Travel Love Poland Magazine – March 2021

Dear Readers, And so the spring has come again. Disliked by some as in Poland it tends to be often cool till May while adored by the others. However, before we move on to more spring topics, we invite you to read the conversation with probably the most famous Slav and Slavic warrior in Poland, i.e. with Igor Górewicz. It is a fascinating journey into the past, and since Igor's knowledge is immense, his stories will be extremely interesting, not only for history lovers. As usual, the whole is illustrated by already well-known Marek Kalisiński. From more spring themes, this time we recommend trips to Roztocze and cycling adventures in southern Poland. We especially want to draw your attention to the photographs by Marcin Gądek in the article "Churches from heaven". As Marcin is also a priest, his stories and photographs have an additional, slightly deeper dimension. Also, get to know the city that we haven't presented yet – that is Opole. Perhaps slightly off the beaten track of the most frequent hikes, it will be an interesting proposition for music lovers. Opole is called the capital of Polish song. There will be, as usual at this time of the year, Easter accents, both culinary (with a recipe for Sękacz) and visual – we are presenting once again the photographs by Kamila Rosińska - as well as her two new stories for children.

Dear Readers,
And so the spring has come again. Disliked by some as in Poland it tends to be often cool till May while adored by the others. However, before we move on to more spring topics, we invite you to read the conversation with probably the most famous Slav and Slavic warrior in Poland, i.e. with Igor Górewicz. It is a fascinating journey into the past, and since Igor's knowledge is immense, his stories will be extremely interesting, not only for history lovers. As usual, the whole is illustrated by already well-known Marek Kalisiński.
From more spring themes, this time we recommend trips to Roztocze and cycling adventures in southern Poland. We especially want to draw your attention to the photographs by Marcin Gądek in the article "Churches from heaven". As Marcin is also a priest, his stories and photographs have an additional, slightly deeper dimension.
Also, get to know the city that we haven't presented yet – that is Opole. Perhaps slightly off the beaten track of the most frequent hikes, it will be an interesting proposition for music lovers. Opole is called the capital of Polish song.
There will be, as usual at this time of the year, Easter accents, both culinary (with a recipe for Sękacz) and visual – we are presenting once again the photographs by Kamila Rosińska - as well as her two new stories for children.


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photos: M. Ciszewski, polska.pl


The erection of the bridges was connected with the construction of the

railway line on the Gołdap-Żytkiejmy route. Not only the economic

reasons impacted the decision on launching the connection, but mainly

the military reasons. The line ran along the border with Russia, giving it

the rocade character (parallel route with respect to the potential front

line), facilitating the troops redeployment in case of war with Russia. On

the route of presently closed railway line Gołdap-Botkuny-Żytkiejmy,

apart from bridges in Stańczyki, there are also structurally-alike - also

historic - bridges and railway flyovers in Kiepojcie (by the Bludzia river)

and Galwiecie (by the Jarka river). The bridges were erected in stages:

the works commenced in 1912, finished in 1918 (southern bridge: 1912-

1914; northern bridge: 1918). The construction of bridges was the

biggest challenge for the route constructors. At the stage of design

works various structural options for the new bridges were analysed. The

cheapest one was selected, consisting in the construction of five-span

bridges of reinforced concrete. Investments were preceded by the land

survey. Railway line was put into use in 1927. In the 1930s it was mainly

used as a cargo line for the transport of aggregate. In 1938 on the

Gołdap-Żytkiejmy route three pairs of passenger trains were running

per day. Exploitation of the line was finished in 1945. On the southern

bridge no tracks were ever laid. After the end of World War II - in 1945 -

the tracks were dismantled by the Red Army; in 1949, the railway line

was never put back into use

For some period of time the owner was PKP [Polish State Railways],

which in 1993 handed over the land with bridges that was not used by

the company to the Agricultural Property of the State Treasury Agency.

In the 1990s the protection of the safety barriers of the bridge was

made, by supplementing the defects in reinforced concrete barriers

with fragments of steel profiles. In 2003 the bridges were sold to a

private person.

The bridges are located ca. 800 m to the North from the Stańczyki

village. They connect the shores of the valley, in which a small

Błędzianka river flows. The bridges were built in stages: first the pillars,

then the arches, then the padding of vaults. These are the five-span,

four-pillar (pillars with quadrangular cross-sections) structures, made

of reinforced concrete, with spans in the form of round arches with

similar dimensions. Three central spans have the clear span length of 28

m, side ones - 24 m. The total length of the bridges equals 178 m, the

height from the level of pavement of the bridge to the water surface in

the river equals 36 m, the width of the roadway between the

pavements - 3.4 m. The pavements are located higher than the

roadway; the width of the pavement equals approx. 80 cm. The facades

of the bridges are decorative (pilasters, supports with capitals). On the

external sides of each of the bridge there are concrete pavements with

a roadway in the middle; the balustrades are made of reinforced

concrete and are supplemented with fragments of steel profiles.


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