Travel Love Poland Magazine – March 2021

Dear Readers, And so the spring has come again. Disliked by some as in Poland it tends to be often cool till May while adored by the others. However, before we move on to more spring topics, we invite you to read the conversation with probably the most famous Slav and Slavic warrior in Poland, i.e. with Igor Górewicz. It is a fascinating journey into the past, and since Igor's knowledge is immense, his stories will be extremely interesting, not only for history lovers. As usual, the whole is illustrated by already well-known Marek Kalisiński. From more spring themes, this time we recommend trips to Roztocze and cycling adventures in southern Poland. We especially want to draw your attention to the photographs by Marcin Gądek in the article "Churches from heaven". As Marcin is also a priest, his stories and photographs have an additional, slightly deeper dimension. Also, get to know the city that we haven't presented yet – that is Opole. Perhaps slightly off the beaten track of the most frequent hikes, it will be an interesting proposition for music lovers. Opole is called the capital of Polish song. There will be, as usual at this time of the year, Easter accents, both culinary (with a recipe for Sękacz) and visual – we are presenting once again the photographs by Kamila Rosińska - as well as her two new stories for children.

Dear Readers,
And so the spring has come again. Disliked by some as in Poland it tends to be often cool till May while adored by the others. However, before we move on to more spring topics, we invite you to read the conversation with probably the most famous Slav and Slavic warrior in Poland, i.e. with Igor Górewicz. It is a fascinating journey into the past, and since Igor's knowledge is immense, his stories will be extremely interesting, not only for history lovers. As usual, the whole is illustrated by already well-known Marek Kalisiński.
From more spring themes, this time we recommend trips to Roztocze and cycling adventures in southern Poland. We especially want to draw your attention to the photographs by Marcin Gądek in the article "Churches from heaven". As Marcin is also a priest, his stories and photographs have an additional, slightly deeper dimension.
Also, get to know the city that we haven't presented yet – that is Opole. Perhaps slightly off the beaten track of the most frequent hikes, it will be an interesting proposition for music lovers. Opole is called the capital of Polish song.
There will be, as usual at this time of the year, Easter accents, both culinary (with a recipe for Sękacz) and visual – we are presenting once again the photographs by Kamila Rosińska - as well as her two new stories for children.


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Currently, the collection of the Museum of the City of Łódź includes over 62 thousand

exhibits and the number is growing successively. The collected objects, inscribed in the

museum inventory, are classified in a number of categories: iconographic, numismatic,

ethnographic, and archeologic collections as well as collections of art industry, painting,

sculpture, architecture and urban planning, music, literature, and separate collections

related to the history of the City, both the oldest as well as the current one. The Museum

of Sports and Tourism – Branch of the Museum of the City of Łódź has been gathering a

rich collection connected to the history of sport in Łódź.

In case of the Museum of the City of Łódź, an important criterion that influences the

acceptance of objects to the museum collection is the relation of a given object to our City,

its history, people who lived in Łódź, both the ‘ordinary’ citizens of Łódź, who did not stand

out among thousands of other citizens with their everyday life and work, as well as the

distinguished ones, who contributed to rendering Łódź famous, also on the international

arena, with their life, work and creative output. A very important part of the Museum’s

collection is formed by works and mementos of creators that either came from Łódź or

were active here, both those that lived in late 19th century and the contemporary ones.

Photo: Mariusz Cieszewski / www.polska.pl

In the Museum’s repertory there are also furniture sets, lamps and chandeliers, objects that

constituted elements of interior furnishings, including numerous charming products of the

art industry. The Museum owns interesting collections of paintings, posters and engravings

as well as sculptures. The Museum’s inventory includes multiple photographs that present

Łódź: the city’s architecture and its citizens, important events: cultural, social and political

ones. The Museum owns an interesting collection of 19th-century portrait photographs,

numerous tableaux, a collection of postcards and advertising vignettes. The historical

collection that documents the history of Łódź is very extensive and it includes documents,

ephemera, correspondence, posters, bills of exchange and old coins, numerous decorations

and medals. An important place in the collection of the Museum of the City of Łódź,

depicting the life of the citizens of old, is taken also by objects connected with the religious

life. Łódź at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries was a multicultural and

multidenominational city and that is why in the repertory of the Museum there are Judaica

as well as objects connected with the catholic, evangelical and Orthodox traditions. The

Museum of the City of Łódź has its seat in the most stately palace among all the palaces

that formerly belonged to the factory owners of Łódź: the Palace of Izrael Poznański. This

representative dwelling, which was extended in several stages, is one of the most precious

monuments of the historical heritage of Łódź; together with the surrounding factory and

housing compound it is an example of the industrial Łódź of late 19th and early 20th

century. Over the years, the Museum has put a lot of effort into restoring the former

glamour and splendour to the Palace and its interiors.

The carefully renovated palace interiors, equipped with

furniture, works of art and objects of everyday use

from the Museum’s collection, constitute a testimony

of the times of glory of the industrial empire of the

Poznański Family and bring us closer to the times and

way of life of typical Lodzermenschen. In the vast

spaces of the palace, exhibitions that form part of the

Pantheon of Great Citizens of Łódź were also

arranged. Among them there are studies of: Marek

Edelman, Alexandre Tansman, Julian Tuwim, Jan Karski

and Karl Dedecius. In the Museum there functions

Arthur Rubinstein’s Music Gallery, which is an

exposition where important and interesting objects

connected with Arthur Rubinstein, donated to the

Museum after the outstanding pianist’s death, were

made available to the public. In the studies of the

Great Citizens of Łódź we present objects of everyday

use, but also the ones related to the work they

performed, which formerly belonged to famous

citizens of Łódź, as well as numerous awards and

valuable decorations. In the collection of the Museum

of the City of Łódź connected with the Great Citizens

of Łódź there are, among other things, interesting

iconographic objects, posters, very first editions of

famous works, and letters. It is in the Museum of the

City of Łódź, in the Pantheon of Great Citizens of

Łódź, where you can admire, among other things, the

only Oscar statue in Łódź, which was awarded to

Arthur Rubinstein by the American Motion Picture

Academy, Julian Tuwim’s pen or the desk at which Karl

Dedecius worked.The Museum of Sports and Tourism,

Branch of the Museum of the City of Łódź, owns rich

collections as well, which comprise over 26 thousand

objects: awards and statues, old coins, archival

materials, iconographies and sports equipment

connected with the sport of Łódź, especially with

sportspeople who over the years have put a lot of

effort into its development. The collection includes

valuable relics of Maria Kwaśniewska, a citizen of Łódź

and the bronze medallist in javelin throw from the

Olympics in Berlin in 1936, mostly connected with Łódź

Sports Club, or of Jadwiga Wajs, an athlete born in

Pabianice near Łódź, the winner of the bronze medal in

discus throw from the Olympics in Los Angeles in 1932

and the silver medal from the Olympics in Berlin in

1936. For many years, the sport of Łódź has been also

associated with excellent track cyclists, including the

multigenerational Bek family, who for almost half a

century created the tradition of track cycling in the

city of textile workers. The Museum of Sports owns a

collection of awards and diplomas as well as a precious

bike intended precisely for the aforementioned

discipline of sport.

The Poznański Family Palace is a priceless monument

and an important spot on the cultural map of the city,

in which a rich programme of diverse educational and

artistic events is implemented. The Museum also

invites you to visit cyclically organised temporary



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