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FEBRUARY 4, 2021

WEEKLYNEWS.NET - 978-532-5880 9

When will you feel safe to travel?

Five epidemiologists share hopes, fears, data, guess




you measure the risks of pandemic

travel, and when will the

time be right to go again?

We asked five infectious

disease experts, including one

who hadn’t left home in four

days, one who has taken two

Mexican vacations since March

and one who recently awakened

from a COVID-19/Disneyland


The first thing we must

do, they agreed, is stay close

to home for at least several

more months, get vaccinated,

and watch virus transmission

and ICU numbers closely.

Putting down the pandemic in

California and elsewhere, they

said, will depend on how faithfully

we use masks, keep our

distance and wash our hands

— habits that will remain vital

as authorities strive to vaccinate

300 million or more Americans

by summer.

“I will never get on an airplane

again without a mask,”

said Dr. Kimberly Shriner, an

infectious disease specialist

at Huntington Hospital in


“Now is not the time to be

traveling. For leisure or business,”

said Dr. Luis Ostrosky, a

professor of infectious diseases

at McGovern Medical School at

UTHealth in Houston.

If you fly now, said Dr.

Krutika Kuppalli in Charleston,

South Carolina, “you can almost

guarantee that there are going to

be people on the airplane with

you who have COVID.”

These experts all are wary

of new variants of the virus.

None is flying now. Three have

spent recent months within 120

miles of their home, as authorities

urge all Californians to do.

(That advisory remains in place,

despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s

loosening of many restrictions

on Jan. 25.) But their perspectives


The numbers he watches

Ostrosky, born in Mexico

City, has a lot of family there.

So when his grandmother died

recently, he thought about

making the trip south. Mexico

is one of the few countries

Americans can visit without a

mandated quarantine.

But after much talk, he stayed

put in the U.S. because of the

pandemic. Before he resumes

travel, he said, he’ll ask several


What’s the positivity rate? “I

would avoid traveling to any

place that has a positivity rate

over 5 percent,” he said. Above

that, “you dramatically increase

your chances of exposure.”

California’s seven-day average

positivity rate — the number of

COVID-19 tests that yield positive

results — was 12.4 percent

on Jan. 27.

How full and how capable are

the hospitals? Scores of U.S.

hospitals are at surge capacity,

with shortages of ICU beds.

Because most county governments

report COVID-19 information

daily, Ostrosky said,

“it’s actually pretty easy” to

find data. As for capability, any

hospital with a Level 1 trauma

center (the most comprehensive

trauma care) would satisfy him,

Ostrosky said. The American

College of Surgeons maintains

a database.

Does this destination require

testing to enter or leave? Many

travelers might hope for that,

but “I just don’t want to get

stuck somewhere,” Ostrosky

said. “People can test positive

for a long period of time

without being infectious.”

This is now a factor in any

flight to the U.S., including returning

round-trip flights. As

of Jan. 26, the U.S. Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention

requires all air travelers to show

a recent negative COVID-19

test result before they can board

any flight heading to the U.S.

What haunts a doctor’s


Shriner, who also is a tropical

disease specialist and director of

the Pasadena Travel Medicine

clinic, has been vacationing in

Europe for years and has spent

more than 20 years making regular

visits to a medical project

in Tanzania.

But at Huntington Hospital,

ever since the holidays, “we’re

just absolutely getting hammered

with cases of people who

traveled,” she said.

Outside the hospital, Shriner

has done some driving around

California but hasn’t flown

since March. Like her colleagues,

she believes that

driving (especially if you bring

food and avoid public toilets)

is safer than flying and much

safer than cruise ships (most of

which are idle now).

Like Ostrosky, she wants to

see a positivity rate of 5% or

less at her departure point and

at her destination. For data, she

recommends the Johns Hopkins

University Coronavirus

Resource Center.

Shriner likes the idea of airlines

and destinations requiring

negative test results or vaccination.

