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… Nobody Tells You How to Actually DO It!

You see, I never found anyone who could give writers like me and you a concrete, super-practical

blueprint that guides you to putting exactly the right emotional words and phrases into your copy

— every time.

Remember, this book is absolutely NOT about vague and difficult to master exercises like …

“becoming your prospect” … or imagining his “core complex” … or even conjuring up a some kind

of picture of his feelings in your mind’s eye.

Not at all! Instead, we wanted to make this process absolutely foolproof. That’s why we’ve

also included tactical secrets for each emotion in the section proceeding the actual words. In those

sections, we carefully lay out the conditions that make it much, MUCH easier to spot the emotional

triggers in almost any possible situation. Because once you know that, inserting the words that follow

is a piece of cake.

Also, a note of warning: You might wonder why almost every word and sentence in this book

comes from the health and investment market. It’s simple. That’s where nearly all the best writers

have focused their attention over the last 20-30 years. And wanting to only take words and sentences

from the crème de la crème — from the highest paid, most successful copywriters in the world — I

decided to pull everything from controls in those markets.

Don’t worry. Even if you write and market in a different industry all together, this stuff is

universal. The same emotional patterns exist across market and industry lines — and the same

emotional triggers apply. As you’ll soon see, the market doesn’t change the fundamental words and

patterns. Fear is fear, greed is greed, and urgency is urgency — no matter what market you’re in!

And as a marketer, copywriter or even possibly a business owner — ALL you really need

to know is: (a) the variety of emotions used effectively in sales and marketing … (b) how these

emotions relate to purchase decisions … and (c) which words will effectively trigger them for

maximum response.

If you can do that right, you’re well on your way to fame and fortune as a marketer, copywriter,

salesperson, entrepreneur … ANYONE whose success depends on selling products or services via

direct response.

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