m sure the imagery you mention is such that I would

not see it as you think I would. Blake was more abstract than Wordsworth. For example in Blake’s ‘To the Muses’ the

phrase ‘chambers of the sun’, in the first stanza, does not specifically refer to anything in nature. I can allow that the

phrase ‘chambers of the East’ in the previous line, however, does. It refers to the cavernous areas located near the

mythical Mount Ida (represented in line one as ‘Ida’s shady brow’). The phrase ‘chambers of the sun’ does not allow

for closure in this way. The word “sun” (a source of light) has no connection semantically with the word “chambers”

(a source of darkness). Also the sun is noted for its lack of vacuity, unlike caverns. We see here, a mixture of the types

of uses for imagery that Blake employs. I’m not against such a mixture, by the way, but I don’t see it as frequently

employed in Wordsworth-certainly not in much of the Prelude, which is more of a philosophical treatise about how

Wordsworth’s mind operates. So I don’t think Wordsworth is doing anything similar to Blake, or even attempting to.

He is more concerned with describing his philosophical state of mind and the way nature forms this mind state.

‘It is the central concern of the major theoretical statement of the time, Biographia Literaria, to oppose the empiricist

theory of mind (Hartley’s) with the philosophical idealism-saturated theory of the creative imagination’.

This is a common misconception about the Biographia. It is impossible for me to deal with this here, as it is a very

complicated and nuanced area. I do deal with it, though (and Hartleian philosophy in relation to Coleridge), in my

article about Coleridge’s early empiricism, which you can find here


‘And in all theories of the poetic imagination-Coleridge, Blake, Wordsworth, Shelley-the experience of poetic

imagination is opposed to the ordinary, individuated sense of self and brings into question the ordinary opposition of

subject and object. But, yes, Wordsworth is a discursive poet. He is a philosophical poet. The philosophical poet,

whether it be Wordsworth or Eliot in Four Quartets, seeks to give an account of the lyric/visionary moment. But the

discursive and the visionary are not in opposition, they are part of the same movement. In a poem like Shelley’s

‘Mont Blanc’ the discursive/analytic is identical with the lyric/visionary, and the kernel is the question of the

relation of subject and object-a theme impossible to miss in Wordsworth’.

Again, I can’t deal with this here, but have done so in my PhD thesis about Wordsworth, a PDF of which I can send


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