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How to Use This


One of the biggest benefits you’ll

find from using this book is that you

start to think … see … and FEEL

all of these powerful emotions at

work. Do this enough and a whole

new world starts to open up. You

begin to understand human nature

and motivation on a far deeper level.

As a result, you’re able to predict,

direct and harness the power of your

prospects’ desires … because emotions

have and always will be the most

effective way to do just that.

I believe the best marketers and

copywriters in the world, the true

masters like Clayton Makepeace, Gary

Bencivenga, Gene Schwartz, Jim Rutz,

John Carlton and many others, have

a deeply instinctive understanding of

how these human emotions work.

They’ve learned how to position

their products or services (and the

people behind the products or services)

as powerful emotional solutions to

real-life problems of their prospects.

Solutions that gave their prospects

as much emotional satisfaction and

vindication as they got from whatever

material good they purchased.

So how do you do this?

The first step is always to find

out your prospects’ dominant resident

emotions regarding the subject at

hand, just as Clayton teaches. By

dominant resident emotion, he means

the primary (i.e. most dominant)

emotion that sticks around for a long

time (i.e. resident). These are feelings

like the fear of loss, the hatred for

injustice, the yearning for hope and

love, and so many more.

He covers this extensively in

many issues of The Total Package, his

teleseminars and How to Challenge

a Strong Control product, the

Easy Writers Marketing Club, his

groundbreaking Power Marketing

Summit, and will do so in The Ultimate

Desktop Copy Coach. This is where

I learned a good percentage of his

teachings on emotion in sales copy.

Not only that, over the last year

I’ve spent a significant percentage of

my days (meaning hours and hours

every single day) studying all of his

most successful packages. This has

been especially eye-opening — with

much of what I’m presenting here the

direct outcome of what I discovered in

dissecting Clayton’s biggest winners.

Consequently, what I’ve done

in this book is incredibly synergistic

with everything Clayton teaches. In

going through his copy, I found the

strongest and most commonly targeted

emotions. I busted my brain figuring

out exactly when and where he (and

other great writers) use these emotions

to further the sales process; and which

words they use to do that.

Then I grouped and organized

the words in each distinct emotional

section, paying special attention to

how that emotion is used in winning


Put simply, this stuff works. Not

once, not twice … but over and over

again. I’ve personally seen Clayton

use and teach everything in this

book. These are some of the exact

same secrets his copy cubs have

used to become six and seven-figure

copywriters in short order.

And that includes yours truly.

Despite just breaking onto the

scene, I’ve personally used all of

these techniques in the battlefield —

especially in the time that I’ve spent

consulting and writing promotions

directly with Clayton. So I can assure

you; they work like gangbusters

across the board — for rookies,

veterans, superstars and everyone in


Why You’ll Have a Blast Using

these Explosive Little Words

Once you get going, this process

can be so fun! As a writer and

marketer, you know how fantastic it

feels to get passionate about a subject

— feeling the same level of emotion

as your prospect is feeling — whether

it’s a drug scandal, a supplement

conspiracy, a Wall Street scam or

anything else.

And you know how amazing it

feels when you can come to the point

where you’re able to put that feeling

into words for him, so that he instantly

identifies with the message you’re

articulating in the copy.

Of course, that’s not always so

easy. You’ve got to actually KNOW

what your prospect’s feeling — first!

Take anger, for example. To really

use anger to the max, you’ll want to

begin by presenting some sort of fact,

event, claim or subject you’re sure will

arouse your prospect’s anger.

And how do you find that out?

Research, of course! You study the

daylights out of your prospect — his

hopes, dreams, desires, beliefs and

more. And more importantly, you

look at the relationship between your

prospect and your product, the market,

the subject of the information you’re

giving him — anything for which he

could possibly be angry.

And don’t forget: With the

information at the beginning of

each chapter you’ll learn to quickly

recognize when an emotion has a

high likelihood of being present in

your prospect. No guarantees here —

emotions are extremely fickle things.

But masters like Clayton and others

have learned to spot such conditions

and take full advantage of them for

much higher percentages of success

than most other writers.

To do likewise, you simply flip to

the section on anger and discover why

anger arises, and how it’s most often

used in direct response. This will give

you a strong psychological foundation

that eventually will become second

nature to you.

After that, you look within that

same chapter for words that you

now know are proven to effectively

trigger that emotion. Tune into that

Emotional Trigger Words

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