St Mary's College RFC Yearbook 2020-21

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SCT warm up

ahead on the

roadside pitch of

friendly with the

Club’s U20’s.

It has been an extremely frustrating year so

far for the Junior School with no Saturday

rugby at all, no games obviously. We

continue to provide daily training to the

various years to include games, skill

development and conditioning. In this

regard the Junior School is lucky to have

Ray Sloan, Gamesmaster to drive the

efforts ably supported by his fellow

teachers Gareth Agnew, Dan Monahan,

Audrey O’Flynn and of course Ray’s son

David together with the many parents who

give so freely of their time to the boys and

the school weekly. We are indebted hugely

to them and thank you most sincerely on

my behalf and that of both the Senior and

Junior Schools. Here’s hoping for a few

Blitzes after Christmas to keep the

momentum going. They are the future;

we need to continue to invest in their

development as players and

representatives of the Spiritan community.

That’s about it I think on the Coaching side.

I’d like to thank the school for all the

support it provides to me in my role as

Director of Rugby. In particular thanks to

Denis Murphy, Principal and Barry Leonard,

Vice-Principal together with the Teachers

and Staff who make my life so easy on a

day-to-day basis. It is a real community

spirit in the school and a pleasure to work


Can I wish all the Officers of the Club every

success in this most difficult of seasons. In


particular I wish Club President Vinnie

Cunningham a most enjoyable season at

the helm. I hope it is successful on and off

the field of play if we ever get really up and

running. Vinnie was a tremendous player in

his day for club, province, country and with

the British & Irish Lions. I had the privilege

of winning a treasured Leinster Senior Cup

medal with him in 1987 and indeed a Senior

league medal in 1989. It was a pleasure to

have been on the same side during that

strong period in the clubs history. Vinnie

follows in the footsteps of his beloved dad

John D as Club President and will do an

excellent job representing the club like his

Dad did for so many years. Best of luck

with it all Mr President.

Good luck to all the staff who help to run

the club, in particular Club Administrator

Marie Hammond who works tirelessly on so

many fronts and Tony McGuinness in the

bar and of course our new groundsman

Peter O’Kelly. Thanks finally to our Club

PRO, Maurice Davin who works tirelessly for

the club at so many levels.

See you all either in the club or at a schools

cup match over the coming months!

Best Wishes

Steve Hennessy

Director of Rugby

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