Valuing Life_ A Plea for Disaggregation

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2004] VALUING LIFE 403

produced a significant undervaluation of the monetary value of the

lives at stake; the $6.1 million figure reflects no adjustment to account

for changes in national real income growth. 73 In principle, the failure

to undertake an adjustment is a serious mistake. The actual mean

WTP might be substantially higher. 74

Even more fundamentally, the relevant numbers deserve respect

only if they do not result from bounded rationality or an absence of

information on the part of the people whose choices generate them.

Suppose, for example, that workers do not know the risks that they

face or that their decisions are products of the availability heuristic or

optimistic bias. 75

In either case, regulators should not use, for

purposes of policy, a finding that workers are paid $60 to run a risk of

1/100,000; by hypothesis, that number does not reflect a rational

tradeoff by informed workers. I return to these points below. 76

Current practice is based on an assumption, not that all or even most

workers make informed choices, but that market processes ensure the

right “price” for various degrees of safety. 77 Compare pricing for soap,

cereals, and telephones: most consumers do not have full information

and use heuristics that lead them astray, but market competition

produces a sensible structure of prices, at least most of the time.

73. The EPA has updated the relevant numbers for inflation, but it has not otherwise made

adjustments. Sunstein, supra note 54, at 2284.

74. See Dora L. Costa & Matthew E. Kahn, The Rising Price of Nonmarket Goods, 93 AM.

ECON. REV. PAPERS & PROC. 227, 229 tbl.1 (2003) (suggesting a likely current value of $12

million); Viscusi, supra note 16, at 252 tbl.5 (finding values as high as $15.1 million for white

males). In the context of arsenic regulation, the EPA also noted in its sensitivity analysis that

the appropriate adjustment would increase the VSL from $6.1 million to $6.7 million. National

Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New

Source Contaminants Monitoring, 66 Fed. Reg. 6976, 7012 (Jan. 22, 2001) (codified at 40 C.F.R.

pts. 9, 141, and 142). Recent evidence suggests that the current VSL is $4.7 million for the entire

population, $7 million for blue-collar males, and $8.5 million for blue-collar females. Viscusi,

supra note 55, at 39.

75. The availability heuristic suggests that people will overestimate risks when an event is

readily “available” to people’s minds, and underestimate risks when no such event is available.

Timur Kuran & Cass R. Sunstein, Availability Cascades and Risk Regulation, 51 STAN. L. REV.

683, 685 (1999). Optimistic bias suggests that people will be excessively optimistic about risks

that they themselves face. Cass R. Sunstein, Hazardous Heuristics, 70 U. CHI. L. REV. 751, 772


76. See infra Part III.A.2.

77. See VISCUSI, supra note 9.

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