Travel Love Poland Magazine – March 2021

Dear Readers, And so the spring has come again. Disliked by some as in Poland it tends to be often cool till May while adored by the others. However, before we move on to more spring topics, we invite you to read the conversation with probably the most famous Slav and Slavic warrior in Poland, i.e. with Igor Górewicz. It is a fascinating journey into the past, and since Igor's knowledge is immense, his stories will be extremely interesting, not only for history lovers. As usual, the whole is illustrated by already well-known Marek Kalisiński. From more spring themes, this time we recommend trips to Roztocze and cycling adventures in southern Poland. We especially want to draw your attention to the photographs by Marcin Gądek in the article "Churches from heaven". As Marcin is also a priest, his stories and photographs have an additional, slightly deeper dimension. Also, get to know the city that we haven't presented yet – that is Opole. Perhaps slightly off the beaten track of the most frequent hikes, it will be an interesting proposition for music lovers. Opole is called the capital of Polish song. There will be, as usual at this time of the year, Easter accents, both culinary (with a recipe for Sękacz) and visual – we are presenting once again the photographs by Kamila Rosińska - as well as her two new stories for children.

Dear Readers,
And so the spring has come again. Disliked by some as in Poland it tends to be often cool till May while adored by the others. However, before we move on to more spring topics, we invite you to read the conversation with probably the most famous Slav and Slavic warrior in Poland, i.e. with Igor Górewicz. It is a fascinating journey into the past, and since Igor's knowledge is immense, his stories will be extremely interesting, not only for history lovers. As usual, the whole is illustrated by already well-known Marek Kalisiński.
From more spring themes, this time we recommend trips to Roztocze and cycling adventures in southern Poland. We especially want to draw your attention to the photographs by Marcin Gądek in the article "Churches from heaven". As Marcin is also a priest, his stories and photographs have an additional, slightly deeper dimension.
Also, get to know the city that we haven't presented yet – that is Opole. Perhaps slightly off the beaten track of the most frequent hikes, it will be an interesting proposition for music lovers. Opole is called the capital of Polish song.
There will be, as usual at this time of the year, Easter accents, both culinary (with a recipe for Sękacz) and visual – we are presenting once again the photographs by Kamila Rosińska - as well as her two new stories for children.


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"When visiting Beskid Niski, or Pogórze Cieżkowickie, you look for more peace and quiet. Many beautiful untrampled trails, the Lemko

cultural heritage, the art of wooden architecture and stonework, abandoned churches, cemeteries, crosses among hills and forests."

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this photo: Collegiate Church Corpus Christi in Biecz

Bottom left: Church of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rzepiennik Biskupi.

Bottom centre: Chapel of Christ's Cross and Our Lady, Queen of Peace on Mount


Bottom right: Church of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rzepiennik Biskupi.


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