Whether or not those are

required, Shriner said, people

should get vaccinated, wait at

least four weeks (to allow resistance

to strengthen), and consider

their age and immunity

history before making travel


In darker moments, she said,

she worries that “this could just

go on for another year or two


How do you measure the risks of pandemic travel, and when

will the time be right to go again? Five experts weigh in.

if people don’t widely accept

the vaccine.” She also shared

a recent nightmare: She was

on the Pirates of the Caribbean

ride at Disneyland (which remains

closed) surrounded by

unmasked strangers.

On the brighter side, she’s

hopeful that travel might be safe

as soon as late summer or early

fall. “But it is all dependent on

human behavior,” Shriner said,

“and we know how unreliable

that is!”

What keeps Dr. Kuppalli


Kuppalli moved in August

from the San Francisco Bay

Area to Charleston, where she

is an assistant professor in the

division of infectious diseases

at the Medical University of

South Carolina. She grew up in

the Bay Area and had planned

to visit her parents there this


Then the numbers surged. “I

decided not to travel,” she said

in mid-January. “I haven’t left

my house in the last four days.”

To assess risk, “you can’t

look at one particular piece of

information,” she said. “You

have to look at the entire thing.

... I totally get that this is hard

for everybody. But this is not

the time to travel. We all need

to be thinking not just about

ourselves, but everybody.”

Escaping the purple tier

Before Dr. Nancy Binkin

became a professor at the

Wertheim School of Public

Health and Human Longevity

Science at UC San Diego, she

lived for 12 years in Italy, doing

epidemiology training for the

Italian National Institute of


So when that country’s fatalities

soared in the early weeks

of the pandemic, followed by

escalating U.S. numbers, “it put

fear into me,” Binkin said. “I

have not been out of San Diego

County since March.”

One pandemic number she

watches closely is the adjusted

case rate. That count measures

the seven-day average of daily

new cases per 100,000 people

(jails and prisons excluded).

Any number above seven per

100,000 puts a county in the

state’s most dangerous category,

the purple tier. On Jan. 27,

California’s statewide rate was

71.6 per 100,000. Before she

travels, Binkin wants to see that

number below seven.

When it comes to flying, she

worries about jet cabins and tiny

bathrooms, but perhaps even

more, she worries about the

lines of people and gathering

points at airports, she said.

“Would I feel comfortable

going down to Mexico? No,”

she said. “I wouldn’t.”

About that second trip to


Dr. W. David Hardy, former

director of Cedars-Sinai

Medical Center’s infectious diseases

division and adjunct clinical

professor at USC’s Keck

School of Medicine, has mixed


He’s angry about “rampant

disregard for science” and inconsistent

messaging under

the Trump administration. But

Hardy sees great hope in the


When he was treating HIV

patients during the grimmest

years of the 1980s, Hardy recalled,

there was no such cause

for encouragement.

“To have a vaccine [that prevents]

90-95 percent of people

from getting sick is amazing,”

Snow Removal


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Hardy said. He suggests that the

vaccines are “going to be the

final answer,” especially if the

vaccines thwart transmission

of the virus as well as block


Yet “the metrics for measuring

transmission are ever changeable,

and it may be difficult

planning travel based on those,”

he said. “They are going to be

fluctuating for a while. I would

say from six months to a year.”

Since March, Hardy said, he

has scrubbed trips to Europe,

North Africa and Hawaii. But

in September, after California’s

first surge had passed, Hardy

and his partner flew to Los

Cabos, in Baja California,

Mexico, for a vacation. It went

well. So in December Hardy

and his partner flew again, this

time to Cancún and Playa del

Carmen on Mexico’s east coast,

where they found “the local

people there were using masks


The other visitors? Not so


“I would say 50-60 percent of

the tourists were completely ignoring

the mask requirements.”

Most of them were

Americans, Hardy said, and he

began asking people to put on

their masks — or if they had no

mask, “to step away from where

I was standing.”

“The whole experience was

“confusing and disconcerting,”

he said. “When I got home from

my second trip to Mexico, I

turned to my partner and said,

‘This is not a good time to

travel.’ … People are not adhering

to what they should be

adhering to.”

In some respects, Hardy said,

that behavior reminds him of

the 1980s when HIV was new.

Then as now, he said, “until one

of your friends, family or work

associates dies of this disease,

you still look at it as a sort of

distant thing that doesn’t affect


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