St Mary's College RFC Yearbook 2020-21

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particularly notable contribution as chairman

of the competitions’ committee. This is an

especially difficult area to deal with, as junior

rugby was, and is, undergoing significant

changes in player numbers and attitudes,

requiring innovative rearrangement of leagues

to compensate.

Off Field Activity

Since arriving in the club, Niall’s enthusiasm

and willingness to help and get involved in all

aspects of club activity was notable and he

has become so much in demand that there is

hardly a development or change that he has

not led, or had a hand in. His personality and

ability has meant that many events requiring

host or frontman relied on Rynner. And he has

become the consummate MC. He has the

added ability of being a very fine singer. He

loves the microphone and once won a

wrestling competition for a microphone. In

fact he has little need for a microphone with

his built-in PA system, and many a Marys’

team or indeed Leinster or Logue team has

felt the benefit of it. As he got less involved

on the field, he became more involved off the

field. He was the first Junior Vice President in

2007-08 season and followed up as a most

successful and personable club president in

2009-10. Since then, he has been deeply

involved in all aspects of club activity and was

a marvellous MC for the highly successful

“Strictly Marys” series in Croke Park.


In 2012 Niall took over as the club’s Leinster

Branch IRFU representative and, as he had

been imbedded in the Leinster culture from

his acclaimed and assiduous work in the

junior committees, he was an immediate

success and an exceptionally popular member

of the executive committee. He became

Leinster junior vice president for season 2015-

16. Having vibrantly supported his senior

colleague last season he now steps up as

president. He has many positive plans for the

domestic game and already has been a

devoted and integrated supporter of the

professional game. Rugby, and particularly

Leinster and IRFU, have much more to get

from Niall.

Family Life

Even Rynner has a life outside rugby. He is

married to Claire, a highly qualified and


Niall Rynne with Dan Carter

successful business woman, who is happily,

dedicated to supporting her man in all his

endeavours. As he himself admits, he could

not undertake anything like the amount rugby

related activities, without her forbearance and

positive help and support. Their three girls, all

talented students and daughters, also proudly

support their dad.

He could not have achieved any of this

without that support and help. Neither could

he, without his having a successful insurance

and mortgage consultancy, developed

through hard work, ability and a congenial

personality. Academically, he has achieved

much, with several insurance and banking

qualifications and in 2002 he gained a

coveted MBA from Dublin City University.

On top of all that he finds time to train and

keep fit. He even managed to complete the

Dublin City Marathon.

The club, including all members and

supporters are proud of Rynner and everyone

wishes him a dream year of social enjoyment,

fulfilment and rugby success at Leinster.

D O’Brien

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