Motherly Love Summer 2021

Motherly Love is a family lifestyle brand that is aimed to inform & inspire modern women through the journey of motherhood

Motherly Love is a family lifestyle brand that is aimed to inform & inspire modern women through the journey of motherhood


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By the age of 5, a

child’s brain is

almost close to the

size and volume of

an adult brain. This

means prime growth

and development of the brain occurs

before the child turns 6.

To facilitate the proper

development of brain functions like

learning and memory, the brain

needs nutrients like complex

carbohydrates, choline, antioxidants

and fatty acids in ample amounts.

This article will help you discover the

top brain foods for your toddler.


We get that it may be a little difficult

to convince your toddler to eat his

sprouts and spinach, but green

vegetables are packed with folate and

vitamins that are essential to brain

development. Studies have found

spinach to lower the risks of

developing dementia at a later stage

in life.

Besides, the antioxidants present

in these help protect brain cells from

wear and tear. So go make that bowl

of courgette noodles or make a pizza

crust with cauliflower... get creative

with veggies!


Adding a handful of berries to your

toddler’s cereal or yoghurt can help

him get his required amount of

polyphenols. Polyphenols are crucial

in preventing neurodegeneration.

Diets containing strawberries and

blueberries have also been found to

improve memory in individuals.

Apart from the abundance of

antioxidants, berries also contain

vitamins that prevent cancer,

specifically vitamin C. Go ahead and

swap the jam from your classic PB&J

with some fresh slices of cherries or

strawberries to strengthen your

toddler’s noggin.


Best known as a reservoir of

proteins, eggs are also equally

abundant in choline, a

nutrient necessary

for memory

retention. Found

concentrated in

Motherly LOVE Issue 1


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