Sarah Quartel Songbook - upper voices

for upper voices in two to four parts, with piano or unaccompanied The Sarah Quartel Songbook brings together a selection of the composer's best-loved pieces for upper voices, including favourites such as The Birds' Lullaby and I remember, as well as a new setting of Sara Teasdale's life-affirming poem Refuge. This is an invaluable resource both for choirs looking to explore the work of this fine choral composer for the first time and for admirers of Quartel's style hoping to find staple repertoire conveniently gathered together in one volume

for upper voices in two to four parts, with piano or unaccompanied
The Sarah Quartel Songbook brings together a selection of the composer's best-loved pieces for upper voices, including favourites such as The Birds' Lullaby and I remember, as well as a new setting of Sara Teasdale's life-affirming poem Refuge. This is an invaluable resource both for choirs looking to explore the work of this fine choral composer for the first time and for admirers of Quartel's style hoping to find staple repertoire conveniently gathered together in one volume


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Dedicated, with love, to Andrew Potter,<br />

who commissioned this piece for Jan Spooner Swabey and JuSSt Voices<br />

The Birds’ Lullaby<br />

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E. Pauline Johnson (1861–1913)<br />


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Playful and light, yet tender q = 112<br />

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for online perusal only<br />

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Also available in a version for SATB unaccompanied (978 – 0 –19 –354369 – 0).<br />

© Oxford University Press 2018. Photocopying this copyright material is ILLEGAL.<br />

mp<br />

Duration: 3 mins

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