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You’re Not

Supposed to Be

Seeing This But …

I’m actually not sure how

to classify this feeling of having

something be “forbidden” but I know

how powerful it is in marketing. Many

of the most successful promotions in

history have effectively tapped into

it. And often, this one feeling and

quality alone is enough to differentiate

your product, arouse interest and get

prospects to buy.

Why do we humans naturally

desire what others are trying to keep

from us? Why do we have a much

greater desire for whatever is hidden

or withheld? The first reason is most

likely scarcity. When something is

withheld or held back, it is naturally

perceived as more scarce, less

available and automatically more


It’s not available to everybody.

So it must be better, it must be worth

more — right? Right!

The next reason is even deeper

and harder to explain. I’m really not

sure exactly why, but there’s just

something about human nature that

desires something more when it’s

“bad” or “prohibited.” When you’re

not supposed to have it. Adam and

Eve had paradise — anything and

everything they wanted from the

garden — with the exception of a

single fruit. But that “forbidden” fruit

was enough to tempt them into risking

and losing everything.

This deep biblical emotion seems

hard-wired into us. We’re naturally

attracted to things that are a little bad

… a little scary … that may get us

in “trouble.” Perhaps it’s our spirit

of defiance, a way to buck authority

and express our human individuality.

A way to give the middle finger to

everyone telling you exactly what and

how to think, how to behave, etc.

This is certainly NOT a learned

emotion. Tell a three-year-old child

that he can’t go into the cookie jar and

where do you find him the second your

back is turned? THE COOKIE JAR!

It’s as natural as breathing.

That’s also why it’s so powerful

— it’s deep and fundamental to human

nature. When you speak to someone’s

tendency and craving for forbidden

objects, actions and information

— you speak to him on an incredibly

deep level. You access thousands — if

not millions — of years of human

evolution. You hit him at his very core.

I know you’ve seen it before

— the “banned from TV” videos, the

“little black book” of Heidi Fleiss

and direct response sales promotions

that promise to reveal forbidden

information which the “powers that

be” don’t want you to know.

You can multiply the power of

the “forbidden” emotion by coupling

it with powerful benefits and other

strong emotions. Then not only does

your prospect want what you’re

promising because it’s forbidden,

he also wants it because this object

can help achieve his greedy desires,

release his fear, end his frustration,

assuage his anger and so much more!

Just think of one of Clayton’s

all-time biggest winners for Dr.

Whitaker’s Health and Healing

with the headline, “FORBIDDEN

CURES!” Not only was this

information incredibly desirable

because it was forbidden (it was

being suppressed, withheld, limited

by the Medical Establishment) …

it was also desirable because these

cures credibly promised to end the

prospect’s suffering at the hands of

disease … obtain the amazing benefits

he was looking for … end frustration

at dealing with doctors, surgeons and

drug companies that didn’t give a

damn … and much, much more.

One of the keys to using this

emotion is to find something that has

been suppressed by authorities — or to

create a situation where the forbidden

emotion will naturally arise. One of

the best examples of this comes from

a Wall Street Underground promotion.

Here’s an example of it:

This report was sent

out in the form you

see it to major

publications in the

country, including the

Wall Street Journal,

Investor’s Business

Daily and Barron’s.

Each one refused to

allow me to send this

valuable report to

you. They are afraid

of the truth.

I am livid. It’s

outrageous. These socalled


publications have been

so utterly corrupted

by their greed for

advertising dollars

that they have totally

abandoned any pretense

to being sources of

objective information

on the markets. They

are simply lackeys of

Wall Street, bought

and paid for.

Any report that dares

to suggest that maybe

things aren’t honky

dory, that maybe

— just maybe — these

dot.com stocks (that

they convinced the

public to buy in

massive quantities)

might not be worth

the paper they’re

printed on — must be


Totally black-balled.

This report you hold

in your hands was

censored by the Wall

Street establishment.

I’m talking about the

people who bring in

Wall Street experts

like CNN, CNBC,

Barron’s, The Wall

Street Journal, and

Investor’s Business

Daily. These “experts”

aren’t neutral

analysts; they’re

24 Emotional Trigger Words

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