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prevent from happening.”

Off limits – “The answer is

strictly off limits – for the simple

reason that it would devastate

the reputations of these crooked


Outlawed – “You can make

obscene profits when the market

tanks. But only if you know Wall

Street’s secret strategy that was

once OUTLAWED by Congress.”

Provocative – “The information

you’re about to discover is that

controversial … that provocative

… and that dangerous to the vested

interests who want to continue

siphoning money from your


Scandalous – “Forbidden foods

like scandalously delicious


Secret – “Amazing secret

discovered by one-legged golfer

adds 100 yards to your drives,

eliminates hooks and slices, and

slashes up to 10 strokes from your

game … literally overnight!

Sinful – “Rich, sinful taste treats

that deliver all the flavor …”

Smuggled – “This astonishingly

secret compound was first

smuggled into the U.S. in 1971.

And even though it was recently

legalized, almost nobody knows

about or has access to it.”

Sneaky – “Sneaky little arthritis


Taboo – “This controversial, littleknown

strategy is taboo for most

conservative investors – and yet

it yielded gains of up to 745% in


Tawdriest – “A night on the town

in the world’s tawdriest city …

smoking coffeehouses, peep shows,

and live sex shows in Amsterdam.”

Ugly Truth – “The ugly truth that

America’s most powerful corporate

fat cats are hiding from you!”

Under the radar – “This new

threat is flying under the

radar …”

Unlawful – “This technique is

so elite and effective, it’s almost


Yet-to-be-revealed – “Right now,

there is still far too much corporate

debt … still too many yet-to-berevealed

accounting and earnings

frauds …”

26 Emotional Trigger Words

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