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Drowning – “Ford, which is

drowning under $165 billon in total

debt …”

Dumping – “Chief executives have

reported dumping $32 million

of their own stock over the past 3


Earth-shaking – “I reveal the

TRUTH about the carefully

hidden weaknesses that virtually

guarantee earth-shaking economic

catastrophes ahead …”

Empire – “China’s growth is real

– and a terrible threat: a rogue

empire, fostered by the U.S.,

is much more menacing to our

economy than terrorist lunatics

piloting passenger planes into


Endangered – “895 U.S. insurance

companies – many of these

household names are now on my

endangered list.”

Epidemic – “BANK FAILURE


Escape – “Escape the deadly

medical trap that keeps you from

feeling your best”

Eviscerate – “Unfortunately,

though, these surges do more harm

than good – they lure desperately

optimistic investors back into

stocks, only to eviscerate them time

and again.”

Falling off a cliff – “Bank Panic

ALERT #4: Bank revenues are

already falling off a cliff!”

Fattened – “YOU’RE BEING


Fears – “9 most common health

fears and how to overcome each


Feeble – “Now, I don’t have to tell

you what higher interest rates will

do to an economy that’s as feeble as

ours is.”

Feeding frenzy – “Wall Street

managed to get everybody and

their mother into the stock market

feeding frenzy – and people have

thrown their life savings into these

outrageously overpriced high-tech


Flattened – “There’s only one

way to avoid being flattened by an

oncoming freight train: GET THE


Frantically – “And they’ll

frantically sell what’s left of

their stocks and mutual funds in

a desperate bid to salvage what

remains of their wealth.”

Frightening – “To make matters

even more frightening …”

Frozen – “Your assets …


Ghost – “Just when you thought it

was safe to get back into stocks –

the ghosts of all the financial crises

of the past 30 years are returning to

shock Wall Street once again!”

Glued – “We’ve known for years

that plaque – fatty cholesterol glued

to the inner wall of your arteries

– gradually chokes blood supply to

your heart …”

Gorge – “Millions will gorge on

synthetic vitamins – only to die of

degenerative diseases …”

Gory – “Plus, I describe the gory

details of seven time bombs ticking

away now that could cost you


Grave – “If you own any one of

these 3,936 companies – many of

which are now fighting for their

lives – your money is now in


Gut-wrenching – “Soon, a gutwrenching

bank panic is about to

explode into the headlines – wiping

out savers and crushing the DOW to

5,000 and the NASDAQ to 800!”

Gutted – “Each one of these crises

gutted investment values – and

each one vaporized the prosperity,

financial security, and the retirement

dreams of millions.”

Handwriting is on the wall

– “Now, the handwriting is on

the wall: Soaring interests rates

will CRUSH the recovery …

SHATTER the stock market …

CRIPPLE the bond market … and

RUIN millions of unsuspecting


Hanging by a thread – “1,703

US Banks and S&Ls are already

Hanging By A Thread: is the

second Great Banking Crisis in 7

decades just around the corner?”

Hazardous – “It’s 100 times more

hazardous to your wealth than

the Enron, Worldcom and Tyco

earnings scandals that hammered

stocks last year!”

Hell – “And when it bursts, all hell

is going to break loose in the U.S.

economy and in the stock market!”

Hidden risk – “The hidden risk

of DHEA and its link to cancer in


Hit hard – “The airlines – indeed

the entire transportation sector – are

going to be HIT HARD.”

Holocaust – “Little-known and

often-overlooked investments

that can double … triple … even


in the coming stock market


Horrific – “Its worst decline since

the horrific bear market.”

House of cards – “When major

U.S. banks hit the skids, the

economic house of cards comes

tumbling down.”

Hurricane – “This massive pension

shortfall is going to slam into Wall

Street like a hurricane!”

Ignore this sober warning

– “Ignore this sober warning, and

you risk it all.”

Insane interferences – “Do you

want to pass on your wealth without

insane interferences from the

courts, creditors, or disgruntled


20 Emotional Trigger Words

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