Tyson Health Flyer (OCT 2021)

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Breast Cancer Awareness<br />

<strong>OCT</strong>OBER<br />

Not just one month a year, but every day!<br />

FACTS:<br />

00078.03.01.1021<br />

1in8<br />

women will be diagnosed<br />

with breast cancer.<br />

There are about<br />

2.8 million<br />

female survivors of breast<br />

cancer in the United States.<br />

Reduce your risk by:<br />

Getting a mammogram<br />

Keeping a healthy weight<br />

Not smoking<br />

Not drinking alcohol<br />

Exercising<br />

every 2<br />

minutes<br />

a woman is diagnosed<br />

with breast cancer.<br />

Breast cancer is the<br />

2 nd leading<br />

cause<br />

of death among women.<br />

(Heart disease is first.)<br />

Meet Our Case Manager<br />

Tina Butler, RN, CCM<br />

“I love being part<br />

of a team–when<br />

we all come<br />

together to help<br />

out a member<br />

or the family<br />

of a member<br />

undergoing a<br />

stressful situation.”<br />

Tina’s goal as a nurse<br />

case manager is to<br />

make a difference in the<br />

lives of the people with<br />

whom she comes into<br />

contact. She provides<br />

people with all the<br />

resources and education<br />

available to give them<br />

the knowledge they<br />

need to manage their<br />

own health concerns.<br />

When she’s not helping<br />

out, Tina enjoys doing<br />

all types of crafts. Tina<br />

Butler is a committed<br />

BlueAdvantage nurse<br />

case manager, ready<br />

to help you!

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