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excited than ever about this natural

breakthrough from China …”

Fan for life – “I have adopted your

trading methods and I am a true fan

for life!”

Fulfillment – “How to create the

circumstances for true fulfillment

and healing.”

Gala – “Two FREE members-only

gala banquets each year.”

Glad – “I was glad when studies

confirmed that this was WAY

MORE than pie in the sky.”

Glowing tribute – “The GAO

study is a glowing tribute to Weiss,

according to Barron’s.”

Good and comfortable – “Imagine

felling that good and comfortable

each and every day!”

Grateful – “The astonishing

health miracle 1.5 million grateful

patients swear by!”

Happy – “You see, all these happy

human beings just happen to read

Alternatives …”

Jubilant – “In the words of one

jubilant parent, this breakthrough

“gave me my daughter back” …”

Jumping for joy – “Why are

thousands of “incurable” patients

jumping for joy?”

Laugh – “They laughed when I sat

down to the piano … but when I

started to play …”

Mad about – “In Europe, people

are absolutely mad about this

product, buying it faster than it can

be produced.”

Madly attractive – “Now! Become

madly attractive to the opposite

sex … “

Make love – “The best ways to

make love on an airplane …”

Maniac trader – “Kevin Kerr,

AKA the Maniac Trader. We

dubbed him the Maniac because he

tirelessly watches the commodities


Medal of Honor – “You deserve

a Medal of Honor for protecting

an older, self-supporting, divorced

woman who isn’t very rich …”

Merrily – “And he’s just one of

a legion of old-timers, merrily

running rings around

youngsters …”

Mission – “My mission is to make

you far richer than you are now!”

Most spectacular – “The

most spectacular cave diving


Pleasure – “This herbal discovery

can give you and your partner

pleasure galore.”

Rave – “Clients rave about the

results they’re getting …”

Rejoice – “My clients rejoiced

when they saw gains of 456% in

only 5 weeks!”

Standing ovation – “Readers give

Bloomberg Personal a standing


State of the art – “The Weiss

War Room is my state-of-the-art

investment analysis and trading


Thrilled – “You bet I was thrilled

when the President of Nicaragua

personally thanked me for helping

her to overcome osteoporosis.”

Victory – “Head of State thanks

Dr. Williams for Osteoporosis


Wonderful – “Thank you for a

wonderful service at an affordable


World-renowned – “Where to hear

a world-renowned symphony in a

classic concert hall for only $2.”

44 Emotional Trigger Words

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